Different monitoring approaches, use of innovative technologies and compliance programs

There are many ways to prevent environmental crime. Environmental crime refers to all illegal activities that harm the environment, such as illegal dumping of hazardous waste, poaching, and illegal logging. These crimes have serious consequences for the environment, human health, and the economy. Therefore, it is crucial to prevent them in the first place.

Environmental crime poses a particularly difficult problem for states and international organizations because of the wide range of criminal behavior that falls under this category. In addition, some environmental crimes are transnational and may involve the trafficking or smuggling of resources across international borders through skilled criminal organizations or networks.

Compared to other forms of transnational crime, these organizations or networks see environmental violations as a rich opportunity with minimal risks. In addition to violating local law, these actions also violate the prohibition regimes in various Multilateral Environmental Agreements, or MEAs. Evidence suggests that other illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, have enabled or been carried out in conjunction with the growing involvement of international criminal syndicates in transnational environmental crime.

Compliance is an essential part of effective governance. It is part of a successful legal system. Sustainable growth is only possible with it.

Ways to prevent environmental crimeWays to prevent environmental crime

Ways to prevent environmental crime

Monitoring and research can take place in the following areas:

  • Environmental crime investigations focus on the most serious violations of environmental regulations that endanger public health and the environment. Criminal investigations are conducted using a variety of techniques, including interviews, document or personal examinations, object or document examinations, use of force in self-defense if necessary, and subject-specific expertise, including environmental crime. Special agents and investigators with the necessary training are required for this.
  • Environmental crime investigations require in-depth investigation using scientific techniques and technological know-how. A crucial and specialized area is sampling and testing of substances such as chemicals or colored liquids to gather evidence against environmental offenders. It requires scientists and highly skilled technology professionals to gather this evidence.
  • The legal and prosecution aspects of environmental crime are highly sought after. Environmental rules and regulations are established at all levels, such as criminal, administrative and environmental liability levels, including penalties, imprisonment, fines and reparations. Environmental law professionals with specific training handle expensive legal and criminal matters.
  • Environmental crime generates huge revenues for transnational criminal organizations. The main goals of money launderers are to hide the sources of revenue from environmental crime, save money and make more money accessible. Financial Intelligence Units or FIUs receive reports of money laundering cases, which leads to an expansion of investigations and prosecutions when there is a link to environmental crime.
  • Financial institution compliance officers should prioritize the use of financial intelligence to combat environmental crime. Suspicious transactions involving suspected environmental crime should be identified and reported to the appropriate authorities to reduce the risk of harm to the environment, natural resources, and human health.

There is currently a need for more information about environmental crime and its associated problems to be available to the public, making it difficult for governments or other public institutions to create effective policies to prevent environmental crime. Because some illegal actions are hidden and have low detection rates, it can be difficult to accurately assess many crimes. Environmental crimes are sometimes committed in the open, such as in the case of fishing, forestry or minerals, but they can also be committed through legal or illegal marketplaces.

Using anti-money laundering or AML legislation to punish environmental offenders may be a better strategy than pursuing them solely through environmental restrictions. Money laundering is a serious crime with significant consequences in many countries.

Ways to prevent environmental crimeWays to prevent environmental crime

Environmental crimes often carry relatively light penalties in most countries around the world, while AML regulations typically result in more severe penalties. Developing a predicate offense plan to address environmental crimes can be challenging, as some circumstances may make it impossible to punish offenders under anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing laws.

If environmental crimes reach a certain threshold, they must be considered a predicate offence under national anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing or AML/CTF regulations. If an environmental crime does not meet that threshold, it is not sufficient to launch an investigation. Another requirement is that the species being traded or poached must be protected by national laws in order to be included in environmental AML/CTF legislation. If these requirements are not met, the legislation will not be activated.

Recent technological advances have given us more access to the world and its magnificent biodiversity than we could ever have imagined. The critically endangered gorillas of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the elephants of the Masai Mara in Kenya, and the Amazon rainforest can be virtually experienced by anyone with a reliable internet connection. However, the technologies that allow us to see almost any part of the world also provide criminals with the means to commit environmental crimes, which are known for their low risk and high reward.

Monitoring and communication are the foundation of any effective campaign against environmental crime, and technology has improved both the methods and the means at the disposal of the international community in this area. Satellites, aerial drones, remote trigger systems that start cameras or other monitoring and security protocols, thermal imaging cameras and radio frequency detection are examples of modern technology that allows us to scan over land and water.

Secure information networks can be used to collect and exchange this data. This allows local, regional and international law enforcement agencies to evaluate it, communicate with each other and take action to find clues and dismantle the organized networks that profit from environmental crime.

Peruvian officials discovered that 90 percent of the cargo of wood—1.2 million cubic meters—that left Iquitos aboard the freighter had been illegally harvested. Enforcement efforts were launched. Police tracked the ship’s movements using signals from the Automatic Identification System, or AIS, and after temporarily arresting the vessel, Brazilian authorities determined that it was carrying illegal timber. Local officials in Tampico, Mexico, seized some of the wood after determining that it was illegal.

While these technological advances are improving communication and monitoring within the international environmental community, technology cannot be separated from those who use it. While it is crucial to select the best and most appropriate technologies for the various threats that law enforcement faces, the effectiveness of these tools also depends on the presence of trained personnel. Before introducing a new technology or piece of equipment to law enforcement, it is crucial to ensure that all legal considerations, including the protection of human rights, have been taken into account.

Ways to prevent environmental crimeWays to prevent environmental crime

Final thoughts

Environmental crime refers to all illegal activities that harm the environment, such as pollution, deforestation, wildlife trafficking and illegal waste disposal. These crimes have serious consequences for both the environment and human health. Various monitoring approaches, innovative technologies and compliance programs can be used to prevent environmental crime. These approaches aim to deter individuals and companies from engaging in such activities by increasing the risk of detection, prosecution and punishment.

In general, a combination of monitoring approaches, innovative technologies and compliance programs can be used to prevent environmental crime. By increasing the risk of detection and punishment, these approaches can deter individuals and companies from engaging in activities that harm the environment.

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