Traffic in Thunder Ridge, MoDOT and Politicians

Citizens have the right to know whether politician Bolivar has broken the law

I would like to express my opinion that the citizens of Polk County deserve an expedited hearing in the three criminal cases of City of Bolivar v. Barbara J Davolt. Ms. Davolt is the Polk County Administrator and has been charged with multiple counts of theft from Walmart. It is my understanding that all of the charges were captured on the store’s security cameras.

Ms. Davolt is an elected official responsible for the care and decision making on behalf of those under public custody. This position, which requires HIGH public trust, should NOT be filled by someone with such a criminal record. This criminal case has been pending in court for almost a year and has suffered countless unnecessary delays.

We, the citizens of Polk County, deserve a speedy resolution! When a criminal holds office, we deserve to know the truth! The delays are unacceptable!

Coby Cullins, Brighton

Support Quade, beware of Trump

As a member of the Greene County Democratic Central Committee, I of course support all Democrats running for elected office in the state of Missouri. My only exception is the governor’s race. I support Missouri House Minority Leader Crystal Quade over Sam Hamra in the Democratic primary. She has shown time and time again that she supports actions that improve the lives of all Missourians, not actions supported by MAGA officials who support their party and Trump, not Missouri and the country.

Now that President Biden is withdrawing from the race for President of the United States, I will support whoever the National Democratic Party chooses as our candidate.

In Nazi Germany, before World War II, Adolf Hitler blamed all of Germany’s problems on the Jews. In 2024, before the presidential election, former President Donald J. Trump blames all of the United States’ problems on illegal aliens. Nearly all of the Republican candidates running for state office in Missouri are echoing Trump’s complaints. We all know what happened in Nazi Germany. What will happen in this country if Trump is elected, along with all of the anti-immigrant candidates running for state office in Missouri? Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it!

Len Eagleburger, Springfield

Rock and Rolling in a Nightmare

Johnny Morris is the ultimate American dream who literally built his empire from scratch and like many Springfield residents we love to support him and all he has brought to the Ozarks including the Thunder Ridge Amphitheater. It is amazing how Mr. Morris and his team have brought so many big names to perform in the middle of nowhere including one of the biggest acts of all time The Rolling Stones! So of course I had to go! How could anyone not go even when the tickets are extremely expensive for lawn seats – it is still The Rolling Stones and for many like me, a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The drive to Ridgedale was of course beautiful because it is the Ozarks and after a few wrong turns due to lack of signs and employees not knowing where to direct us to our parking lot, we finally arrived. The amphitheater is perfectly situated in the hills and provided the perfect backdrop for an insanely amazing performance by the Stones. Even when the water stations gave us cloudy, yellow-green spring water, we didn’t care at that point because we were all so happy and excited!

Unfortunately, our emotional high after the concert quickly came crashing down. We stood in our parking lot for three hours, completely paralyzed, unable to move due to traffic congestion. The only four traffic wardens I saw stood there helplessly as we all sat there, tempers rising in every car around us, desperately trying to get home. People were getting so impatient after three hours of waiting (understandably) that they were dangerously pushing their way to the front or trying to form more lines in the hopes of getting out as quickly as possible — and who could blame them when all we had to show for ourselves in a poorly lit parking lot were poorly placed traffic cones.

The concert ended at 11:45 and I didn’t walk out my front door until 4:00 in the morning and I only live on the west side of Springfield. Luckily there were no emergencies that required medical attention because it was so out of control that no first aiders could get through the crowded exits and the three officers on the scene were all standing alone on a side road with no help either.

I don’t blame the Thunder Ridge employees or the police because this is way over their heads. It’s so disappointing after Bass Pro knew about the traffic issues after the Garth Brooks debacle and did nothing to fix it! Johnny Morris should be ashamed of himself for putting his own neighbors and community members in a potentially dangerous situation. Until safe and better organized escape plans are made they should shut down all shows and we all know the company has the money to provide a safer environment.

Lindsey Glenn, Springfield

Christians can’t have it both ways

You can’t support Trump and be a Christian. Trump is an adulterer. Trump has been convicted in a civil court of sexual abuse. Trump is a pathological liar. Trump is a racist. Trump’s tweets and speeches preach hate, revenge and violence. Trump is everything Christ preached against.

The choice is yours. Christian or hypocrite.

James Danzer, Springfield

Let MoDOT Know That Roundabout at Reeds Spring Junction Is a Bad Idea

If you are taking Highway 13 on your way to the lake, Branson or Silver Dollar City, you should know that MoDOT is planning to make changes to the intersection of 248/160/13, Reeds Spring Junction. They have announced their plan to build a roundabout at this intersection. There was an informational meeting earlier this year and the plan was met with quite a bit of opposition.

I think that when the current intersection was built, it should have been moved further north. It is a dangerous intersection because of the height of the road to the north, the curve to the south, ignorant drivers, and the speed of the cars on the 13. Improvements need to be made, but I think a traffic light would be a much better option than a roundabout.

There will be another informational meeting on Monday, July 29th from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Reeds Spring High School. For information and to provide feedback, you can also visit

Alicia Rohrer, Already Spring

AG Bailey to answer for holding innocent people in prison

Sandra Hemme and Christopher Dunn are being held in Missouri prisons so that our Attorney General, Andrew Bailey, can remain in office.

A court has ordered that Hemme, who served 43 years in prison, be released because she is innocent. Dunn also has a court order for his release because DNA cleared him of his murder conviction, for which he served 33 years. Both of these innocent people remain in prison because Andrew Bailey does not like the optics of releasing these people so close to the election, in my opinion. He SAYS he wants to appeal the findings of innocence because these appeals have little to no chance of success (if you can call keeping an innocent person in prison “success”).

This kind of behavior is beneath the dignity of the office of Attorney General, an office once held by such honorable officers as Jack Danforth and Jay Nixon. It fosters distrust in our judges and justice system, and indicts our system of government.

If Bailey wants to play the villain long enough to keep the MAGA mob happy, let him come to court in person and answer for this pathetic behavior. Let him run the risk that any defense attorney runs for his disrespect to the court, which is a contempt and possible jail time.

My guess is that a little shock time will ease Mr. Bailey’s mind and free these innocent victims. Let the guards who are housing these prisoners at Bailey’s request also be brought to justice.

It is high time that justice is done.Darren Morrison, Greenfield

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