5 Letter Words Wordle Hasn’t Used Yet (Updated Daily)

Wordle, the five-letter word guessing game that has taken the world by storm, challenges players each day to figure out the winning word. Since its release in 2021, Wordle has become immensely popular on social media and has even inspired variations of the game including Quordle, Octordle, and, for math lovers, Nerdle.

An earlier version of this List removed today’s word at the very beginning of each day. Due to reader requests, answers will now be removed towards the end of the day.

Wordle started on June 19, 2021, with a listed 2,315 possible solutions. When The New York Times purchased Wordle in 2022, six words were removed from this list: agora, pupal, lynch, fibre, slave, and wench. When players connect to the Wordle site, their browser downloads a script that stores all past answers and future, unused Wordle words.

All Possible Remaining Wordle Answers

The following list of 1,739 words is all possible words Wordle has left as of January 9, 2023. Since the script for Wordle is already written through October 2027, it is possible to get the exact date for each answer. In honor of good sportsmanship and fair play, this list of Wordle words not used yet is in alphabetical order instead.

Letter A

The words "LETTER A" with a Wordle-like background

  • abbot
  • abhor
  • abled
  • abode
  • abort
  • abuse
  • adept
  • admin
  • adorn
  • affix
  • afire
  • afoot
  • afoul
  • aider
  • aisle
  • alarm
  • alert
  • algae
  • alibi
  • align
  • alive
  • allay
  • alley
  • allot
  • alloy
  • along
  • amaze
  • amble
  • amend
  • amity
  • among
  • amply
  • amuse
  • angle
  • anime
  • ankle
  • annex
  • annoy
  • annul
  • aping
  • apnea
  • arena
  • arise
  • armor
  • arose
  • array
  • arrow
  • arson
  • artsy
  • ashen
  • assay
  • attic
  • augur
  • aunty
  • avian
  • avoid
  • award
  • aware
  • awoke
  • axial
  • axion

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Letter B

The words "LETTER B" with a Wordle-like background

  • baggy
  • baler
  • balmy
  • banjo
  • baron
  • basal
  • basil
  • basis
  • baste
  • batch
  • bawdy
  • beard
  • beech
  • befit
  • began
  • begat
  • begun
  • belle
  • berry
  • betel
  • bezel
  • bible
  • bicep
  • biddy
  • bigot
  • bilge
  • billy
  • bingo
  • bison
  • bitty
  • blade
  • blank
  • blast
  • blaze
  • bleat
  • bleep
  • blend
  • bless
  • blind
  • blink
  • bliss
  • blitz
  • bloat
  • blood
  • bloom
  • bluer
  • blunt
  • board
  • boast
  • bobby
  • boney
  • bongo
  • bonus
  • booth
  • booty
  • borne
  • bosom
  • bossy
  • botch
  • boule
  • bound
  • bowel
  • boxer
  • brain
  • brand
  • brass
  • brawl
  • brawn
  • brick
  • broad
  • broil
  • brood
  • brown
  • brunt
  • budge
  • bulge
  • bunny
  • burnt
  • burst
  • bused
  • bushy
  • butch
  • butte
  • buxom
  • buyer
  • bylaw

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Letter C

The words "LETTER C" with a Wordle-like background

  • cabal
  • cabby
  • cabin
  • cacti
  • caddy
  • cagey
  • cairn
  • canal
  • caput
  • carve
  • caste
  • catty
  • cavil
  • cease
  • cello
  • chaff
  • chair
  • chase
  • chasm
  • cheap
  • check
  • chess
  • chick
  • chide
  • chili
  • china
  • chirp
  • chock
  • chore
  • chose
  • chuck
  • chump
  • churn
  • civil
  • clack
  • claim
  • clamp
  • clang
  • clank
  • clash
  • clasp
  • cleat
  • cliff
  • clink
  • cloak
  • cloud
  • clout
  • clove
  • clued
  • clump
  • clung
  • cobra
  • color
  • comfy
  • comic
  • conch
  • copse
  • coral
  • corer
  • couch
  • cough
  • coupe
  • coven
  • covey
  • crack
  • crash
  • crawl
  • cream
  • creed
  • creek
  • creep
  • creme
  • crepe
  • cress
  • crest
  • crick
  • cried
  • crier
  • crisp
  • crock
  • crony
  • crook
  • croup
  • crude
  • cruel
  • crump
  • crypt
  • cubic
  • curio
  • curry
  • curse
  • curve
  • curvy
  • cutie
  • cyber
  • cycle

