Johnson, Decatur County residents graduate from ISP Academy

Johnson, Decatur County residents graduate from ISP Academy

INDIANAPOLIS – The 85e Indiana State Police (ISP) Recruit Academy completed its graduation ceremony Thursday night in the Indiana State Capitol Rotunda. Jacob Day and Aden Walters of Johnson County and Noah Moore and Mark Naylor of Decatur County were among the 21-member graduating class.

The Honorable Justice Christopher M. Goff of the Indiana Supreme Court administered the oath of office to the 21 new State Police Troopers. ISP Superintendent Douglas G. Carter and his staff then presented each new trooper with their badge and official identification.

The graduation period was the culmination of 24 weeks of intensive training, totaling over 1,100 hours. Some of the training topics included criminal and traffic law, de-escalation, emergency vehicle operations, defensive tactics, firearms, drunk driving detection, scenario-based training, and modern policing.

Each graduating trooper will be assigned to one of Indiana’s 14 State Police Posts. Once in their assigned precinct, they will spend the next three months working side-by-side with a series of experienced Field Training Officers. After completing field training, the new troopers will be issued a State Police patrol vehicle and begin solo patrols in their assigned precinct.

Day and Walters are assigned to ISP Post 52 in Indianapolis. Moore and Naylor will work at ISP Post 42 in Versailles.

Thanks to Indiana State Police

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