Johnny Moronic Capturing – Australian and New Zealand actress nude scenes


You can now view the yearly nudity in Australian/New Zealand movies lists by year:

2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1972-1973 | 1971 | 1970 | 1960s



Australian/New Zealand movies: 2002

A real drop off of Australian/New Zealand movies with nudity or just sexy scenes in them, both in number and quality and that’s even after 2001 was a fairly weak year. There are decent scenes in Walking on Water, Garage Days and a bit of action from minor players in Trojan Warrior.


Australian Rules

Racially-charged drama set in small town South Australia around the local Australian Rules football team. Blacky (Nathan Phillips) would rather read books than play footy but his strict father and coach forces him into it (Simon Westaway). He plays with his best friend, an Indigenous boy named Dumby Red (Luke Carroll) who’s the best player in the team but is riddled with troubles including his propensity for committing crimes. Just as things are looking good for the team on the field, Dumby is involved in a botched burglary that ends in someone’s death. Meanwhile, Blacky falls for Dumby’s sister Clarence (Lisa Flanagan) which really pisses off his father. Solid drama with a heavy mix of the class differences between white and black people and how it effects the town while set around the fortunes of the footy team.

No nudity in Australian Rules but there’s some collages and videos of Lisa Flanagan from the movie available here.




Teen comedy set around Schoolies Week, a week (or so) where teenagers go to the Gold Coast to let off steam after finally finishing high school. Follows a number of groups, not necessarily high school students who are all heading to Schoolies Week. Being a while since I’ve seen it but I remember it not being that much of a comedy when it probably should’ve been closer to an American style party comedy. But instead it’s wistful about things and more about couples getting together. Boring!

There’s no nudity in Blurred but there’s a few videos from the movie available here.



Cupid’s Prey (NZ)

Thriller set in the US but made in New Zealand where grad student Rebecca (Katrina Browne) is invited by her boyfriend Matt (Glen Drake) to his family’s estate to do some ‘studying’ and to meet his parents, Jeremy (Jack Wagner) and Iris (Joanna Pacula). They are very accommodating of her, in fact Jeremy wouldn’t mind being with Rebecca and he gets the chance after she sees Matt flirting with another woman at a party. Rebecca stops Jeremy before their fling goes too far but Jeremy is persistent and a man with some sway at the university and uses it to get Rebecca a prime research position. This is soon rescinded when Rebecca continues to reject his advances then Jeremy tells her to not be involved with the family as Matt tries to woo her back. Then it is revealed that a housekeeper was murdered and Jeremy was suspected before a transient man was arrested. Jeremy can’t help himself and still wants Rebecca so he continues to harass her and she is now frightened for her life. But is it Jeremy or someone else she must be more frightened of? Basically a made-for-TV movie with a little bit more sex than usual, nothing special, but watchable even with a ludicrous plot that sets up a silly twist at the end.

Both Katrina Browne and Julia Ryan briefly show their breasts.

You can find a synopsis with collages and videos from Cupid’s Prey here. A preview is below.

Katrina Browne in Cupid’s Prey



Julia Ryan in Cupid’s Prey




Dirty Deeds

Gangster thriller set in the 1970s where the Chicago Mafia decides to get a foothold in Sydney and sends out failing capo Tony (John Goodman) and his ambitious underling Sal (Felix Williamson) to sell their new poker machines to local kingpin Barry (Bryan Brown). Barry already runs the local clubs successfully and doesn’t want anyone cutting in but knows that if he kills them, more will come and try to get rid of him. So Barry welcomes them tentatively. Meanwhile, Barry’s nephew Darcy (Sam Worthington) has just finished a tour of Vietnam and Barry is looking to show him the ropes and one of his jobs is to keep an eye on Barry’s mistress Margaret (Kestie Morassi) particularly away from Barry’s wife Sharon (Toni Collette). That is proving harder than he thought when she shows an interest in him. Then there’s Freddie (Gary Waddell) who wants Barry dead and after a failed attempt foiled by in-the-pocket detective Ray (Sam Neill), Freddie enlists Sal to help him thin out Barry’s crew. All this comes to a head when Barry takes everyone out for a trip to the outback for some pig hunting and other fun while he goes about showing who’s the boss of Sydney to those who undermine him. OK crime drama that plays light but is not really the comedy it is trying to be. Bryan Brown basically rehashes his great Two Hands character to some success but the plot is a bit of a mess and for a movie that has a budget over $10 million, it looks decidedly cheap at times, no more than a back alley car chase. Also not a memorable role for John Goodman either but he does have his moments when trying to convince Darcy of the virtues of a pizza.

No nudity in Dirty Deeds but there’s a couple of sexy scenes featuring Kestie Morassi which I’ve made videos of below. My original collages are available here.

Kestie Morassi in Dirty Deeds

5974kb 21sec 960×400 (plenty of cleavage in T-shirt that is lifted up)

19142kb 1min 15sec 960×400 (plenty of cleavage in nightie, ‘nude’ under covers, down blouse/upskirt)


Garage Days

Comedy about a struggling garage band that is desperately trying to make it, not helped by a terrible first gig. But Freddy (Kick Gurry) is delusionally confident about his and his band’s ability so he attempts to get the attention of big time manager Shad Kern (Marton Csokas). Meanwhile, Freddy is having issues with his long term girlfriend and bandmate Tanya (Pia Miranda) for being a bad lover while something clicks between Freddy and Kate (Maya Stange) just as she realises she’s pregnant with her boyfriend Joe’s (Brett Stiller) baby. Joe has problems of his own with a psychotic goth stalker Angie (Yvette Duncan) he’s fallen for. Just as Freddy manages to get Shad’s attention, something happens to blow their chance but Freddy will stop at nothing to get their break and thanks to their manager Bruno (Russell Dykstra) they get will play at The Big Day Out, legally or not. Silly movie, a strange diversion for big ideas sci-fi/horror director Alex Proyas and turns in a baffling mix of broad comedy and oddly dark drama. Gurry is well cast as the delusional Freddy and always seems to be having fun but the movie just never settles on what it wants to be: a comedy or a dark drama about the vagueries of being a band.

Nudity from Pia Miranda, Yvette Duncan and Natalie Jain.

You can find a synopsis with collages and HD videos from Garage Days here. A preview is below.

