The Puppet of Western countries

The end of World War II in 1945 was a turning point in international relations and trade exploitation, as several countries were in ruins and wanted peace after the end of World War II. From 25 April to 26 June 1945, representatives from 50 countries gathered at the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco, California. For the next two months, they drafted and then signed the United Nations Charter, creating a new international organization called the “United Nations”. Four months after the San Francisco Conference ended, on 24 October 1945, when it came into existence after its charter was ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, and most of the other signatories, the formation of the United Nations was expected to prevent another upcoming world war. today’s more than 75 years later, the United Nations is still working to maintain international peace and security, give humanitarian assistance to those in need, protect human rights, and uphold international law in only report’s and paper’s of it’s own firm’s.

Hypocrisy was at its peak when the United Nations was created by the winner groups “Allied Powers” of the Second World war, The main purpose of the United Nations was to establish stability and peace in the world which was possible only through the reports of the United Nations and instead it became a battleground between the capitalists led by America and the communists led by the USSR. These two countries began to create artificial wars, which never turned into hot wars because of the logic of deterrence, and they began to divide the world into blocks called Western (led by the U.S.A.) and Eastern (led by the U.S.S.R.). They started imposing their imperialist ambitions on all countries and started manipulating them due to their ideological conflicts, The United Nations was the ground of their basketball match and the United Nations was an impotent organization dominated by these two world powers for their own benefit. These superpowers are creating thousands of chaos and wars to destroy global peace and kill millions of people’s and then sending aid through UNICEF and Red Cross. Then the puppet governments of these countries are saying look how helpful and effective organization the United Nations is in the world.

  • The United Nations, home of corruption and scandal

United Nations determines Political corruption is rampant and destructive to many parts of the world. United Nations claim to address the problem by encouraging good governance norms and rules, such as anti-corruption standards and practices. Whether the UN dampens corruption, however, is not clear. the fact is that the characteristics of UN determine both corruption is tolerated and the extent to pro-western supportive rules effectively combat the economic development on the paper’s. The existence of the United Nations is questionable, because the truth and its darkest side is that a handful of countries with a history of tyranny and oppression have been appointed to control major global decisions, while also allowing them to shape international politics for all nations. The US, Britain, France, China and Russia are all permanent members of the Security Council and have veto powers over all decisions, where the US continues to act on its own. Does anyone really believe that peace will be achieved by attacking every resource-rich country and installing puppet governments, changing the entire culture of the subcontinent. There are thousands of examples where the Hegemon and his dog enforced peace through genocide.

The UN has had numerous scandals, including child sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers. An AP investigation in 2017 exposed a child sex abuse ring in Haiti that was run for 10 years by more than 100 UN peacekeepers. No one was sent to prison for their crimes. The report also found more than 2,000 global allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation over 12 years. In the article covering the abuse, one victim was quoted as saying: “As far as the UN goes, they came here to save us, but they have only brought destruction.” The abuse is so widespread that it is reasonable to suspect that the problems are systemic. While any organization as large and important as the UN will have exploitation and corruption, the UN should be held to a higher standard.

The 2005 UN report documented interviews with over 200 Haitian women who said they had been forced to have sex with UN personnel, with one third of the victims being minors. This has created a situation where ‘even guardians have to be cautious’, The UN has made no real effort to prevent further sexual exploitation. UN employees such as Anders Kompass and Katherine Bolkovac, who were both punished for trying to reveal exploitation, have created a reluctance among UN staff to report corruption for fear of losing their jobs. The UN is failing to create a safe working environment for its staff, resulting in massive abuses going undetected around the world, exacerbating the suffering of the very civilians it is tasked to protect.

There is many United Nations reports and interviews with humanitarian groups suggest that international peacekeeping missions are creating a violent sexual culture among vulnerable refugees, from relief workers to UN soldiers who rape women at gunpoint. According to Joseph Loconte, Allegations of sexual exploitation or abuse by UN staff date back at least a decade to missions in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. A 2001 report issued by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Save the Children found that sexual violence against refugees was endemic in West Africa (though some of its findings were later refuted by a UN team). The United Nations Mission in Congo (MONUC) employs around 10,800 peacekeepers from 50 countries, plus many civilian staff. Yet, there is no independent monitoring of UN operations in its refugee camps. In this case, no international agency in the country has the UN mandate to protect the civil rights of internal refugees. Almost a year after the MONUC office in Kindu sent a memo to its headquarters in Kinshasa in August 2003 detailing suspicions of sexual abuse, the London Independent found that still no action had been taken.

