South Sudan implements UN treaties against organised crime and illegal drugs – One Citizen Daily Newspaper

By Kidega Livingstone

Parliament on Wednesday adopted the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its protocol, as well as the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

Parliament also ratified a treaty establishing the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which will now be submitted to President Salva Kiir Mayardit for approval and implementation.

Speaking during the parliamentary session, the First Vice-President, Hon. Oyet Nathaniel, stressed the responsibility of the Legislature to ensure that all international treaties signed by the Republic of South Sudan are adopted and subsequently implemented through the domestication of their provisions into national laws.

“It is our responsibility as the House of Augustus to ensure that we receive all treaties entered into or signed by the Republic of South Sudan and submit them to the President for approval,” he said.

“The next phase will be the implementation of the provisions of these treaties, which we encourage and ask the relevant ministries to ensure that they incorporate the provisions of these treaties into our national laws,” Nathaniel said.

National Transitional Legislative Assembly spokesperson Benjamin Oliver stressed the importance of these treaties for South Sudan.

According to him, the UNTOC is crucial in tackling organised crimes committed by both the state and individuals outside the country’s borders, as it provides a framework for international cooperation in such cases.

In addition, the UN Convention against Illicit Drug Trafficking was thoroughly discussed and adopted by Parliament without any reservations, Oliver added.

The adoption of these treaties is a positive step in aligning South Sudan’s legal framework with international standards and strengthens the country’s capacity to combat transnational organised crime and drug trafficking.

In the next phase, these treaties will be transposed into national legislation. This is crucial for their effective implementation and enforcement.

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