Pia Miranda in Garage Days



Yvette Duncan in Garage Days



Natalie Jain in Garage Days




Guru Wayne

Wacky comedy with most of Melbourne’s comedy scene turning up in cameos. David (Todd MacDonald) is unsuccessfully attempting to start a PHD when he comes across a scam guru/drug dealer who is getting a lot of attention. After seeing the guru in action with his frigid girlfriend Debbie (Jessica Gower), David hatches a plan with his mate Garry (Fletcher Humphrys) to start a cult of their own to prove that it’s all a scam although Garry is only doing it to make a lot of money through drug dealing. Things get going quickly as David is fairly convincing as a guru but the drug side gets the attention of the police so they send in undercover cop Jane (Jane Allsop basically playing her Blue Heelers character) to get to the bottom of it. But David instantly falls for her and Jane reciprocates even while she continues investigating his scam cult. David gets really into being a guru and actually wants to do good but Garry and his scumbag mates are going to bring down the good that David is doing, especially when the police start to sniff around Garry’s mates. Average comedy that goes after a well-worn and obvious target and drowns in cameos that few outside of Melbourne would even recognise. David is an interesting character and if the movie was more about him and Jane it might’ve made a better romantic comedy but the drug plot takes over and all the comedy evaporates. At least the movie is better than those terrible 80s Melbourne comedies made by comedians.

No nudity in Guru Wayne but there’s a few sexy videos from the movie below.

Jessica Gower in Guru Wayne

804kb 3sec 960×544 (plenty of cleavage in nightie, sex scene)

3820kb 11sec 960×544 (plenty of cleavage in midriff revealing top also another woman in bikini)


Kristie Jandric in Guru Wayne

8682kb 29sec 960×544 (hair over breasts/implied nudity)


The Hard Word

Crime thriller about the Twentyman brothers – Dale (Guy Pearce), Shane (Joel Edgerton) and Mal (Damien Richardson) – who are locked up in Sydney’s Long Bay Prison together for robbery and are used by various police-backed lowlifes to perform robberies in return for a bit of money and certain prison privileges. A bunch of corrupt cops have a proposition for them: a multi-million dollar robbery in Melbourne which they accept but they hatch a plan of their own to stay out of jail. Except things go wrong from the beginning as it turns out they are robbing bookies on Melbourne Cup Day, the biggest betting day of the year. Also the bent cops have sent along two nasty pieces of work to help out, with the intention of offing the Twentyman brothers afterwards. Then there’s Dale’s girlfriend Carol (Rachel Griffiths) and her new lover, a shonky lawyer who want their share of the robbery. A well made film with solid performances from a pretty decent cast, an interesting vibe (including the use of butcher’s slang) which make the film an enjoyable watch. Strangely the only movie the director ever made.

Nudity from Rhondda Findleton and Leanne McCulloch.

You can find a synopsis with collages and HD videos from The Hard Word here. A preview is below.

Rhondda Findleton in The Hard Word



Leanne McCulloch in The Hard Word




Queen of the Damned

Mostly Melbourne-shot adaptation of an Anne Rice novel. The vampire Lestat (Stuart Townsend – what happened to him?) is awoken by the sound of a nu-metal band playing near his tomb but instead of eating them alive, he decides he wants to be their front man and all the pleasures that come with it which are plentiful when they become a huge hit. Meanwhile in London, a vampire researcher Jesse (Marguerite Moreau) is introduced to Lestat’s diaries by her boss (Paul McGann) in a hope to stop her further inquiries about Lestat but this only fuels them to the point that she wants him to turn her vampire. Meanwhile Marius (Vincent Perez) is awoken by Lestat’s lust for everything and is alarmed when Lestat plugs into Akasha (Aaliyah), the queen of all vampires and wakes her. And she wants it all and convinces Lestat to come with her until he realises she offers nothing but devastation. So it’s up to Jesse’s long lost mother Maharet (Lena Olin) and her band of fellow vampires to stop Akasha before the devastation happens. OK vampire thriller, Townsend is pretty good while Aaliyah is also good in a small (and final) role. It is pretty funny that Lestat is brought to life by the sounds of nu-metal which absolutely dates this movie horrendously.

No nudity in Queen of the Damned but there’s some videos from the movie below.

Aaliyah in Queen of the Damned

166421kb 3min 58sec 1920×800 (plenty of cleavage in bra top, extremely lengthy)


Nicole Fantl in Queen of the Damned

92266kb 1min 47sec 1920×800 (Nicole in see-through top to bra, Alyssa McClelland shows plenty of cleavage and in short skirt, lengthy)



Radio Samurai

Movie made between 1999-2006 but somehow it gets a 2002 date; no idea why. Low budget comedy where a radio presenter Gene Roseberry (Stuart Orr) is sacked after making one too many pranks but is given one more episode to finish up. He decides to go big with a radio play and gets the help of his feminist writer girlfriend Alison (Joanna MacKay) and sleazy best friend John (Nathan Hill) who have just hooked up without the radio presenter’s knowledge. Things are looking bad particularly with his replacement Randy (Thomas Caldwell) more than willing to humiliate him but Gene decides to go ahead with his flimsy plan and hope for the best. Silly movie with a ridiculous central love triangle which bogs the movie down for the most part. The comedy is particularly nonexistent and it’s low budget causes all sort of problems with the plot while the ending is incredibly limp. Does have a cameo from Brooke Satchwell who seems a class above this. A struggler.

Brief nudity from Debbie Griffiths who flashes her breasts to distract a presenter.

You can find a synopsis with videos from Radio Samurai here. A preview is below.

Debbie Griffiths in Radio Samurai




The Road from Coorain

Adaptation of the autobiographical book by Jill Ker Conway about her struggles to break free from her family home. Or something, I don’t remember much about it.

Brief nudity from Katherine Slattery and British actress Juliet Stevenson.

You can find a synopsis with videos from The Road from Coorain here. A preview is below.

Katherine Slattery in The Road from Coorain



Juliet Stevenson in The Road from Coorain




Seconds to Spare

Channel 9 telemovie that imported Antonio Sabato Jr. for this thriller about a terrorist who hijacks a train and threatens to blow it up if he isn’t paid a ransom. Or something…

No nudity in Seconds to Spare but there’s a video of Kate Beahan in a bathing suit from the movie available here.



Secret Bridesmaids’ Business

ABC telemovie adaptation of a popular local play about the hours before Meg (Helen Dallimore) is getting married to James (Vince Colosimo). She spends most of her time getting ready and enjoying herself with her bridesmaids Angela (Rebecca Frith) and Lucy (Sacha Horler). Over the day, fun is had and secrets are revealed including a big one involving Meg’s sister Naomi (Alice McConnell) which threatens to derail Meg’s wedding. One for the ladies and pretty much just a filmed play.

No nudity in Secret Bridesmaids’ Business but I’ve made a few videos from the movie which are available below.