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Letter D

The words "LETTER D" with a Wordle-like background

  • daily
  • dairy
  • dally
  • datum
  • daunt
  • dealt
  • debar
  • debit
  • decor
  • decry
  • defer
  • deign
  • deity
  • demon
  • demur
  • dense
  • derby
  • detox
  • deuce
  • dicey
  • dilly
  • dimly
  • dingy
  • diode
  • dirge
  • dirty
  • ditch
  • ditty
  • diver
  • dizzy
  • dodgy
  • dogma
  • dopey
  • dough
  • dowdy
  • dowel
  • downy
  • draft
  • drake
  • drama
  • drank
  • drape
  • drawl
  • drawn
  • dread
  • dress
  • dried
  • drier
  • drift
  • drill
  • droit
  • drone
  • drool
  • dross
  • drown
  • druid
  • drunk
  • dryer
  • dryly
  • dully
  • dummy
  • dumpy
  • dunce
  • dusky
  • dusty
  • dying

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Letter E

The words "LETTER E" with a Wordle-like background

  • eager
  • eagle
  • easel
  • eaten
  • eater
  • eclat
  • edify
  • eerie
  • eight
  • eking
  • elate
  • elbow
  • elect
  • elegy
  • elfin
  • elide
  • elite
  • embed
  • emcee
  • endow
  • enemy
  • entry
  • envoy
  • erase
  • erect
  • ester
  • etude
  • event
  • evict
  • exert
  • exile
  • extol
  • eying

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Letter F

The words "LETTER F" with a Wordle-like background

  • fable
  • fairy
  • faith
  • false
  • fancy
  • fanny
  • fatal
  • fatty
  • fauna
  • fecal
  • fella
  • felon
  • femme
  • femur
  • fence
  • fetal
  • fetch
  • fetid
  • fetus
  • fever
  • fiber
  • ficus
  • fiery
  • fifth
  • fight
  • filer
  • filly
  • filmy
  • filth
  • fizzy
  • flack
  • flaky
  • flash
  • fleck
  • fleet
  • flier
  • flint
  • flour
  • flown
  • fluid
  • fluke
  • flung
  • flush
  • flute
  • foamy
  • foist
  • folio
  • forum
  • frail
  • fraud
  • freak
  • freed
  • freer
  • friar
  • frill
  • frisk
  • fritz
  • frown
  • fruit
  • fudge
  • fugue
  • fully
  • funky
  • furor
  • furry
  • fussy
  • fuzzy

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Letter G

The words "LETTER G" with a Wordle-like background

  • gaffe
  • gaily
  • gamut
  • gassy
  • gauge
  • gavel
  • gayer
  • gayly
  • gazer
  • geeky
  • geese
  • genie
  • ghost
  • gipsy
  • girly
  • giver
  • glade
  • gland
  • glare
  • glint
  • gloss
  • gnome
  • godly
  • going
  • golly
  • gonad
  • goody
  • gooey
  • goofy
  • gourd
  • graft
  • grain
  • grant
  • grape
  • grasp
  • grass
  • grave
  • gravy
  • graze
  • greed
  • grill
  • groan
  • grope
  • gross
  • grown
  • gruff
  • grunt
  • guava
  • guess
  • guile
  • guilt
  • guise
  • gulch
  • gumbo
  • gusto
  • gusty
  • gypsy

