Are Americans being forced to crack down on illegal aliens?

Fictional militia members stand ready to keep gang members and other intruders out of their neighborhood.
Fictional militia members stand ready to keep gang members and other intruders out of their neighborhood.

There has been much talk about a civil war between the far right and the far left, and even a movie or two about it. Or maybe it will be between the big cities and the rural areas. Maybe it will be people on the coast versus people flying over. Opinions differ.

Since we are expressing opinions, it is my opinion that it is more likely that there will be a war between Americans and illegal immigrants. And if Aurora, Colorado, is any indication, they may already have started it.

In Europe, where most citizens don’t have easy access to firearms, the only thing legal citizens can do is protest recent immigrants. They stop traffic, burn a few tires, and go on strike for a few days. This doesn’t hurt the immigrants; it just tells the government that people are pissed off and who to arrest.

Here we can go beyond protests. Citizens can exercise their Second Amendment right to self-defense and return fire if someone tries to take over their home or threaten their family. We can see that in the not-too-distant future, especially if Kamala is elected president and the leftist parties remain in power.

When we first hear about citizens fighting back against illegal alien gangs from Venezuela, it will be reported in the media as a “gang war,” American gangs versus gangs that originated in South and Central America. It will be a fight for territory and power, just like any other gang war, but it will also be a fight for our way of life.

It is sad that we have to rely on violent gangs to fight foreign invaders. But if the government will not intervene, what can you do?

A militia

If the police can’t protect you, you need to protect yourself. And if there are a lot of people who feel the need to protect themselves, their homes, and their neighborhoods, some of them will band together to form a group and fight back. (It’s either that or allow the intruders to subdue you, something I hope few Americans will tolerate.)

Any group formed to stop illegal aliens from terrorizing our citizens is going to have to be much more robust than a community watch that prevents burglaries; it is going to have to be an armed militia. The militia is not going to be there to call the police; they are going to be there to shoot people who kidnap young women, demand ransom for children they grab on their way home from school, and rape and murder them. When the SHTF, the militias will be formed to shoot back and chase away or kill gang members from other countries who have come here to spread their violent way of life and think they can take over our communities.

We are not weak peasants. We are not unarmed. If we are motivated, we will fight back. The seeds of that motivation are being planted now. For example:

  • Venezuelan gang members take over apartment buildings and run large-scale criminal networks in Colorado.
  • Haitian “refugees” who have taken over Springfield, Ohio are eating ducks they catch in city parks and pets from your backyard.
  • Illegal immigrants in cities like New York receive thousands of dollars, while people born in the city and struggling to make ends meet receive nothing at all from the government.

Americans can’t tolerate everything before reacting.

Buy your AR15 while you still can

Anyone familiar with the footage of the “gang takeover” of an apartment building in Aurora knows that at least one of the gang members was carrying an AR-15 style weapon. It shows that criminals can still obtain weapons despite background checks and other gun laws. It’s the well-meaning, honest citizens who have to deal with gun laws, waiting periods, and purchase limits.

My advice is to get your own AR-style weapon while you can. And if you can’t read between the lines, let me be clear: get it before the election. Just to be safe.

Can’t afford a new gun? Then buy just the lower receiver or better yet, what’s known as a complete lower. If you buy a complete lower now, you can buy a complete upper later. Snap the two together and you have a complete gun. Your upper should come with a bolt carrier group, or you’ll have to buy it separately.

Over Labor Day Weekend I saw complete lowers on sale at Palmetto State Armory for $99. When they’re not on sale you can often find them for $150-$180.

The lower receiver is the only part of an AR that has a serial number and requires that you purchase it through an FFL dealer. You can stockpile a few and convert them into full-fledged weapons when you have the time and money. This also allows you to select the barrel length and caliber of your AR at a later date.

Cheap guns vs expensive guns

If you can afford a top-of-the-line weapon, then “buy everything” means buy one. Hell, buy more than one. But if your wallet is empty due to inflation, buy a $500 or $600 AR15. Will it be as good as the expensive one? Probably not, but it should work fine for the first 5,000 rounds. If you shoot that much, you can buy a better weapon after you’ve fired 5,000 rounds, but I’d be surprised if most people put 1,000 rounds through their AR.

The same goes for pistols. I shoot a 1911 better than a Glock because of the 1911’s superior trigger pull, but I carry a Glock. Why? Because the Glock is cheaper, virtually indestructible, lighter, and I still shoot it pretty well. It does what it’s supposed to do, and I’m not one to let perfection be the enemy of good enough.

When SHTF happens, it’s more important to have a functional, practical weapon than to wait until you have that one special weapon you’ve had your eye on.

Ammunition and accessories

The AR15 will be an excellent personal weapon when we are fighting a war on our city streets. It is light, easy to use, and effective at urban ranges. With the right battle sight zero, you will not have to adjust your aim until your target is over 250 yards, which is not going to happen very often in a crowded urban environment.

My advice is to buy at least one lower (or a complete rifle) for everyone in your family and an extra as a backup. If you buy the lower, build a rifle with a standard 16″ barrel and use it for training. Once you have two or more trained shooters in your family or team, finish building (or assembling) the next rifle.

Among the many things you will need are magazines, ammo, ammo pouches, a sling, and possibly an optic and flashlight. You can collect these over time once you have the lower receivers. I also stock spare parts for repairs. You can collect these over time. I recommend paying cash and visiting several stores when purchasing your guns and related parts and accessories.

I also recommend a minimum of 12 magazines per weapon, with 24 or more being preferred. Magazines get lost or damaged, so the more the better. 1000 rounds of ammo in reserve should be a good start, with more for practice. If you can afford it, buy 5000 rounds, or 10,000. If you don’t need it, maybe another militia member can use it.

Civil war?

You may have heard Joe Biden say that we need fighter jets or nuclear bombs to win a civil war. How well did that work in Afghanistan? They still need troops on the ground. Moreover, any president who uses such weapons against his own country will find that it only creates more freedom fighters.

The Second Amendment was put into the Bill of Rights so we could deal with tyrants. That doesn’t preclude us from dealing with gangs of illegal immigrants. Even if only three percent participate, there are more of us than there are of them.

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