Helen Dallimore in Secret Bridesmaids’ Business

35870kb 2min 11sec 960×544 (plenty of cleavage in gown/nice dress, down blouses, lengthy)


Helen Dallimore, Rebecca Frith and Sacha Horler in Secret Bridesmaids’ Business

55586kb 3min 10sec 960×544 (all ‘nude’ in spa bath, Helen and Rebecca in towels, extremely lengthy)


Alice McConnell in Secret Bridesmaids’ Business

6326kb 20sec 960×544 (see-through petticoat to bra and panties)



Till Human Voices Wake Us

Drama that follows two teenage friends Sam and Silvy (Brooke Harman) who live in a small country town in Victoria. Silvy needs to use calipers to walk and on the day of the local dance, Sam takes Silvy to the river and they both get in the water and after a momentary lapse, Sam loses Silvy and she disappears assumed drowned. Years later Sam (Guy Pearce) now teaches in a university in Melbourne but when his father dies, he comes back to his home town for the funeral. On his way there, he spots a woman struggling in the river during a storm and he saves her. Calling herself Ruby (Helena Bonham Carter), she fascinates Sam as she reminds him very much of Silvy and over the next day he spends as much time with Ruby as he can to get back what he once had. But is she really SIlvy or even real? After an interesting start, the movie gets mired down with the late plot twist which is far too obvious and predictable and not anywhere near as interesting. Apparently, this film was recut for American release and is told in flashback, but I don’t think it would fix the predictability of the plot

Brief nudity from Helena Bonham Carter.

You can find a synopsis with videos from Till Human Voices Wake Us here. A preview is below.

Helena Bonham Carter in Till Human Voices Wake Us




To Become One

Low budget master Neil Johnson returns with a bizarre hybrid movie. Melinda (Emma Grasso) enjoys life and she and her friends live a life of petty thievery. All of a sudden her life is turned upside down by a killer in a gas mask who is killing her family and friend one-by-one until they get to her. In a tussle, she overpowers the killer and unmasks him and he tells her that he’s her brother Michael (Jay Gallagher). Reeling from the revelation, Melinda is taken by Michael and she wakes up in a makeshift hospital and finds herself joined to Michael. Turns out they were conjoined twins that were separated at birth and Michael wants to be back with her. And he’s enlisted the help of cultish mad doctor Hatcher (David Vallon) to help realise it. Melinda is stunned and tries to find a way to not only remove herself from the binds to Michael but to get away from the hell she is in. Feels like two movies in one and neither make a whole lot of sense, even less when they are joined together. Why does Michael need to kill everyone? Can’t he just kidnap Melinda? The motives for everything make little sense then some of the so-called dead reappear later in the movie. An absolute mess.

No nudity in To Become One but there’s a few videos from the movie below.

Emma Grasso in To Become One

3926kb 14sec 752×568 (bra)

10696kb 49sec 752×568 (bra)


Izumi Pennicott in To Become One

6040kb 25sec 752×568 (bra and panties)

9934kb 1min 752×568 (Izumi in bra, girl-girl kisses)


Cherry Lefevre and Penni Conlan in To Become One

2298kb 8sec 752×568 (one woman in bikini, another in one piece bathing suit)



Tongan Ninja (NZ)

Parody of dubbed Hong Kong movies particularly Bruce Lee movies. As a kid, Sione and friend Marvin survive a plane crash on Tonga and are forced to join a martial arts camp on the island after Sione’s father is eaten by piranhas. Years later, Sione the Tongan Ninja (Sam Manu) is sent to Wellington to help Miss Lee (Linda Tseng), the owner of a Chinese restaurant that is being harassed by gangsters sent by Mr. Big (Victor Rodger). The Tongan Ninja dispatches all foes and wins the heart of Miss Lee but he is haunted by one enemy Action Fighter aka Marvin (Jemaine Clement) who has never forgiven the Tongan Ninja for how his life has become. And he’s arrived in Wellington looking for revenge. Somewhat funny parody of Bruce Lee movies with the plot basically the exact same as The Way of the Dragon plus there’s musical interludes from early stage Flight of the Conchords and all sorts of silly cultural references. Not bad.

No nudity in Tongan Ninja but there’s a sexy scene featuring Linda Tseng which is available below.

Linda Tseng in Tongan Ninja

17784kb 59sec 960×544 (plenty of cleavage in slip, ‘nude’ under covers)


Toy Love (NZ)

Chaotic romantic comedy where Ben (Dean O’Gorman) sees Chlo (Kate Elliott) at a bar and tries to pick her up but fails miserably so he asks her to start again only for another man Jim (Peter Feeney) to cut in. Ben has a go at him and they tussle and they both get kicked out. As Ben leaves, he comes across Jim and his buddies who see him and chase after him. As he runs, he sees Chlo in a taxi who helps him escape. They go to his house where he lives with his girlfriend Emily (Marissa Stott) and he introduces Chlo as his casting agent for an ad he’s about to shoot. They fool around in the bathroom then Chlo leaves possibly never to be seen again. Turns out Ben narrowly avoided finding out that Emily is in love with mechanic Francois (Michael Lawrence) and she’s cheating on Ben with him. The next day, Ben picks up Nancy (Genevieve McClean) and they go to her house but she loses interest. Ben hears someone nearby spying on them and goes to check who it is and it’s Chlo. This begins an anarchic, wacky journey where we’ll see whether Ben and Chlo get together which goes to many ridiculous places with no real clear path as to where it’s going almost like it was made up as they filming it. Chlo is so unpredictable that she’s hard to pin down, she’s like the ultimate manic pixie dream girl. Ben flits between Chlo and Emily although this is probably the only predictable thing in the movie as you know where Ben’s going to end up. It’s a hectic movie that bounces from one wacky moment to another so you’ll either find it a lot of fun or completely silly.

No nudity in Toy Love but there’s a few videos from the movie available here.


Trojan Warrior
aka Kick to the Head

Australia’s turn at a martial arts parody. A bag man for the mob Theo (Arthur Angel) decides to testify against a local kingpin which causes the kingpin to put out a contract on Theo’s life that every low-life scumbag in Melbourne wants. Theo is a fool but he has one ally in his cousin Ajax (kickboxing champion Stan ‘The Man’ Longinidis) who keeps him alive as the neverending assault of comical low-life scumbags and corrupt cops attempt to get the reward. Written by mysterious local Melbourne identity Headley Gritter (who was also involved in the terrible Dead End), it’s chock full of local identities, so many Aussie Rules footballers including Mark ‘Jacko’ Jackson and bafflingly Chopper Read playing a character named Eric Bana??? The plot is completely ridiculous and the comedy barely registers but if you’re into it’s style of silliness and don’t mind hearing The Masters Apprentices ‘Turn Up Your Radio’ a million times (the lead singer has a cameo, of course!) you might like it. But it’s pretty bad in an almost enjoyable way.