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Letter H

The words "LETTER H" with a Wordle-like background

  • habit
  • halve
  • handy
  • hardy
  • harem
  • harpy
  • harsh
  • haste
  • hasty
  • haunt
  • haute
  • haven
  • hazel
  • hedge
  • hefty
  • hilly
  • hippo
  • hippy
  • hoist
  • holly
  • honey
  • honor
  • horny
  • hotly
  • hovel
  • hover
  • humus
  • husky
  • hussy
  • hydro
  • hyena
  • hymen

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Letter I

The words "LETTER I" with a Wordle-like background

  • icily
  • icing
  • ideal
  • idiom
  • idiot
  • idler
  • idyll
  • iliac
  • imbue
  • imply
  • inbox
  • incur
  • ingot
  • inlet
  • inner
  • issue

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Letter J

The words "LETTER J" with a Wordle-like background

  • jelly
  • jetty
  • jewel
  • joint
  • joist
  • juicy
  • jumbo
  • jumpy
  • junta
  • junto
  • juror

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Letter K

The words "LETTER K" with a Wordle-like background

  • kappa
  • kinky
  • kitty
  • knack
  • kneed
  • knife
  • known
  • krill

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Letter L

The words "LETTER L" with a Wordle-like background

  • laden
  • ladle
  • lager
  • lance
  • lasso
  • latch
  • later
  • lathe
  • laugh
  • leach
  • leant
  • lease
  • least
  • lefty
  • legal
  • lemur
  • leper
  • level
  • lever
  • liege
  • liken
  • limbo
  • lipid
  • livid
  • llama
  • loamy
  • loath
  • lobby
  • lodge
  • login
  • loose
  • lorry
  • lousy
  • lumen
  • lumpy
  • lupus
  • lurch
  • lurid
  • lymph
  • lyric

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Wordle: What The Boxes Mean

In Wordle, players must guess a five-letter word within six tries. The game gives players hints after they type words in the form of colored boxes.

Letter M

The words "LETTER M" with a Wordle-like background

  • macho
  • macro
  • madly
  • mafia
  • maker
  • mambo
  • mamma
  • mammy
  • mange
  • mango
  • mangy
  • manic
  • mauve
  • meaty
  • mecca
  • melee
  • might
  • milky
  • miner
  • minim
  • minor
  • minty
  • mirth
  • miser
  • missy
  • mocha
  • modal
  • modem
  • mogul
  • moldy
  • moody
  • moral
  • moron
  • morph
  • motel
  • motif
  • mound
  • mouth
  • mover
  • mower
  • mucus
  • muddy
  • munch
  • murky
  • musky
  • myrrh

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Letter N

The words "LETTER N" with a Wordle-like background

  • nadir
  • nasal
  • navel
  • nerve
  • newer
  • newly
  • niche
  • niece
  • ninny
  • nobly
  • noisy
  • nomad
  • noose
  • nosey
  • notch
  • novel
  • nudge
  • nurse
  • nutty
  • nylon

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Letter O

The words "LETTER O" with a Wordle-like background

  • oaken
  • obese
  • octal
  • octet
  • odder
  • oddly
  • offer
  • olden
  • ombre
  • omega
  • opine
  • opium
  • optic
  • orbit
  • otter
  • outgo
  • ovary
  • ovate
  • ovine
  • ovoid
  • owing
  • ozone

