Archbishop of America: Dream of a United Cyprus Can Become a Bright Reality (VIDEO)

On Saturday, July 20, 2024, Orthodox faithful gathered at the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas and the National Shrine at the World Trade Center for Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on the feast day of the Prophet Elijah, presided over by Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the illegal Turkish invasion of Cyprus.

“We are here to say that despite the devastation and desolation caused by the Turkish invasion and the importation of foreigners to populate the northern third of the island that is still occupied, we will find a way to bring peace and unity to Cyprus,” Archbishop Elpidophoros noted.

“Fifty years is fifty too many. This misery should never have lasted for so many decades, but as we all know, the powers of the international community have long resisted taking the necessary steps to restore Cyprus to its original and peaceful glory… let us pray with intensity of heart and mind. Let us remember with love and commit ourselves with strength, so that the dream of a united Cyprus can become a radiant reality, and those we remember on this day can truly rest in peace, with all the saints in the homes of heaven.”

The Archbishop has recently come under attack from Turkish media for his ardent support for Cypriot independence and the end of the illegal Turkish occupation. These attacks follow the Archbishop’s attention to the Turkish invasion of Cyprus during the 2024 Clergy-Laity Congress during the “Cyprus: Land of Embrace” concert. This is not the first time that Archbishop Elpidophoros has been attacked by nationalist groups in Turkey.

During this service, Chris Katerinakis was ordained to the Holy Diaconate. Chris was ordained with the name Flavianos, given by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, after the great Patriarch of Constantinople. On Friday, July 19, 2024, Deacon Flavianos received his monastic tonsure from Archbishop Elpidophoros in the Archdiocesan Chapel of St. Paul.

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