Nudity from Julianne Armstrong, Rosey Kevekordes and a number of anonymous women.

You can find a synopsis with videos from Trojan Warrior here. A preview is below.

Julianne Armstrong in Trojan Warrior



Rosey Kevekordes in Trojan Warrior



Unknowns in Trojan Warrior




Walking on Water

Heavy drama where friends and family gather to see Gavin die by euthanasia after a long battle with the HIV virus. This includes friends/housemates Charlie (Vince Colosimo) and Anna (Maria Theodorakis), Charlie’s lover Frank (Nic Bishop), Gavin’s mother (Judi Farr), brother Simon (Nathaniel Dean) and Simon’s wife Kate (Anna Lise Phillips). But Gavin doesn’t go so smoothly and Charlie ‘finishes’ him off which will haunt him over the coming days. He and Frank also start to have issues. But he’s not the only one that struggles with Gavin’s death. Anna starts drinking heavily, doing everything around the house and has a fling with Simon. No-one seems to be handling Gavin’s death well and maybe a change of scenery will help Charlie and Anna get through it. Dark drama about the struggle of grief that is full of big performances particularly from Colosimo and Theodorakis but are helped with some great material to work with. But it is heavy going all the way.

Maria Theodorakis shows her breasts in a couple of scenes.

I’ve redone a video from the movie in slightly better quality than the one that was available. You can find previous collages from Walking on Water here.

Maria Theodorakis in Walking on Water


27402kb 1min 32sec 960×512 (breasts, see-through bra, skirt, panties taken off, sex scenes including getting eaten out, lengthy)


Quite a number of movies had nothing to cap for this year including the bizarre Steve Irwin movie The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, Bill Bennett’s mining buddy comedy The Nugget, funny lawn bowls comedy Crackerjack, romantic comedies The Real Thing and Searching for Mr Right.Com, Indigenous dramas Beneath Clouds, courtroom drama Black and White, Phillip Noyce’s Rabbit-Proof Fence and Rolf de Heer’s The Tracker, horror movies Reign in Darkness and Guardian, light comedy Tempe Tip, social drama short New Skin, satire Crazy Richard, American TV co-production Disappearance and made in China martial arts action movie Warriors of Virtue: The Return to Tao where New Zealand actor Kevin Smith was killed in a stunt gone wrong.

There’s also no nudity in the New Zealand movies Whale Rider, sci-fi thriller The Vector File and kids movie The Legend of Johnny Lingo.

I wasn’t able to find the following movies: Avoca, BloodSports, Como Fue: A Story of Tina Modotti, Eloise, Finding Joy, Hey Sista!, In Blood, Issues, The Killbillies, The Merchant of Fairness (but has a classification that includes sex scenes), My Little Brother’s a Vampire, The Silence of Angels, Signs of Life, Something About AJ, Sway, Teesh and Trude (although I have watched this and don’t remember anything to cap) and ZTS: State of Entropy. I’ve watched the telemovie Heroes’ Mountain that doesn’t have any nudity but has a brief bathing suit scene which I was hoping to cap but couldn’t find my better quality copy of it. I’ll fix that when I find it. As far as I know there’s no further New Zealand movies.

If 2002 was a light year for movies to cap, 2003 is a return to form which will probably need 3 updates to complete.


Tags: Kestie Morassi, Jessica Gower, Kristie Jandric, Aaliyah, Nicole Fantl, Helen Dallimore, Rebecca Frith, Sacha Horler, Alice McConnell, Emma Grasso, Izumi Pennicott, Cherry Lefevre, Penni Conlan, Linda Tseng, Maria Theodorakis



Australian/New Zealand movies: 2001 part 2

Continuing with a soft year for nudity but there’s still good nudity in the polyamorous drama Summer of Love and the New Zealand comedy Stickmen. Everything else is all very brief.


The Man Who Sued God

Comedy that drops that charade and turns into a courtroom drama. Steve (Billy Connolly) watches his boat and home get struck by lightning almost killing him in the process and then gets screwed out of an insurance pay out by the ‘Act of God’ clause which pisses him off no end. So broke and without home, he decides to sue God in the name of the union of Churches which is treated as a joke by the media. But struggling tabloid columnist Anna (Judy Davis) sees it as an opportunity to get back to writing bigger stories even after she had a run in with Steve previously. She helps him with his case which seems like a long shot but Steve isn’t giving up without a fight also he and Anna fall for one another. There’s an interesting idea here but probably not one to sustain an 100 minute movie which may explain why there’s barely any comedy after the first 20 minutes and the only comedy is forced slapstick which feels out-of-place with the rest of the movie. Also has a very corny ‘fuck insurance companies/religious awakening’ ending. Emily Browning’s first movie playing Connolly’s daughter although she’d done plenty of TV before that. Very middle of the road.

No nudity in The Man Who Sued God but there’s a scene where Judy Davis has her skirt ripped off which is unexpected for a movie like this.

Judy Davis in The Man Who Sued God

8774kb 31sec 960×400 (skirt ripped off revealing panties)

6660kb 29sec 960×400 (various down blouses)



Moulin Rouge!

Baz Luhrmann strikes again, this time a pop-infused musical love story set around the Moulin Rouge where a struggling poet Christian (Ewan McGregor) falls for Moulin Rouge’s main attraction Satine (Nicole Kidman). I’d be lying if I said I’ve watched but back when I capped it, I watched the first 20-odd minutes and quit when the cast improvised a show, that was enough for me…

There’s a scene where Nicole Kidman’s nipple slips outside of her dress which is the closest thing to nudity in the movie. I have made a few videos from Moulin Rouge! which you can find here. A preview is below.

Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge!





Drama about Eddie (Ben Mendelsohn) known by everyone as ‘Mullet’ who arrives back in his hometown and stirs up trouble like he did before he left. That’s about all I remember, I’m afraid.

No nudity in Mullet but there’s an underwear scene from Belinda McClory which you can find here.



The Old Man Who Read Love Stories

Rolf de Heer’s only international production to date. Drama set and made in French Guiana, about Antonio Bolivar (Richard Dreyfuss) who’s lived in the marshlands for over 40 years. One day, a white man is found dead in the water with a massive slash mark down his body. Local cop/mayor Luis (Timothy Spall) thinks it’s the tribespeople but Bolivar is convinced that it’s a rogue female jaguar getting revenge on a poacher. When a second body turns up with the same slash marks, Luis gets itchy and decides to send out a posse to kill the jaguar which includes Bolivar and dentist Rubicondo (Hugo Weaving) amongst others. But the jaguar proves a wily beast to kill and brings Bolivar to the brink of madness which causes him to come to love the animal he’s supposed to kill. He also remembers his lost love Josefina (Cathy Tyson) who enabled his love of reading, Not a bad little tale with mostly Dreyfuss by himself for a fair portion of the second half of the movie. Both Spall and Weaving put on dreadful accents but you gotta sell the movie with recognisable names I guess. Let’s face it, de Heer was never going to make a Hollywood blockbuster and this is more in his comfort zone.

