Fort Bragg Officer Frank Honored for Major Success in Drunk Driving Enforcement

(Left to right) Fort Bragg Police Chief Neil Cervenka stands with Officer Jarod Frank who was recognized by Mothers Against Drunk Driving for taking 44 drunk drivers off the road (Photo by Fort Bragg Police Department)

Officer Jarod Frank of the Fort Bragg Police Department has been recognized by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) of California for his extraordinary efforts to remove 44 drunk drivers from the road in 2023.

Natasha Thomas, NorCal Area Executive Director for MADD, emphasized the importance of these “invisible victories” and highlighted the lives saved by stopping drunk driving before tragic incidents occur.

FBPD Chief Neil Cervenka told us that Officer Frank has worked for the agency for 3.5 years after moving from Sacramento to the Mendocino Coast. Officer Frank “has a passion for traffic safety and has become an expert in identifying DUI drivers,” Chief Cervenka explained.

Officer Frank’s service plays a role in his high number of DUI arrests, Chief Cervenka acknowledged. “He was on day duty most of the year, but many of the DUIs were at night, when Officer Frank was on special DUI Enforcement that was paid for with a grant.”

Chief Commissioner Cervenka noted that of all the DUI checks conducted by Officer Frank, the highest recorded blood alcohol concentration was 0.28%. This concentration was measured at 3:15 p.m. on a Thursday afternoon.

Agent Frank’s notable stats for the year include:

  • Seventeen DUI arrests were twice the legal limit or more
  • Seventeen arrests were for daytime drunk driving
  • Nine arrests were of individuals under supervision for driving under the influence (only one was a previous arrest by Officer Frank)
  • Eight arrests were for driving under the influence related to drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol
  • Three arrests for wrong-way driving
  • Two arrests involved drivers with children in the car, resulting in additional child abuse charges

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