The international operation in Bunia, which is home to about 16,000 refugees, threatens to become another monument to UN inaction and failure. Investigators have described a significant, widespread and ongoing abuse in the camp. a surprising conclusion, as many women are afraid to report sexual violence against them. At least one senior official in charge of security in Bunia is implicated in the scandal, and UN peacekeepers have reportedly threatened investigators with retaliation. According to the Economist, the UN investigation is also looking into the possibility that MONUC has been “infiltrated by organized pedophiles who recruit their friends.”

A 2002 UN report described the issue of sexual abuse as a “betrayal of trust as well as a catastrophic failure of protection”. Are the peacekeepers predators (The protector of peace is the hunter)? It is hard to see how another UN investigation, declaration or committee report in the near future will be able to reverse this perception since the work of the UN is reflected only in the papers produced by Western countries.

  • Shock therapy a disaster for people of Soviet region, but a profitable therapy for the Western countries

In fact, the UN played a key role in ruining the economies of the USSR region after the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. The collapse of the USSR was a painful process of transition from an authoritarian socialist system to a democratic capitalist system. The model of transition in Russia, Central Asia and east Europe that was influenced by the World Bank and the IMF came to be known as ‘shock therapy’. Shock therapy was ‘profitable therapy’ for the western countries as each of these countries in the USSR was required to make a complete shift to a capitalist economy and privatisation of state assets and corporate ownership patterns was to be brought about immediately. In Russia, a large state-controlled industrial complex collapsed and almost 90% of industries were put up for sale to private individuals and companies which was also known as “the largest garage sale in history” where the Valuable industries were undervalued and sold at throw-away prices. Collective farming was to be replaced by private farming and capitalism was to be introduced in agriculture, which led to the disintegration of the collective farm system, leaving people without food security, and Russia began importing food.

The development of these USSR regions was now envisaged through more trade, and thus a sudden and complete shift to free trade was contemplated. Essentially free trade regime and foreign direct investment (FDI) were to be the main engines of change. This also included openness to foreign investment, financial openness or deregulation and currency convertibility. This change broke the existing trade alliances between the countries of the Soviet bloc. Each state of this bloc was now directly linked to the West and not to each other in the region. Thus these states were to be gradually absorbed into the Western economic system. The Western capitalist states now became the leaders and thus directed and controlled the development of the region through various agencies and organizations. Due to which mafias emerged in most of these countries and they started controlling many economic activities.

The value of the ruble (Russian currency) fell dramatically and the inflation rate increased so much that people lost all their savings. ‘Shock therapy’ resulted in bankruptcy of almost half of Russia’s 1,500 banks and other financial institutions. The old system of Soviet social welfare was systematically destroyed. Withdrawal of government subsidies pushed a large section of the people into poverty and the middle class to the margins of society, and the academic and intellectual workforce disintegrated or fled. Russia’s real GDP in 1999 was lower than in 1989. Privatisation gave rise to new inequalities. Post-Soviet states, especially Russia, became divided between rich and poor regions, there was now much greater economic inequality among people in that time.

The creation of democratic institutions was not given the same attention and priority as demands for economic change, since the main objective of Western countries is to derive economic benefits from these regions. The constitutions of all these countries were hastily drafted and most, including Russia, had a strong executive presidency with the broadest possible powers, which left elected parliaments relatively weak. In Central Asia, presidents had a lot of power, and many of them became quite authoritarian. The presidents of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan first appointed themselves to power for ten years and then extended it for another ten years. They did not allow any dissent or opposition. In most of these countries judicial culture and independence of the judiciary had not yet been established. The appeasement of Western countries had drowned the entire region in a tsunami and the UN was watching this appeasement with 3D glasses which was made of United Kingdom.

  • United Nations a loyal dog of US hegemony

The term hegemony is originally connected to the Greek word hēgemonia (“dominance over”), meaning ‘leadership’. In Geopolitics subject, a hegemon is the ‘leader’ or ‘leading state’ of a group of states. The hēgemonia was discussed by the Italian politician and Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci’s discussion of hegemony followed from his attempts to understand the survival of the capitalist state in the most-advanced Western countries. The central idea behind hegemonic stability in international relations theory is that the world needs a single dominant state to create and enforce rules especially for ‘free trade’ among the most important members of the system. To be a hegemon, a state must have the ability to enforce the rules of the system, the willingness to do so, and a commitment to a system that is perceived as mutually beneficial to the dominant states. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, US was left with no powerful rival in the world; this era was called the era of US dominance and unipolar world. We can also define this period as the period of the United Nations “loyalty Period” to the capitalist countries, especially the United States.