Only nudity in the movie is from some unnamed local tribeswomen in some dream sequences.

Unknowns in The Old Man Who Read Love Stories

4246kb 20sec 960×400 (various women showing breasts)



One Night the Moon

Devastating musical mystery set in the 1930s about a young girl who goes missing but her father (singer Paul Kelly) refuses the use of Aboriginal tracker Albert (Kelton Pell) to help find his daughter. Albert stews about not being able to help as the white folk go off and don’t end up finding her. The girl’s mother Rose (Kaarin Fairfax) waits at home and finally allows Albert to find her daughter but is it too late? Interesting way to tell the story with music/song and barely any dialogue or plot and it works surprisingly well. Interestingly, Kelly and Fairfax, who were married while making the movie, split up after making this movie.

Brief side-boob from Kaarin Fairfax while she takes a bath.

Kaarin Fairfax in One Night the Moon

2828kb 10sec 960×544 (side-boob, ‘nude’ in bath)



Rain (NZ)

Drama that is seen through the eyes of a 13 year-old girl Janey (Alicia Fulford-Wierzbicki) who watches her family fall apart over summer at their holiday house with her mother (Sarah Peirse) flirting and then having an affair with a local man Cady (Marton Csokas). Janey begins to resent her mother and starts to become insistent on Cady, attempting to get him to take photos of her. Then one day it all comes to a head with a family tragedy. Disturbing drama where the final act is incredibly bleak and the whole movie is hard to watch but the two female leads are very good particularly Fulford-Wierzbicki but the male roles are very weak and depending on your proclivities, the final act might be too much.

Brief nudity from Sarah Peirse and Alison Routledge.

You can find a synopsis with videos from Rain here. A preview is below.

Sarah Peirse in Rain



Alison Routledge in Rain




Russian Doll

Romantic comedy where Russian woman Katia (Natalia Novikova) arrives in Sydney to be a mail-order bride but finds that the man she was to marry has died and now she’s stranded without knowing anyone. She then meets Ethan (David Wenham) and they fall for one another but there’s one problem: he’s married to Miriam (Rebecca Frith). Ethan needs somewhere to set Katia up and finds it in his best friend Harvey (Hugo Weaving), a meek private detective who has just found the woman he was to marry cheating on him. Ethan comes up with a plan to pay Harvey to ‘marry’ Katia so that she can have somewhere to stay while they have their affair. Harvey accepts only because he now has money to quit his job and write full time. And wouldn’t you know it, over time Harvey and Katia fall for one another as Ethan becomes more flaky. Silly little comedy, all very predictable and not all that funny despite being an attempt at being a screwball comedy.

No nudity in Russian Doll but there’s a few sexy scenes featuring Natalia Novikova and others which you can find here.




Drama set the late 19th century where a girl is born of Indigenous mother and Afghan father and spends her youth living in both worlds, struggling to find her way. As an adult, Jila (Alice Haines) falls for Johann (Aden Young). That’s all I remember from the movie.

Franchesca Cubillo briefly shows her breasts during a sex/rape scene.

You can find a synopsis with videos from Serenades here. A preview is below.

Franchesca Cubillo in Serandes




Snakeskin (NZ)

Thriller where Alice (Melanie Lynskey), a woman who is obsessed with American culture and wants to have a big adventure but that isn’t happening in Christchurch. Her best friend Johnny (Dean O’Gorman) wants a normal life but humours her dreams with his American car as they pick up hitchhikers on the side of the road, looking for fun. At a petrol station, they meet Seth (Boyd Kestner), a American cowboy who seems to be possessed by a snake and they give him a lift and their fun is about to begin. Turns out Seth is being chased by a bunch of skinheads and they are followed in an ice cream truck driven by a hippy couple, Nelson (Taika Waititi) and Daisy (Jodie Rimmer), who Seth stole drugs from and also their boss Tama (Gordon Hatfield), who wants his money. Alice is about to get the big adventure she always wanted and she’s not going to like it. Shallow and uninteresting road movie thriller that goes around in circles until nearly everyone dies in the inevitable final confrontation. I have no idea where anyone is going in this movie and they seem to catch up with one another so quickly that really does seem like they are doing laps of the town until 80 minutes is up for the final confrontation. And by 2001, Snakeskin feels like a latecomer to the ripping off Tarantino trend. The movie is indistinguishable from an American movie of the period save for the New Zealand accents and scenery.

No nudity in Snakeskin but there’s a few sexy videos featuring Melanie Lynskey available here.



La Spagnola

Spanish melodrama written by actress Anna Maria Monticelli set in Australia amongst the immigration influx of the 1950s. Lola (Lola Marceli) is abandoned by her husband for an Australian woman and she is left to fend for herself with her sullen teenage daughter Lucia (Alice Ansara). She’s also pregnant then her husband dies suddenly and now Lola’s really in trouble. Then Lucia turns on her, siding with her father and blames her mother for his death so she decides to get revenge on her while her mother desperately tries to hold onto her own sanity in a country she doesn’t want to be in. Not a bad attempt at a Spanish melodrama, better than I remember it being and the two leads are very good.

No nudity in La Spagnola but there’s a few collages and videos of Lola Marceli and others here.



Stickmen (NZ)

Guy Ritchie-inspired comedy about three friends Jack (Robbie Magasiva), Thomas (Paolo Rotondo) and Wayne (Scott Wills) who hustle pool together and are spotted by local fixer Holden (Kirk Torrance) who gets pub owner Dave (John Leigh) to sign them up for the city wide underground pool tournament. Meanwhile Thomas, who already has a girlfriend, attracts the interest of waitress Sara (Anne Nordhaus) and they hit it off immediately. Jack also attracts interest from Karen (Simone Kessell) and it turns out that Karen and Sara are working on a plan of their own with the boys. As the boys keep winning against wackier opponents, pressure comes onto them from mob boss Daddy (Enrico Mammarella), who runs the tournament, to up the stakes with their victories because he’s laid a big bet against them winning. Flashy movie very much in the vain of Guy Ritchie’s early movies but with a New Zealand flavour. The Sara and Karen angle is handled clumsily and doesn’t really work but for the most part the movie is pretty enjoyable as it rollicks along.

