Queer Anarchism, op has made the post un-rebloggable, can you repost it…


Sure! I don’t blame them for disabling reblogs. I had to block some antisemitic creep who reblogged it from me with a rant about how it was actually feminism’s fault, so it clearly broke the barrier to the gross side of Tumblr. Here it is with OP’s handle and icon removed so they don’t have to be associated with it anymore.


It’s not just the advertisers – that’s certainly part of it – but this is also the direct, targeted action of a specific Christian fundamentalist group, the “National Center on Sexual Exploitation”, formerly “Morality in Media” and “Operation Yorkville”, a political lobbying organization that campaigns against pornography, who claim that “Pornographers are committing the greatest crimes of the century!”

Screenshot from a Slate article called "The Onlyfans battle isn't over yet" by Kelsy Burke, which reads: In the conference session a few hours later, Laurie explained that there are two primary crimes committed by pornographic websites: the crime of obscenity, which means the distribution of material so offensive that it is not protected by the First Amendment, and the crime of facilitating illegal activity, including sexual abuse, rape, and human trafficking. ALT

It was *specifically this group* (joined by another Christian anti-porn organization, Exodus Cry) that pressured Mastercard and Visa to stop facilitating electronic payments for sites hosting NSFW material. Faced with the risk of losing their ability to process payments, the sites that partnered with Visa and Mastercard had no choice but to agree to the porn bans.

They were the driving force behind Onlyfans flirting with banning sex workers last year, and they were one of the main supporters of FOSTA/SESTA. I can’t stress enough how much influence this one well-connected, well-funded group has.

From their about us page:

Screenshot of NCOSE's about page with the text: WHAT DOES NCOSE DO? NCOSE is the leading 501c(3) nonprofit organization exposing the connections between all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation. Taking down the multi-billion dollar sexual exploitation industry is no easy task. NCOSE has built the infrastructure equipped to take on the world's pornographers, pimps/sex traffickers, sex buyers, and profiteers of exploitation. With an extensive grassroots network, Research Institute, integrated law firm, training team, and global coalition, combined with our cutting-edge public policy and corporate advocacy tactics, NCOSE is making great strides every day. Victories that used to take years now happen in weeks!ALT

NCOSE convinced Mastercard and Visa to cut ties to porn, not for the sake of the advertisers, but because they convinced them that they could potentially be held liable for facilitating illegal activities – CSAM exchanges, prostitution, and human trafficking – that were taking place on the porn sites they were working with. NCOSE says it’s all porn sites, and all porn, because they believe that all porn is human trafficking.

Extract from ALT
This is just the second half of the text that is included in the alt text for the previous image. I had to take two separate screenshots because the first half of the quote was at the bottom of the page.ALT

NCOSE has been around since the 1960s, but hasn’t had much success until the last decade. Its previous campaigns, focused on pushing for the enforcement of 19th century obscenity laws and fabricating outright unfactual research about porn as a mental health crisis, weren’t as widely received. But it’s had far more success since it began weaponizing concern for victims of abuse and human trafficking, appropriating progressive language, and trading in the white moral panic about child sex trafficking that grew out of the “Stranger Danger” and “Satanic Ritual Abuse” moral panics of the 1980s and ’90s — both of which were themselves the product of a right-wing reactionary movement that used child safety concern trolls to rail against drugs, loud music, and tabletop RPGs.


By blaming the sanitation of the internet solely on the vague specter of “advertisers” you ignore the real, identifiable groups and their extremely straightforward Christofacist goals. It promotes apathy, and points to an ambiguous target that seems as impossible to combat as the machine of capitalism itself. When it’s literally just these specific guys, and two or three similar, equally identifiable organizations!

I’m not saying that sites like Facebook don’t have a personal interest in looking spick and span and family-friendly, but Tumblr, Pornhub, Onlyfans, Patreon, and Gumroad didn’t ban porn because of advertising. Tumblr has never attracted the kind of advertisers who care, and Pornhub, Onlyfans, Patreon, and Gumroad make most of their money not from advertising, but from user transactions, which MUST be facilitated by an electronic banking platform in order to be safe and reliable.