The hegemon ‘Uncle Sam’ (representing the US government) has a loyal and devoted dog who was mobilized as a weapon to enforce peace only in Western paper’s. Uncle Sam is a national personification of the United States, with origins dating back to the War of 1812. The character’s name derives from Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York, who supplied barrels of meat to the U.S. Army during the war. The barrels were inscribed “U.S.” for “United States”, but soldiers jokingly described the food as coming from “Uncle Sam” Wilson. The name became popular, and over time Uncle Sam became a symbol of the U.S. government. The character was popularized in political cartoons and propaganda, especially during World War I and World War II. The political cartoonist Thomas Nast made many Uncle Sam cartoon but the figure is not the one people know today it was Yankee Doodle or Brother Jonathan. The famous poster of Uncle Sam ‘I WANT YOU’ is Army recruiting poster painted by James Montgomery Flagg in 1917. There are many instances where Uncle Sam loyal Dog has played a vital role for the benefit of Uncle Sam and his friends.

In 1990 Iraq, under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait and swiftly took over it. The main objectives of the invasion were to acquire the country’s largest oil reserves, forgive Iraq’s large debt to Kuwait, and expand Iraqi power in the region. Iraq was not the only country aiming at Kuwait’s vast oil reserves, Uncle Sam already had his mind set on Kuwait. When diplomatic efforts to persuade Iraq to halt its invasion failed, the United Nations ordered the liberation of Kuwait by force and US President George H. W. Bush hailed the rise of a ‘new world order. The UN called this operation ‘Operation Desert Storm’, which was actually a storm to the local civilians, because the UN want to enforce peace on reports in Western paper’s. This UN operation was overwhelming American because 75% of forces from massive coalition forces of 660,000 troops from 34 countries are from US. The highly publicized use of “smart bombs” by the US led some observers to call it a computer war. Extensive television coverage also made it a “video game war”, with viewers around the world watching the destruction of the Iraqi army live on television from the comfort of their living rooms. Iraq was defeated and a sovereign government was established in Kuwait, leading to a number of Western oil companies operating in Kuwait, although the exact number can fluctuate with contracts, investments and changes in geopolitical dynamics. Major Western oil companies involved in Kuwait’s oil sector include: Chevron (USA), ExxonMobil (USA), TotalEnergies (France), BP (British Petroleum, UK), Shell (UK/Netherlands). According to several reports, the Uncle Sam(USA) received more money from countries such as Germany, Japan, and Saudi Arabia than it spent on the first gulf war.

The 1998 bombing of the US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. These bombings were attributed to al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization strongly influenced by radical Islamist ideas. Within days of this bombing, President Clinton of USA ordered Operation “Infinite Reach”, a series of cruise missile attacks on al-Qaeda terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan. The US did not care about UN sanction or the provisions of international law in this regard. It was alleged that some of the targets were civilian facilities unconnected with terrorism. In Sudan, the al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory was targeted, which U.S. officials claimed was linked to chemical weapons production. Sudanese sources reported that the strike resulted in significant civilian casualties, with estimates ranging from 50 to over 100 deaths, though U.S. officials maintained that the target was military in nature. In Afghanistan, the strikes aimed at a training camp reportedly resulted in fewer casualties, with estimates of militant deaths ranging from 6 to 50, but civilian casualties were also noted, although specific numbers are less clear. Overall, the strikes raised significant controversy regarding civilian harm and the justification for the attacks. The issue is why the United Nations did not take any action against USA to break international law because UN was a loyal for uncle sam.

