I am a political newbie. Why I am running for office in 2024.

I am Keith Matthews, a hospice nurse, father, and fisherman from St. Johns County, Florida, running for State Representative District 18. I have lived here since 1996 and have raised my family here while caring for many in the hospital, the emergency room, and hospice. I am running because we need a citizen legislature. We don’t need any more professional politicians. My opponents have enormous war chests of donations from special interests and ambitions that go beyond serving the voters of this district. I will not accept contributions from corporate donors. I am beholden only to you, the voter, and not to anyone who wants something from Tallahassee to enrich themselves.

Why am I running now? I am semi-retired, continue to practice hospice nursing, have time and a flexible schedule so I can serve this community with my full attention. If I am honored by your votes, I will become a full-time legislator and work hard for you every day in Tallahassee and here at home. And I believe it is time for all of us to get involved on some level so we can save our democracy and stop the culture wars.

What issues are important to us here?

First, property/homeowners insurance. Rates have been steadily rising since the 1990s when Florida became a red state with three branches of government. Our costs are the highest in the country, although we trail Texas and Louisiana in natural disaster costs. The extremist Republicans in the Florida legislature have allowed insurance to become unaffordable and unaffordable. We need to fix this, but the Republican plan to prevent anyone from suing an insurance company when they refuse to pay a claim will not help. It is time to stop the politicians who are bought and paid for by the insurance industry and instead work together as a team to help Florida homeowners. I will work hard to get your property/homeowners insurance rates down.

I support home rule as our state constitution dictates. Our city and county governments know what we want. What is good for Orlando may not be good for us in St. Johns County. They should not be making laws in Tallahassee that override the laws we believe are best for our beautiful part of Florida.

How about smart development? We are going to have population growth here because it is beautiful and a great place to live. Let’s keep it beautiful and have smart growth. Let’s not be greedy and destroy what we all love here – the beautiful beaches and springs, lots of healthy plants and animals and most importantly FISH! (Did I mention I love to fish!) We need clean air and water so that we, the fish, animals, plants and people can all stay happy and healthy now and for generations to come. I am proud to be endorsed by the Florida Environmental Democratic Caucus.

My message to the government is this: Leave us alone! Stop the culture wars and stop trying to regulate our private lives. People need to feel comfortable being who they are – we are all God’s children. Keep government out of our homes, churches, doctors’ offices, bedrooms, and classrooms.

I believe that we must protect you and your family from those who would take away your freedoms, your Social Security, your Medicare, and your health care choices, all of which are currently under attack by the extremist Republicans who run the state government in Tallahassee.

I am running because I am pro-choice, for legalizing marijuana and expunging all marijuana-related convictions, and against sending your tax dollars to private schools. I will represent the district, not special interests, in Tallahassee. I look forward to meeting you. Together, we can win this election.

Any financial support you can provide will go a long way toward the change we need. I would appreciate donations through Act Blue or by check to Matthews for 18 at 212 Desoto Road, St. Augustine, FL 32080.

Thanks everyone!


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