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Letter P

The words "LETTER P" with a Wordle-like background

  • paddy
  • pagan
  • paler
  • palsy
  • pansy
  • parka
  • parse
  • paste
  • pasty
  • patch
  • patio
  • patsy
  • payee
  • payer
  • pearl
  • pecan
  • pedal
  • penal
  • pence
  • penny
  • peril
  • pesto
  • petal
  • petty
  • piece
  • piggy
  • pitch
  • pivot
  • pizza
  • plaid
  • plain
  • plane
  • plead
  • plied
  • plier
  • plumb
  • plume
  • plump
  • plush
  • poesy
  • polar
  • pooch
  • poppy
  • poser
  • posit
  • posse
  • pouch
  • pouty
  • prank
  • prawn
  • preen
  • press
  • pried
  • prism
  • privy
  • prone
  • proof
  • prose
  • prude
  • pubic
  • pudgy
  • puffy
  • pulse
  • punch
  • pupil
  • puppy
  • puree
  • purer
  • purse
  • pushy
  • putty
  • pygmy

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Letter Q

The words "LETTER Q" with a Wordle-like background

  • quack
  • quail
  • quake
  • quark
  • quash
  • quasi
  • queer
  • quell
  • quill
  • quilt
  • quota
  • quoth

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Letter R

The words "LETTER R" with a Wordle-like background

  • rabbi
  • rabid
  • racer
  • radar
  • radii
  • rajah
  • rally
  • ralph
  • randy
  • rapid
  • rarer
  • raspy
  • ratty
  • raven
  • razor
  • reach
  • ready
  • rearm
  • rebar
  • rebel
  • recur
  • recut
  • reedy
  • refit
  • rehab
  • reign
  • relax
  • relay
  • remit
  • renal
  • reply
  • reset
  • reuse
  • revue
  • rider
  • rifle
  • rigid
  • rigor
  • rinse
  • ripen
  • riser
  • risky
  • river
  • rivet
  • roach
  • roast
  • roger
  • roost
  • rotor
  • rough
  • rowdy
  • rower
  • rugby
  • ruler
  • rumba
  • rumor
  • rural

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Letter S

The words "LETTER S" with a Wordle-like background

  • sadly
  • safer
  • salon
  • salve
  • salvo
  • sandy
  • saner
  • sappy
  • satin
  • satyr
  • sauce
  • sauna
  • savoy
  • savvy
  • scalp
  • scaly
  • scamp
  • scary
  • scene
  • scion
  • scoop
  • score
  • scowl
  • scree
  • screw
  • scrum
  • scuba
  • segue
  • seize
  • semen
  • sepia
  • serif
  • setup
  • seven
  • sewer
  • shack
  • shady
  • shaky
  • shale
  • shalt
  • share
  • shark
  • shear
  • sheen
  • sheep
  • sheer
  • sheet
  • sheik
  • shelf
  • shell
  • shied
  • shiny
  • shirt
  • shoal
  • shock
  • shone
  • shook
  • shoot
  • short
  • shout
  • shove
  • shrew
  • shuck
  • shunt
  • shush
  • sieve
  • sigma
  • silky
  • silly
  • sinew
  • singe
  • siren
  • sixth
  • sixty
  • skulk
  • skull
  • slack
  • slain
  • slang
  • slant
  • slash
  • sleet
  • slept
  • slick
  • slide
  • slime
  • slimy
  • sling
  • slink
  • sloop
  • slunk
  • slurp
  • slush
  • slyly
  • smack
  • smell
  • smoke
  • smoky
  • smote
  • sneer
  • snide
  • sniff
  • snipe
  • snoop
  • snore
  • snowy
  • snuck
  • snuff
  • soapy
  • sober
  • sonar
  • sooth
  • sooty
  • sorry
  • south
  • spank
  • spare
  • spark
  • spasm
  • spawn
  • spear
  • speed
  • spell
  • sperm
  • spied
  • spiky
  • spilt
  • spine
  • spiny
  • spite
  • split
  • spoil
  • spoof
  • spook
  • spool
  • spoon
  • spore
  • sport
  • spree
  • sprig
  • spunk
  • spurn
  • squib
  • stack
  • stain
  • stalk
  • stamp
  • stank
  • stare
  • stave
  • steak
  • steal
  • steam
  • steep
  • steer
  • stilt
  • stint
  • stoic
  • stoke
  • stood
  • stoop
  • stork
  • stray
  • strip
  • strut
  • stuck
  • stuff
  • stump
  • stunk
  • stunt
  • suave
  • suing
  • suite
  • sully
  • sumac
  • sunny
  • surge
  • swami
  • swamp
  • swarm
  • swash
  • swath
  • swear
  • swell
  • swept
  • swift
  • swing
  • swoop
  • sword
  • swore
  • sworn
  • synod

