SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 7 Review: Mission Creep

Critics’ rating: 4 / 5.0


Jason returns to Bravo in SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 7, and the situation with Mikey didn’t do him any good in terms of his future.

Ray begins to worry about his impending retirement and Lisa may have to pay for Sonny’s mistake.

Let’s talk about the most popular topics from “Mission Creep.”

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Asian operation confirmed Bravo as one of the best

Bravo is back at the top of the DevGru food chain.

Their work in Asia has erased any ill will created by previous operations and the command is prepared to redouble its capabilities.

The next assignment will allow for more direct action, which is what the team is craving, especially Jason, who seems to be throwing caution to the wind now that he feels he can’t balance work and personal life.

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Jason is working on the problem

Damn it, Jason. Stop whining. For a man who thrives on chaos and always “working on the problem,” he doesn’t have much of a handle on life.

Yes, he’s done some terrible things in his career, and it would be hard to forget some of them.

But we all struggle with work-life balance. Half of us are stuck at home without actually participating in family activities because we are always at work.

Such is life in 2024.

His attitude and bloodlust worry him, especially as he dreams about his first kill.

We need more of that story to figure out how he escapes those demons. Hopefully his reckless attitude doesn’t get him or anyone else killed in the meantime.

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Mikey’s Overdose and Drug Cartel Attacks

And can it really be a coincidence that Bravo is taking on drug cartels at the same time that Mikey overdoses? Well, no, since this is a scripted show. Jason is going to vent his anger about it somehow.

It is unlikely that he will be able to tackle the actual person responsible, but his work may do some damage to the source.

By setting that stash house on fire, he put a target on their backs. Do you think some of that money doesn’t make it home to the real world?

Why wouldn’t the command demand that money be seized and used? It’s probably untraceable. Burning it was dramatic, but boy, what a waste!

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Does Jason’s future lie behind a desk?

Brass has pushed through a position that addresses all of the health issues brought to their attention by Jason’s bold move on SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 10.

Why didn’t he seem happier about it then?

He is jealous of Ray because his future is settled with Spencer House. Ray has goals and plans. Jason is a whirlwind. You would think it would be welcome to know that his actions were making a difference and that he wanted to take charge.

Not so much.

Whatever happens, it’s unlikely Jason will take a position that takes him out of action. He lives and breathes the stuff, and while he wants to see changes in the way the military addresses its health needs, he doesn’t want to be the one doing it.

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Mandy is on the edge

It’s beautiful how Mandy is family now. But she won’t watch Jason back down.

Jason has been having nightmares for a while now and he has finally shared what he is going through. The same man who can’t wait to turn his gun on another operation is also ashamed of what he has done.

In particular, he sees an officer take prayer beads from Jason’s first kill as a memento, and he can’t let it go. But Mandy can’t let it go either.

She doesn’t want Jason to be “that guy” again. Has he grown up? Can he live with what he’s done? If he can’t, he might lose the best thing that’s happened to him in a long time.

He sees himself as an executioner, forgetting that he has two good children that he helped raise. Until he deals with his problems, he will not be fit for anything other than Bravo duty.

“The fire is where I belong,” Jason says. “There’s nothing left to say. I gotta do what I gotta do.” We respectfully disagree.

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Is Ray having doubts about his retirement?

After a life as eventful as that of the SEALs, it’s no surprise that Ray is having a hard time settling into retirement.

What I find fascinating is that he’s more concerned about who’s taking care of his boys than who’s taking care of his family. He’s still in the fight, and he puts Bravo first and family second.

We’ve seen his hesitation to take a leadership role at Spencer House. I don’t know why he’s hesitant, but if it’s not his dream, then he should pursue what makes him happy.

Jason isn’t so charmed by Ray’s modesty and wants him to be happy that he has his future in order, but Ray sees it differently. He doesn’t want to end up in Spencer House; he wants a plan. It’s fair and, after all his hard work, deserved.

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Sonny and Drew – partners in crime

Sonny is the type of person who needs someone to stand by him. When he lost Clay, he was drifting. Now he has attached himself to Drew. Surprisingly, it works.

Sonny’s Shark Tank Moment

I’m a little confused about Sonny putting his kit on the open market. Didn’t the Navy want to work with him and make it available to the military?

Did I miss something that might indicate he turned them down to go private?

I had no idea what he was doing in that meeting when he had to go to the bathroom. At first I thought it was nerves getting the better of him. No, he had Drew, who has family wealth, waiting in the wings to give him advice.

That was cute and showed how much has changed in a short time.

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Flakes drawn again

Sonny wasn’t the only one worried when Drew dropped out yet again. Omar was just as worried as Sonny. But it was Sonny who figured out what was going on with Drew.

Sonny said, “Take yourself off the team so the team can’t be taken away from you.” As a girl who has sabotaged relationships for years, so that if they were to break it off for me, I would feel comfortable with the breakup, and that makes perfect sense.

But in practice it is nonsense. We all know that.

Omar used his own past to influence Drew, and Sonny even stated that he would rather be Drew’s worst enemy than Drew being his own worst enemy. Sonny has grown up.

Omar has his own story and tries to make Drew see sense. Sonny wants Drew to be his worst enemy, not his own.

(Michael Yarish/Paramount+)

Lisa kept making waves, so much so that the Admiral wanted her by his side. It’s a huge honor, but somewhere in the back of her mind she can’t let go of the anvil waiting to fall, ruining everything for her and Sonny.

If her sudden commitment after a closed meeting is any indication, the cord may be fraying. Something is up. Her demeanor has gone from cheerful and confident to thoughtful and reserved (hey, I could use a social media sensation too!).

The series won’t end without a resolution to Sonny’s attack. Whether it brings him down or him and Lisa is the question.

While it’s still hard to imagine how SEAL Team will end, this episode felt like a return to normal. We even got a sudden fade to black halfway through the ending scene. I missed that!

It stands to reason, though, that when Bravo is king, the pull to the next episode is intense. When they falter, we can feel it even from the couch.

What did you think of this “Mission Creep”? Did it give you a better idea of ​​where the series might end? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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