Nudity from Simone Kessell and Angie Meiklejohn. I’ve redone the videos from the movie and made a collage which are available below.

Simone Kessell in Stickmen

14412kb 1min 02sec 960×512 (breasts, bra and panties)


Anne Nordhaus in Stickmen

2124kb 8sec 960×512 (plenty of cleavage in bodysuit)


Angie Meiklejohn in Stickmen

12956kb 1min 01sec 960×512 (breasts/side-boob, bum, sex scene)



Summer of Love

Romantic drama where Amanda (Natalie Laing) joins her boyfriend Tom (Scott Corfield) on the South Australian coast after the funeral of her father hoping to move on. Instead, she contemplates leaving Tom or at least have more sexual experience with the suggestion of an open relationship. At the shops, Amanda meets American artist Michael (Ryan Miller) who is in town for a big art project, though nothing comes of their brief encounter until the next day when they bump into each other at the beach. Michael convinces Amanda to swim over to the caves and while there, they have sex. Amanda tells Tom about this and he can’t believe that she would find someone else to have sex with so quickly and contemplates leaving her. Amanda continues to see Michael while Tom decides to have a chat with Michael and ends up becoming friends with him. After a dinner together, the three have sex and it goes so well that they decide to have a polyamorous relationship. Things continue to go well for a while but a visit from her mother causes Amanda to reassess the relationship. Directed by Wayne Groom of Centrespread and Maslin Beach fame so you already know where this movie’s going although strangely this movie is better handled than those movies but not by much. The movie feels more like a soap opera and the acting isn’t exactly astounding. Neither of the male characters are interesting, not even the American artist and a big deal is made of Amanda’s mood swings and she has plenty of them making her pretty annoying. The exploration of the polyamorous relationship is interesting and is handled fairly well, if only the male characters were worth the effort.

Nudity from Natalie Laing and Bree Maddox.

You can find a synopsis with collages and HD videos from Summer of Love here. A preview is below.

Natalie Laing in Summer of Love



Bree Maddox in Summer of Love





Comedy about Catherine (Anna Lise Phillips) who works for and is in love with American motivational speaker Nat Wolff (C. Thomas Howell) and is then given the news that her estranged mother Katya (Anne Looby) has died and Catherine doesn’t know how to feel. She comes home for the funeral and to take care of arrangements with her mother’s partner Martin (‘Bud’ Tingwell) but still struggles to feel anything until Katya’s ghost appears and causes havoc in her life, offering her advice as to what to do especially when Catherine finds out she’s pregnant. And over time, Catherine will work out what has been bugging her about her mother and come to terms with her death as Katya has a little fun attempting to lighten Catherine up. Silly, modest but somewhat entertaining movie about a daughter coming to terms with the death of her mother that she despised. Anne Looby does a good job and so does Anne Lise Phillips in holding the movie together but the addition of American actor C. Thomas Howell might’ve helped sell the movie but he makes very little impact and is at best harmless.

Brief nudity from Anne Looby (or most likely a double) while riding a horse naked.

You can find a synopsis with videos from WillFull here. A preview is below.

Anne Looby in WillFull



Quite a lot of movies had nothing to cap in this year including corporate thriller The Bank, old folks with a greyhound drama Dalkeith, another greyhouse drama Silent Partner, comedy thriller Let’s Get Skase, revenge thriller Four Jacks, music comedy Spudmonkey, drama about Indigenous boys finding their way Yolngu Boy, student portmaneau movie And She Said…, telemovies Border Patrol and Curse of the Talisman, Neil Johnson directed sci-fi drama Konstrukt 3, true crime telemovie My Husband My Killer and kids movies Hildegarde and When Good Ghouls Go Bad.

There’s also quite a few New Zealand movies with nothing to cap including thriller When Strangers Appear, horror thriller No One Can Hear You, low budget drama The Waiting Place, rural dramedy Back River Road, short drama Love Mussel, another in the Lawless telemovie series Lawless: Dead Evidence and silly kids movie Ozzie.

I wasn’t able to look at the following movies: Abschied in den Tod, The Bad Samaritan, Big Shots, Blue Neon, Breaking Point, Break the Silence, Finding Hope, Forever After, Hostage to Fate, The Inside Story, Jet Set, The Letter, Low Fat Elephants, Neophytes and Neon Lights, Rooms for Rent, Sisters in Blood, Spatch and The Walk. There’s also the New Zealand movies: Beauty of a Straightjacket, Kung Fu Vampire Killers and Still Life.

There’s a real drop-off in 2002 so much so that there will probably be only one update for the year. The 2000s on the whole are a real mixed bag.


Tags: Judy Davis, Kaarin Fairfax, Simone Kessell, Anne Nordhaus, Angie Meiklejohn



Australian/New Zealand movies: 2001 part 1

Things are about to drop off in regards to nudity over the next little while. Very mild year with no movies with extensive nudity and a number of movies with just sexy scenes and when there is nudity, it’s pretty mild. Only 5 of the 14 movies in today’s update have any nudity and it doesn’t get better in the next update. Having said that there is some decent nudity from Jaime Passier-Armstrong in the New Zealand movie Crooked Earth.



Another of those South Australian million dollar movies, this time a horror comedy where a meteorite lands in a small town. A small town ambulance driver Walter (Hugh Sexton) and his trusty offsider Brendan (Dan McInnes) find a slime that seems to have cloning properties. Three months later, drifter O’Grady (Gary Sweet) and his lover Loretta (Elissa Elliot) are passing through but get pulled over by the local cop Hannigan (Vince Poletto) who is overly aggressive towards them, almost sexually assaulting Loretta before O’Grady intervenes and in the ensuing struggle he accidentally shoots Hannigan, who then gets run over. O’Grady tells Loretta to run away while he decides stays in town trying at the pub owned by Audrey (Alyce Platt) who lives with her goth daughter Simone (Charlotte Rees) to get his bearings. A series of incidents occur including Loretta’s arrival in town that leads O’Grady to believe that Walter and Brendan are up to something and he finds out they are cloning the townsfolk and turning them into their own creations. Corny comedy that relies more on the comedy, which is lacking, than the horror part of the equation. Seems to have a slightly bigger budget featuring more well known actors (Gary Sweet is a massive step up from who the other movies had) and they seem to be in on the joke. It’s just a shame that joke just isn’t very funny.

No nudity in Bodyjackers but there’s a few videos from the movie here.



Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

Mick Dundee (Paul Hogan) is back again for one more go at it, this time with a young son Mikey (Serge Cockburn). When Sue (Linda Kozlowski) is asked by her father to run the newspaper in Los Angeles, Mick and their son Mikey decide to join her. Mick and Mikey try to adapt to living in the weirdness of Los Angeles and when those ideas run thin, Mick uncovers an art smuggling ring and foils it. Also his Mick’s outback mate Nugget (Gerry Skilton) comes over to be the ‘nanny’ for Mikey. There’s also lots of talk of Mick and Sue finally getting married plus an unusual amount of ‘gay cowboy’ talk. Diminishing returns, some jokes land and then when the movie starts to go nowhere, it ends with a B-grade plot involving art smugglers that is almost as bad as the drug smuggler shoot-out ending of the second movie. The original really was ‘lightning in a bottle’.

No nudity in Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles but there’s a quick video from the movie below.

Clare Carey in Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

37151kb 41sec 1920×1088 (sports bra, shorts)



Crooked Earth (NZ)

Thriller where Will (Temuera Morrison) has been dishonourably discharged from military service and comes home for the funeral of his father and meets up with his daughter Ripeke (Jaime Passier-Armstrong). The death of the patriarch has left a struggle for the head of the family between Will and his brother Kahu (Lawrence Makoare). Will is reluctant to take over as he had left this life, so Kahu has no problem taking over as it allows him to flaunt his power for his growing criminal empire. When a local land deal that was first struck up by their father is hijacked by Kahu, Will is forced into action to stop his brother wreaking havoc in the area with his new drug dealing friends. And Kahu is not going down without a fight, even if it means killing his brother and his niece. Not bad movie about the new ways mixing with the old way but Once Were Warriors did that way better. Good, but not great.

A couple of scenes where Jaime Passier-Armstrong shows her breasts.

You can find a synopsis with collages and videos from Crooked Earth here. A preview is below.

Jaime Passier-Armstrong in Crooked Earth




aka Hellion: The Devil’s Playground

Horror movie where Lynn (Belinda McClory) comes back to Australia after divorcing her American husband with her three children including teenage daughter Bronwyn (Lauren Hewett). Lynn buys an old house to be near her sister but the house has a history involving satanic rituals. It seems that the evil is coming from the cubbyhouse in the backyard and Lynn’s two youngest kids have come under its spell. Meanwhile, a young man Danny (Joshua Leonard from The Blair Witch Project) takes an interest in the house and Bronwyn. Silly horror movie from prolific director Murray Fahey who probably had his biggest budget with this movie as he mostly made cheapies.

Brief nudity from Belinda Gavin while Lauren Hewett has a scene where she covers her breasts with her arm. This was her last movie after a prolific career through the 1990s as a child actor.

You can find a synopsis with collages and videos from Cubbyhouse here. A preview is below.

Lauren Hewitt in Cubbyhouse



Belinda Gavin in Cubbyhouse




The Diamond of Jeru

Didn’t watch the movie as I could only get a Russian overdub but it’s Billy Zane back in Australia after Dead Calm and The Phantom. Also nice to Paris Jefferson in another Australian movie after being in the Panther movies in the late 80s.

Paris Jefferson in The Diamond of Jeru

5228kb 18sec 688×512 (‘nude’ under water)



Elixir (trailer only)

Lost movie, never released as far as I can tell. But there’s a near 5 minute trailer from the movie that has a brief moment where you see Laurie Foell’s breasts. Movie may never be released but strangely the director of the movie put up behind-the-scenes footage from the movie on YouTube a fortnight ago, so who knows?

The original update is available here.

Laurie Foell in Elixir (trailer)





The Finder

Thriller where Rebecca (Anja Coleby) is taken from her car and kidnapped by Lew (Alan Cinis), who takes her in his kombi van to a remote location. Rebecca’s father Bob (Barry Langrishe) receives a tape and decides to get in touch with Les Kearney (Simon Westaway), a former cop turned private investigator who works out of the local surf lifesaving club. Les visits her boyfriend Rick (Dieter Brummer) who tells her about an incident where a gang of drug dealers called the Natoli brothers including Leo (Paul Mercurio) and Sam (Callan Mulvey) drugged Rebecca and almost raped her before Rick saved her and copped a slashing for his trouble. Rick is then killed. Les gets his car salesman mate Ace (Alan Lovell) to do some errands for him while he goes an visits Rick’s mother Irene (Rowena Wallace) and she tells him that he was going to propose to Rebecca yesterday morning before she was kidnapped. Rebecca is then taken by a second kidnapper Paul (Tim McCunn) who probably killed Rick and that isn’t even the half of it. OK thriller but is riddled with a bunch of ridiculous stuff and a complicated plot that needs a whole lotta explaining and I’m not sure makes sense. There’s a whole bunch of odd moments throughout, no more so than the kidnapper using a paraglider to find a fleeing Rebecca which just looks like something the makers put it because they had access to it. All in all, the plot moves along quite nicely which makes the movie fairly watchable but it’s so complex and probably doesn’t make sense.

No nudity in The Finder but there’s some videos from the movie available here.



Getting the Dirt on Trish

Adelaide-made low budget slacker comedy, this time told from the female perspective. Trish (Caroline Farmer) is her own worst enemy. She is in a sort-of relationship with Mark (Tommy Darwin) but is sleeping with Michael (Robertto Karas) who’s already in a relationship with Clare. When she writes a career-ending review of her ex-boyfriend Johnny’s (John Martin) band’s new album, he comes after her in vengeance so Trish hides out with her sister Jodi (Gail Kovalseff). Well, they don’t exactly get along then Trish ghosts Mark who finds out she’s cheating on him and now he’s after her. Meanwhile, Jodi hits it off her neighbour Darcy (Simon Robb). Eventually Trish’s chickens come home to roost and she can’t hide forever. Mildly amusing movie, Trish is such a mess that it’s hard to like her but she does leave a somewhat amusing amount of carnage behind with a number of frustrated men. As with most slacker movies it’s pretty modest and never reaches any great heights. Had never heard of this movie before I went looking for it.

Very brief glimpses at Caroline Farmer’s breasts, never more than a second or so a few times throughout the movie.