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Letter T

The words "LETTER T" with a Wordle-like background

  • tabby
  • tacky
  • taffy
  • taint
  • taker
  • tally
  • tamer
  • tango
  • tarot
  • tatty
  • teach
  • teddy
  • teeth
  • tenet
  • tenor
  • tense
  • tepee
  • terra
  • testy
  • thank
  • theft
  • theta
  • thick
  • thong
  • throb
  • thrum
  • tight
  • timer
  • timid
  • title
  • toast
  • toddy
  • token
  • tonal
  • tonga
  • tooth
  • torch
  • torus
  • total
  • tower
  • toxin
  • track
  • trail
  • tramp
  • trash
  • tread
  • trial
  • tribe
  • trick
  • tried
  • tripe
  • troop
  • trout
  • truce
  • truck
  • truer
  • truly
  • trump
  • trunk
  • tubal
  • tuber
  • tulip
  • tulle
  • tumor
  • tunic
  • turbo
  • tweet
  • twist
  • twixt
  • tying

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Letter U

The words "LETTER U" with a Wordle-like background

  • udder
  • umbra
  • uncut
  • undid
  • union
  • unity
  • unset
  • unwed
  • upper
  • urine
  • utile

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Letter V

The words "LETTER V" with a Wordle-like background

  • valor
  • valve
  • vapor
  • vaunt
  • vegan
  • venue
  • verse
  • verso
  • vicar
  • vigil
  • villa
  • vinyl
  • viper
  • virus
  • visit
  • visor
  • vista
  • vixen
  • vocal
  • vogue
  • vomit
  • vowel
  • vying

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Letter W

The words "LETTER W" with a Wordle-like background

  • wafer
  • wager
  • wagon
  • waist
  • waive
  • warty
  • water
  • waver
  • waxen
  • weave
  • weedy
  • weigh
  • weird
  • welch
  • welsh
  • wharf
  • wheat
  • white
  • whole
  • whose
  • wider
  • widow
  • width
  • wield
  • wight
  • willy
  • wimpy
  • winch
  • wiser
  • wispy
  • witch
  • witty
  • women
  • woody
  • wooly
  • woozy
  • worth
  • wound
  • wrack
  • wreak
  • wreck
  • wrest
  • wring
  • wryly

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Letter X

The words "LETTER X" with a Wordle-like background

There are no longer any five-letter words that start with X that Wordle hasn’t used.

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Letter Y

The words "LETTER Y" with a Wordle-like background

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Letter Z

The words "LETTER Z" with a Wordle-like background

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The New York Times offers players a new five-letter word from the list of unused Wordle words above to guess each day, never repeating words, so there is a finite list of words left to be played. There are many strategies players use to guess the daily word whether it’s choosing the best Wordle starter words, eliminating vowels first, or knowing the statistics of letters. Players are given six chances to guess the word, being notified of correct letters and correct letter placement each turn.

Having trouble winning even though you are using an unused
word to start every time? Check out this video from
BuzzFeed Multiplayer
, which shows some handy methods for never losing at

As of right now, the script allows for over 1,700 more days of its famous five-letter puzzles, keeping Wordle a popular puzzle game for at least five more years. No matter what strategy players use, now they at least have a reference for which possible words Wordle may use next. With almost 9,000 possible five-letter words according to The Scrabble Dictionary, it is very possible that Wordle will add even more to its vocabulary over time.

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