When 9/11 happened Uncle Sam’s (USA) President George W. Bush declared “Global War on terror”, but after 1947 when Indian Government was speaking against terrorism Uncle Sam (US) had piles, so he could not see anything at that time. When America lost 3000 of its civilians in the 9/11 incident, then it came to its senses that world on terror, The US launched Operation Enduring Freedom against all those suspected of being behind the 9/11 attacks, primarily Al-Qaeda and the Taliban regime of Afghanistan. The US military made arrests around the world, often without the knowledge of the government of the individuals being arrested, these individuals were taken to various countries and detained in secret prisons. Some of them were brought to the US naval base Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, where the prisoners did not enjoy the protection of international law or the law of their country or the US. Even United Nations representatives and authorities were not allowed to meet these prisoners. There is no clear evidence of how many innocent people were killed at Guantanamo Bay, detainees were held without charge or trial and only 16 of the 780 detainees were ever charged with a crime leading to allegations of torture and abuse of detainees, 9 deaths in custody, 7 reported suicides, lack of due process and unfair trials for those charged. While the results highlight human rights abuses and injustice at Guantanamo, they do not provide specifics about the innocent people who died there. The Taliban regime was easily overthrown during the operation, but remnants of the Taliban and al-Qaeda remain powerful, as evidenced by the number of terrorist attacks they have carried out against Western targets and on May 1, 2021, the Taliban launched a major offensive, seizing control of many areas of Afghanistan. The Taliban entered Kabul, causing the Afghan government to collapse and President Ashraf Ghani to flee the country. After nearly 20 years of involvement, the US completed its military withdrawal by August, 2021. During Operation Enduring Freedom, an estimated 47,600 civilian casualties are estimated in Afghanistan over the two decades of conflict. This includes deaths from direct military actions and the wider effects of war, such as poverty and lack of healthcare.

In March 2003, the US launched “Operation Iraqi Freedom” for its own benefit. Over 42 other countries joined the US-led ‘Coalition of the Willing’ after the UN refused to give its mandate for the invasion. The stated purpose of the invasion was to prevent Iraq from developing weapons of mass destruction. Since no evidence of weapons of mass destruction was found in Iraq, the main objectives of the invasion were to take control of Iraqi oil fields and install a US puppet government. Saddam Hussein’s government had collapsed, but the US had not succeeded in pacifying Iraq. Instead, a full-blown rebellion erupted in Iraq against the US occupation. It is estimated that 50,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed since the US-led invasion and today’s reports estimated that more than 461,000 people, including a large number of civilians, died from war-related causes between 2003 and 2011. The invasion caused extensive damage to oil facilities, with estimates ranging from about 60% of northern oil company facilities affected. The southern oil industry was also hit hard, resulting in a sharp drop in production capacity from 4 million barrels per day before the invasion to 1.5 million barrels per day immediately afterwards. Since the invasion, while oil contracts have been awarded to international companies, the benefits have not reached local people. Oil-rich areas such as Basra have remained poor, exposing deep inequality and corruption in the management of oil revenues that reflects US ties. Major Western oil companies involved in Kuwait’s oil sector include: Chevron (USA), ExxonMobil (USA), BP (British Petroleum, UK) and Shell (UK/Netherlands), The landscape is dynamic, with ongoing shifts in foreign investment in Iraq’s oil sector.

  • Western game with India 

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), of which India was a founding father, emerged as an alternative for many newly independent countries in the Cold War situation. As non-alignment grew into a popular international movement, countries of various different political systems and interests joined it. The Non-aligned countries were more than merely mediators during cold War and it’s also reduce the influence and intention of two superpowers (USA and USSR). The biggest challenge for most non-aligned countries was most of which were classified as least developed countries was to become more economically developed and lift their people out of poverty. Economic development was also crucial to the independence of these new countries. With this realisation, after a long struggle and demand of the non-aligned countries, the idea of a new international economic order arose. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development presented a report titled Towards a New Trade Policy for Development in 1972. The Non-Aligned Movement became the most important issue in the 1970s. As a result, the NAM became an economic pressure group. However, by the end of the 1980s, the National economic order initiative had faded, mainly due to the strong opposition from the developed countries who acted as a united group, especially the capitalist block countries like the US, UK and France etc. While the non-aligned countries struggled to maintain their unity in the face of this opposition, it failed as they could not get support from the United Nations Because the UN has always been loyal to the Western countries, especially in the case of Uncle Shame.

The United States, the Soviet Union and Great Britain conducted several nuclear weapons tests after 1945. France exploded its first nuclear device in 1960 and China entered the “nuclear arms club” in October 1964 when it conducted its first test. The United Nations organize an unjust treaty known as the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” in order to remain loyal to its five masters, Treaty allows only nuclear weapon-possessed countries to possess nuclear weapons and prohibits others from acquiring them. For the purposes of the NPT, a nuclear weapon country is one that has manufactured and detonated a nuclear weapon or other nuclear explosive device before 1 January 1967. There are therefore five nuclear weapon countries: the US, the USSR, ,Britain, France and China, Signed in Washington, London and Moscow on 1 July 1968. Entered into force on 5 March 1970. Indians strongly object to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, saying that it is a discriminatory measure against non-nuclear nations and that it is moving towards nuclear weapons capability.

