Bills vs. Jaguars Monday Night Football game scheduled for early kickoff in Week 3

Bills vs. Jaguars Monday Night Football game scheduled for early kickoff in Week 3

Bills Mafia, make sure to mark your calendars and set your reminders for the Buffalo Bills Week 3 primetime game against the Jacksonville Jaguars. The Bills host the Jaguars early in Week 3 Monday Evening Football (MNF) double head, with kick-off planned bee 7:30 PM EDT on ESPN.

The NFL continues its trend of giving fans more primetime football, airing the first of four games in Week 3 of the 2024 season MNF doubleheaders. This extensive list is part of the current television contract between ESPN/ABC and the NFL, which saw ESPN to increase the number of games for the season to 25. The deal, which came into effect in 2022, introduced a series of changes, including the addition of several weeks of double-scheduled games on Monday nights.

The excitement begins in Week 3, when the Buffalo Bills take on the Jacksonville Jaguars, while the Washington Commanders take on the Cincinnati Bengals. Fans will need to prepare for simultaneous action as they navigate between channels and screens to stay up to date on both games.

The Bills have become a fixture in primetime football in recent years, thanks to their rise as one of the NFL’s top prospects. Led by star quarterback Josh Allen, the team has often been featured in big games, including several Monday Evening Football (MNF), Sunday evening football (SNF), And Thursday night football (TNF) appearances.

Bills quarterback Josh Allen will be back in the spotlight in Week 3, and he has a history of thriving under the Monday night spotlight. During his first seven MNF Allen has thrown for 18 touchdowns in a player’s first seven games, which ranks him third all-time for most passing touchdowns in a player’s first seven games. MNF appearances. He trails only Dan Marino and Patrick Mahomes, who both hold the record with 19 touchdowns in their first seven MNF games. With Allen’s playmaking ability, he could easily top these two with another great performance this Monday night.

Week 4 brings another slate of Monday night games as the Tennessee Titans take on the Miami Dolphins and the Seattle Seahawks battle the Detroit Lions. Week 7 will see the Baltimore Ravens take on the Tampa Bay Book Hunters while the Los Angeles Chargers take on the Arizona Cardinals. Finally, Week 15’s doubleheader features a season-ending matchup between the Chicago Bears and Minnesota Vikings, and the Atlanta Falcons take on the Las Vegas Raiders.

The decision to have two Monday Evening Football games in one night, as opposed to the traditional one-game time slot, is a strategic move by the NFL and its broadcast partners to expand viewership and capitalize on fan engagement. At first, you might think that each broadcast is competing with each other, but since ESPN And ABC are both owned by the same parent company, doubleheaders airing on both networks offer a wider audience the opportunity to tune in, increasing overall viewership compared to a single broadcast. Additionally, having two games allows viewers to switch between games, attracting fans of both games and markets, increasing overall engagement.

While each individual match in a doubleheader may attract slightly lower viewing figures than a standalone match, MNF game, the combined audience reach often exceeds that of regular Monday night games. This format allows the NFL to reach multiple markets simultaneously, generating more buzz and giving fans more variety in primetime, though it also presents a challenge for the avid fan with overlapping game times.

The 2024 season has started well and the return of Monday Evening Football Doubleheaders heat things up with the first stop at Highmark Stadium. Whether it’s at the game or elsewhere, where will you be watching the Bills on Monday night?

Sara Larson is a writer for Buffalo Rumblings and SBNation, deeply rooted in the world of Buffalo Bills coverage. In addition to her writing, Sara is a content creator for shows like Unplugged and The Crew, and previously hosted Line 2 Gain and Three Man Rush. She currently serves as Podcast and Vidcast Director for the Rumblings Network, where she oversees a variety of engaging content for Bills fans. You can follow her on Twitter/X @sara_larson.

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