Former Pakistani PM Imran Khan criticizes opponents after interrogation in prison

Former Pakistani PM Imran Khan criticizes opponents after interrogation in prison

Islamabad: A day after being questioned over a provocative social media post, jailed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday launched a scathing attack on his opponents, including the chief justice, the establishment and his political rivals. The 71-year-old founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) posted a message from Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi on his X account saying that the government would bring a constitutional amendment to rewrite the rules governing the top judiciary.

The former cricketer-turned-politician criticised the government for trying to change laws to supposedly control the judiciary.

“The occupation mafia and its henchmen are fighting only for their survival, without considering the national interest. The attack on the independence of the judiciary is also a link in this chain. All the institutions of the country have been destroyed. There remains a Supreme Court which is the last hope and support of the nation,” he said. Khan alleged that “an attempt is being made to destroy this last hope of the nation through a constitutional amendment and once again the entire institutions and system of the country are being put at stake to give an extension to the person of their choice.”

He said “efforts are being made to persuade (Chief Justice) Qazi Faiz Isa to implement the new constitutional amendments to prevent transparent investigation into human rights violations and election fraud.”

Khan alleged that the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) had won less than 20 seats but was preparing to attack the judiciary in exactly the same way the PML-N government had attacked the Supreme Court with batons in 1997. “The only difference is that this time the attack is being carried out by taking away the powers of the judiciary. But I want to make one thing clear today that the entire nation supports the judiciary,” he said. “If they think that we will sit quietly then it is their mistake, we will not accept it under any circumstances. I want to make it clear that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf will support the judiciary of the country in all cases. We will call for mass protests across the country,” he said.

Khan also spoke in a tweet on Friday about the case filed against him by the Federal Investigation Agency for attacking the judiciary and the military. He said a complaint had been filed against him for bringing to light the report of the Hamud-ur-Rehman Commission, which investigated the 1971 debacle.

“If the Hamud-ur-Rehman Commission report had been implemented, there would have been no martial law in the country,” he said, adding that even now there is an undeclared martial law in force in the country.

Khan said the ruling PML-N and its coalition partner, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, are not parliamentary parties but are puppets acting on the whims of a few individuals.

“The boot is being respected by saying the vote should be respected,” he said, mocking Nawaz Sharif who had demanded respect for the vote after he was ousted from the government in 2017.

He said the government and its supporters would completely enslave the country and wondered how people in parliament could be arrested without the president’s will.

The PTI chief said, “What happens to us today can happen to them tomorrow. So far, no one has been forcibly removed from parliament.”

Khan also said that Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif would be punished during his tenure for the money laundering case and claimed that then army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa had bailed him out.

He said that apart from the money laundering case, all the cases against Shahbaz Sharif, Nawaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar were old.

Khan also referred to the drug possession case filed against PML-N leader Rana Sanaullah during his rule by the military-controlled Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF).

“The ANF chief was a major general. I called the ANF chief and asked him about the case. He had come to inform the cabinet and present the evidence regarding Rana Sanaullah’s case. He told us that drugs had been seized from Sanaullah’s house. Before us, no one had the courage to call him and ask him about his own cabinet opponents. Why did you file a case against them for drug trafficking?” he asked.

Khan also said that when journalist Matiullah Jan was arrested, he ensured that he was released.

The former prime minister also spoke about his party’s planned rally in Lahore on September 21.

“Political gatherings are our democratic and constitutional right. Whether we get permission or not, we will hold a gathering in Lahore on September 21,” he said.

Khan said barricades had been set up in Islamabad for the September 8 demonstration but that his supporters were alone there.

“Has Punjab become a police state to the extent that we are not allowed to hold any demonstration? We are preparing the party to protest on the streets. I am telling my country and my party to be prepared. Whatever happens, the current regime will be responsible,” he said.

He concluded his message by saying, “When there is a war for freedom, sacrifices must be made. I was wrongly imprisoned for one and a quarter years. Isn’t this a sacrifice? I believe in ‘La ilaha illa Allah’. I am ready to sacrifice my life, but I will not accept slavery from anyone. I also tell the nation not to accept its slavery.”

The content of Khan’s statement is not much different from previous social media posts. The statement targeted the judiciary chief, the military and his political opponents, mainly from the PML-N.

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Friday filed a chargesheet against Khan for allegedly inciting rebellion against the government and state institutions through messages on the social media platform X.

The FIA’s cybercrime wing has launched an investigation and the investigation team led by deputy director Ayaz Khan questioned the PTI founder for about 45 minutes at Adiala jail on Saturday.



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