Rahul Gandhi spreads canards about India, meets propagandists Mushfiqul Fazal Ansaray and Sarita Pandey

Indian Opposition Leader Rahul Gandhi delivered a speech at the National Press Club in Washington DC on Tuesday, September 10, criticising India’s democracy, the state of freedom of expression and the country’s economic progress.

He stated right at the outset: “I think politics in India has changed dramatically in 2014. We have entered a political phase that we have not seen before in India, aggressive, attacking the very foundations of our democratic structure.”

In his desperate attempt to blow up his lavish political march (also known as Bharat Jodo Yatra), Rahul Gandhi alleged, “The media was suppressed, institutions were controlled, agencies attacked the opposition, governments were toppled and we found that literally the only way was to go directly to the people of India.”

The Gandhi scion chose to exploit his media presence in the US to score political brownies at home. He not only raked in domestic political issues but also demonised the Hindu rights organisation Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS).

He bluntly said: “There is an ideological war going on in India between the Congress and our partners and the BJP and the RSS. There are two completely different visions of India. We believe in a plural vision, a vision where everyone has the right to flourish, all imaginations are free to roam, an India where you are not persecuted because of what religion you follow or what community you come from or what language you speak, versus a much harsher centralising vision.”

Rahul Gandhi also raised the issue of politically motivated caste census and affirmative action (which has reached dangerous proportions in the United States of late). “I have said time and again that we will increase reservations to over 50%,” he stressed.

Rahul Gandhi plays the victim card, compares India to Syria and Iraq

He also portrayed the Congress party as a victim of political feud after the party’s accounts were frozen over unpaid taxes of ₹135 crore.

“We fought an election with our bank accounts frozen, right? Now I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know of any democracy where that has happened. Maybe it’s happening in Syria or it’s happening in Iraq,” the Gandhi scion drew a false comparison between India and failed Islamic countries.

During his media interaction, Rahul Gandhi also claimed, “Indian democracy has been attacked, has been severely weakened and is now fighting back.” The Gandhi scion is on a three-day visit to the United States.

Gandhi scion meets controversial Bangladeshi ‘journalist’

Photos that have surfaced on social media show Rahul Gandhi interacting with anti-India Bangladeshi ‘journalist’ Mushfiqul Fazal Ansaray.

The latter came into the limelight in March this year after he mentioned the arrest of AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal in the Delhi liquor policy case (an internal affair of India) during a press conference with US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

Mushfiqul Fazal Ansaray also raised the same issue with the spokesperson of the UN Secretary General. OpIndia found a report by Just News BD stating that the Bangladesh government had charged him under the Digital Security Act.

According to the November 2022 report, Mushfiqul was booked by the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime Branch (CTTC) of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) and Mushfiqul was declared a “fugitive”.

The same report noted that Mushfiqul ran a web portal that was banned by the Bangladeshi government in 2015. He has been accused on several occasions of spreading disinformation about the government.

Mushfiqul is pro-Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), known for his support for the insurgency in northeastern India. The Bangladesh mission to the UN had objected to his participation in various programmes as a “journalist”, despite his “active” political roles and affiliation.

Speaking to BD News 24, the then press officer of the mission, Bijob Lal Deb, said: “When active politicians are given media cards, there is nothing left to say.”

Mushfiqul is also a columnist for the propaganda portal The Wire. There are three articles under his name.

A report in Somoy News said that Mushfique is vigorously promoting Jamaat on social media. Another report by Weekly Blitz said that Right To Freedom is funded by Jamaat. According to a report in IPA News Pack, Hunter Biden is said to have used his influence against the Awami Party with the help of BNP.

According to the report, the BNP tried to hire Hunter Biden as a lobbyist and managed to reach a deal through William B Milam, an influential figure in the Democratic Party and a retired diplomat who runs Right To Freedom along with Mushfique.

Interestingly, he regularly posts news related to Jamaat on his news portal Just News BD.

Meeting with the wife of the director of IAMC

According to Washington-based advocacy group ‘HinduACTion’, Rahul Gandhi also met Sarita Pandey at the event at the National Press Club.

Pandey had met the Gandhi scion in Washington in June last year and gifted him a portrait of his mother Sonia Gandhi.

“When I gave it to him I said, ‘From one mother to another,’ and he said he would pass it on to her. I hope he does,” she tweeted at the time.

For those who don’t know, Sarita Pandey is the wife of Ajit Sahi, the director of the radical Islamist organization ‘Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC)’.

According to the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), the Indian American Muslim Council has ties (pdf) to the banned Islamic terrorist organization Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).

In addition, the Indian American Muslim Council has ties to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) through its founder Shaik Ubaid. The IAMC is a Jamat-e-Islami-backed lobbyist organization that claims to be a rights advocacy group.

In the past, it is said to have collaborated with and even paid money to various groups in the US to get India blacklisted by the USCIRF (United States Commission on International Religious Freedom).

IAMC was caught spreading fake news and misinformation to promote the Islamist cause in India. It was also attacked by the UAPA in 2021.

Sarita Pandey’s wife Ajit Sahi has also been felicitated in 2021 by the controversial Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR) with the ‘Swami Agnivesh Memorial Award’. The same was also seen supporting the ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ conference.

In 2019, Sunita Vishwanath, co-founder of ‘Hindus for Human Rights’, also tried to create hysteria and panic among Indian Muslims over the National Register of Citizens (NRC). Coincidentally, Rahul Gandhi had met her during his trip to the US in 2023.

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