Tumblr’s porn ban was due to FOSTA/SESTA, meaning they couldn’t continue operating unless they dumped nsfw content or went adult-only and implemented expensive and draconian age verification protocols that, frankly, no one would tolerate for a mediocre blogging platform. The others went under pressure from the e-banking platforms, who threatened to drop them as partners due to the pressure *they* were under from NCOSE, who used public opinion as a weapon to create an outpouring of anger and condemnation towards these companies that “facilitate human trafficking”.

The enemy is not hiding, we know their names! They do not come in the name of capitalism (which only rides on their coattails when it suits them) but in the name of puritanical Christian Fascism.

So no, it’s not the Puritans. It’s their parents and grandparents, on an open crusade to impose Christian anti-sex beliefs on as many parts of the world as they can.


Pedophilia is incredibly uncommon and the vast majority of people who commit sexual crimes against children are opportunists who target children they already have access to (i.e. family members) and who have no prior pedophile interests. That is, they do not really have a vested attraction to children, any more than all rapists have a vested interest in noncon. Sexual violence is driven by power, not sexual proclivities. While traditional conservative power structures increase the ability of predators to exploit children and get away with it, it does not increase the actual number of predators, or turn them into an organized political group.

Convincing you that the world is full of pedophiles who figure out ways to get access to as many children as possible is part of the anti-sex agenda. It’s the cornerstone of how they push the “we need to get rid of pedophiles to protect the children” narrative, which is then followed by everyone declaring that they disapprove of pedophiles. You don’t let go of the false narrative by pushing it the other way. This is literally how otherwise progressive queers fall into the sex negativity pipeline. This is how you get the puritans.

“The world is literally full of pedophiles and deviants, it’s just that they’re all basically people I disagree with.” -> “This person I disagree with has a fetish that disgusts me, so they’re probably into everything disgusting, and pedos are everywhere, so they’re probably a pedo.” -> “Wow, when did this site get so full of pedos!! Children really should have their own spaces online where they’re completely isolated from adults.” -> “Children can’t be trusted around an adult they don’t know, that person might be a pedo.” -> “Adults who interact with children or children’s media are most likely pedos looking for children to pick up.” -> “Children should never be exposed to anything sexual and anyone who tries to show a child something I consider sexual is clearly a pick up.” -> “Wow, why does it seem like there are more pedos every day??” -> “There are more pedos than there used to be, so something must have changed that created more pedos. The internet probably made porn so easy to access.” -> “Porn can turn normal people into pedos.” -> “Pedos are increasing because they are porn-sick, depraved by normal porn use up to now they can no longer come without hurting someone.” -> “Porn turns you into a pedophile. We need to ban porn.”

The moral panic of Stranger Danger was a reaction to increased racial integration and the sexual revolution. Immigrants are flooding the country. Black people are moving to the suburbs. Gay people are in your neighborhoods, recruiting your children. Conservatives used this to convince people *otherwise not politically aligned with them* that their white discomfort was actually a *natural instinctual response* to predators threatening their families. So you can’t trust your kids around your neighbors. It’s normal to want to keep them under your constant surveillance.

This creates a culture of isolation that prevents people from interacting with their communities, where they can make friends with non-white or queer people and be exposed to new perspectives. Which reinforces their discomfort and desire to isolate, and makes them vulnerable to further fear-based conservative ideology, such as the demonization of urban living and “overpopulation,” from which it is a short hop to the Great Replacement.

The world is not full of pedophiles. The people in your community are not predators waiting for their chance to hurt you and corrupt your children. Question your desire to attribute deviant sexuality to people you don’t like.

I added the sources I couldn’t find before.

By the way, this is why kink positivity is crucial to queer liberation. Until we can shake the urge to demonize people for deviant sexualities, we will only be supporting the arguments of those who believe our identities are sexually deviant.

Children who do not trust any adult outside their family and are not exposed to healthy sexuality are more vulnerable to abuse by their families and are less likely to seek help.

Women who believe that all men outside their immediate circle are predators, who have been taught that being alone is inherently dangerous and that they are safest with a protective boyfriend or husband, are more likely to tolerate abuse and less likely to leave or seek help.

People who are convinced that sexual predators exist everywhere will not question entire populations being labeled as such by people they trust and regard as authorities.

Reach out to your neighbors. Become part of your communities instead of just living there. Build support networks to protect yourself from abuse and exploitation. Encourage sex-positive education and the decriminalization of sex work and consensual kinks. Always question your disgust. Disgust is not a measure of morality.

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