Caroline Farmer in Getting the Dirt on Trish

3356kb 29sec 636×480 (brief breasts/side-boob)

15934kb 1min 40sec 636×480 (brief breasts/side-boob, bra, lengthy)

1686kb 18sec 636×480 (implied nudity)



Hard Knox

Action comedy pilot where a private detective Niki Knox (Kim-Maree Penn) is getting married but her father (Lee Majors) hasn’t arrived because he is being attacked by Delicious Malicious (Simone Kessell) and a couple of goons who want a gemstone that he is supposed to have. Niki goes to help him but she doesn’t get there in time and her father is dropped from the roof of his building while she barely survives an explosion. Niki decides to go after Delicious Malicious and gets help with an unlucky cop Steve (Thomas Calabro) who just quit his job and just happens to be in the right place at the right time. Well, Delicious Malicious still wants that gemstone for her boss as when joined with the other two gemstones he has in his possession, he will be given great powers. Oh and the boss (Jason Chong) just happens to be the man Niki was going to marry. Silly, low-rent movie made for the American market so it’s dodgy accents ahoy except from the main character who seems to be dubbed but still with an Australian accent. Also made in the most non-American looking city ever in Sydney. The action is pretty good mainly because the lead is a martial arts champion and knows her stuff and Simone Kessell is good too as a real shitty villain but the plot is ridiculous, Lee Majors comes back as ghost, Calabro is lumped with some real anti-comedy and someone forgot to tell the lead it’s a comedy and she plays it way too seriously. Hard to believe this comes from John Edwards who would become known for much better shows like Love My Way and Puberty Blues.

I’ve upgraded the videos from Hard Knox to HD which are available below. You can find the original update here.

Kim Maree Penn in Hard Knox

17141kb 18sec 1920×1088 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress that rises up to reveal panties)

93941kb 1min 44sec 1920×1088 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress that she rips off to reveal panties, lengthy)

2200kb 2sec 1920×1088 (bra)


Simone Knox in Hard Knox

93549kb 1min 44sec 1920×1088 (bra and panties, lengthy)


Natalie Mendoza in Hard Knox

49344kb 54sec 1920×1088 (in towel, ‘nude’ in bath)



He Died with a Felafel in His Hand

Slacker comedy based on a very popular cult Gen-X book. Danny (Noah Taylor) moves from share house to share house across a number of states where he meets a wide variety people. Along the way we comes across French woman Anya (Romane Bohringer) who he falls for but she is an enigma that he can’t quite crack. Haven’t seen this movie in a while but the book and play were a staple for twentysomethings in the 1990s so it’s strange that this movie feels past it’s used-by date despite it’s pretty decent cast and well chosen director. The movie just doesn’t work for some reason, I don’t know what it is.

No nudity in He Died with a Felafel in His Hand and not much to cap at all but there’s a couple of videos where Romane Bohringer and Emily Hamilton kiss available here.



Instant Karma

Low budget thriller where Scott (Amos Szeps) and Samantha (Emily Stewart) are getting married but have spent all their money on getting a deposit for their new home and have nothing left for their wedding. Despite that their friend Danny (David Gambin) helps out by ‘borrowing’ wedding clothes for them. After their honeymoon, Scott and Samantha arrive home to an empty house as someone has cleaned them out. Then Scott says that he forgot to pay the insurance so they’re stuffed. Except Samantha hatches a plan to pay the insurance late then call the police about the robbery. Which would’ve been the easy solution until Samantha notices a teenage boy wearing Scott’s jacket and with Danny, they grab the boy off the street and bundles him up at their house. When Scott comes home he’s disgusted with what they’ve done but more disgusted at the boy and in a tussle, ends up killing the boy. And then a twist-of-fate is about to make things a whole lot worse for the three. Clumsy but not all that bad little thriller that has a few good ideas but also too many coincidences and an ending which is all too convenient. The protagonists get a little too confident in their plan so the movie is never boring and worth a look.

No nudity in Instant Karma but I’ve made a couple of videos from the movie of Emily Stewart which are available below.

Emily Stewart in Instant Karma

8607kb 35sec 1192×700 (‘nude’ in bath)

36614kb 1min 25sec 1190×720 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress/petticoat, nippy)



Jumping Ship

Disney movie starring the three Lawrence brothers that was made in Australia. Plot is pretty silly something about three kidnappers (including New Zealand actress Jaime Passier-Armstrong who has some decent nudity in Crooked Earth) who attempt to nab the rich older Lawrence brother for ransom but their boat capsizes and the three brothers are stranded on a deserted island. Yawn!

Somehow there’s a sexy scene in this kids movie with Carly Movizio in a bikini which is available below.

Carly Movizio in Jumping Ship

2246kb 18sec 848×480 (bikini top, skirt)




Ensemble drama from director Ray Lawrence, his first movie since the excellent 1985 movie Bliss. Police detective Leon Zat (Anthony LaPaglia) begins an affair with Jane (Rachael Blake), who met during a salsa dance class which Leon takes with his wife Sonja (Kerry Armstrong). Sonja is seeing a psychiatrist Dr. Valerie Sommers (Barbara Hershey), trying to work out the problems in her marriage. Valerie is releasing a book about the murder of her young daughter and her husband John (Geoffrey Rush) is not happy about it and seems very distant in their relationship. Valerie is having a very difficult time with a patient Patrick (Peter Phelps), a gay man who is in a relationship with a married man and after a problematic session with Patrick, Valerie loses herself and goes for a drive and has an accident, leaving her stranded. While waiting for roadside service, Valerie stops a car to get assistance and is never seen again. Leon and his partner (Leah Purcell) are investigating her disappearance and suspect John. Jane sees her next door neighbour Nik (Vince Colosimo) arrive home in a worrisome state and throws something into the lantana bush and she finds that it’s a woman shoe. She calls the police and Nik is arrested but things are never that simple. Gripping story about a group of people all seemingly going downhill in their lives. Is at its best when on the disappearance of Valerie and is all very grim with no one coming out unscathed and the end is a total ‘everything’s fucked’ scenario. If the story wasn’t that good, I’d probably hate Lantana for it’s ridiculous improbability of how everyone is connected but it succeeds with a great cast and a sheer force of will.

Very brief nudity from Rachael Blake.

You can find a synopsis with collages and videos from Lantana here. A preview is below.

Rachael Blake in Lantana




Lawless: Beyond Justice (NZ)

Another in the Lawless telemovie series with Kevin Smith playing a former cop now private detective who solves crimes. This one co-stars American actress Jennifer Rubin.

Brief nudity from Shelly Edwards in an early 2000s web video.

You can find a synopsis with videos from Lawless: Beyond Justice here. A preview is below.

Shelly Edwards in Lawless: Beyond Justice



More to come.


Tags: Clare Carey, Paris Jefferson, Caroline Farmer, Emily Stewart, Carly Movizio, Kim Maree Penn, Simone Kessell, Natalie Mendoza



Australian/New Zealand movies: 2000 part 2

This update is now available here.



Australian/New Zealand movies: 2000 part 1

This update is now available here.


Tags: Paulina Porizkova, Lyrae Kelaher, Kimberley Davies, Carla Marie, Robyn Malcolm, Karen Cliche, Kira Clavell, Rose Byrne, Rebecca Gibney, Olivia Pigeot, Laura Stace


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