India’s first nuclear test which known as “Operation Smiling Buddha”, Whose smile was a big shock for the Western countries. this test took place on 18 May 1974 at the Pokhran Test Range. This test is a history in itself which also inspired the 1998 test and was a big slap on the face of the western countries. This test marked India’s entry into the nuclear club, making it the first nation to conduct a nuclear test outside the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. The Indian government claimed that the test was for peaceful purposes, which faced a lot of criticism internationally, especially from the USA, Pakistan and Canada as the nuclear conspiracy of the USA could threaten the countries of Asia, these countries saw it as a challenge to global non-proliferation efforts. The role of the US in this context included condemnation and imposition of sanctions under the Glenn Amendment, which was aimed at preventing nuclear proliferation. The US was concerned that India’s nuclear capabilities could destabilise South Asia and provide international competition, particularly with regard to Pakistan.

In 1995, US intelligence agencies found signs of nuclear test preparations at India’s test site in Pokhran, with analysts studying satellite photos “as clear as mud”. US President Clinton was concerned that India was about to conduct a nuclear test because it could trigger a nuclear arms race with Pakistan and possibly encourage their neighbours to reconsider their adherence to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. On 12 December 1995, the United Nations ordered an immediate ban on all nuclear testing and called for disarmament to create a nuclear weapon-free world. In the struggle days again, India stunned the world by exploding three nuclear devices whose destructive power was about six times greater than the US bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. This second nuclear test of India, Pokhran-II, was conducted from May 11 to May 13, 1998, at the Pokhran Test Range in Rajasthan, with five nuclear explosions. This series marked India’s assertion as a nuclear power after its first test in 1974. This second test was conducted under the government of Prime Minister, who had a pro-nuclear stance. The decision was taken after nuclear development had been stalled for years due to international pressure and sanctions following the first test, which was revealed by US intelligence. The Indian government maintained strict secrecy, with details known only to a few officials. Preparations were made at night to avoid detection by US satellites. Heavy equipment was returned to its original position by dawn and camouflage was used to hide evidence of the test sites. Statements were made to reassure the US that no test was imminent and effectively divert attention from Pokhran. Even Indian scientists team travelled under false pretenses using code names for the mission, which was unbeknownst to anyone. Under APJ Abdul Kalam, India had diverted US attention to its missile test site at Chandipur, ensuring that surveillance resources were focused there rather than Pokhran, which helped keep the real preparations under the radar.The US intelligence establishment was taken by surprise and had advance warning from satellite images, but these were not analysed in time. Indian scientists, learning from the 1995 experience, concealed their test preparations through a deception campaign including better concealment of activities in Pokhran, which shocked many countries.

  • US conspiracy behind today’s Bangladesh crisis

The Anti-reservation protests in Bangladesh led to former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigning and fleeing the conflict-torn country, this movement has descended into violence by several political parties and organizations, the chaos and uncertainty in Bangladesh has claimed more than 150 lives since one of its biggest leaders left the country alone. Several police stations were destroyed during this movement as a result prisoners were freed from jail so they were looting at night. There are reports that suggest that US-based accounts are aggravating the violence in Bangladesh. Social media activity has revealed that a large number of posts are being prepared against the Awami League government, including videos of violence and anti-government statements by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its allies. These fake narrative accounts, among other things, are allegedly amplifying narratives that are fueling unrest and anti-government sentiments in Bangladesh, often linked to foreign influences, especially Pakistan’s ISI, as Pakistan was also a loyal dog of the US after the United Nations. The biggest fact is that US Ambassador Peter Haas had left Bangladesh and gone to America several days before the fall of Hasina government, When the demands of the students were accepted, after a few days the people there demanded a regime change which resulted in Shaikh Hasina suddenly resigned and leave the country. Sheikh Hasina’s visa has been revoked by the United States, according to insider sources close to the opposition in Bangladesh. This development comes amid reports that Western nations, including the US, sought her ousting from power. The UK has a proud record of providing protection to those in need. However, Shaikh Hasina was still not given asylum in the UK. In reality, this fire of regime change was ignited on the students by the servants of political parties and external conspiracies. Even students decided to hold peaceful protest for regime change which was turned into violence by political parties due to which international students were insulting and criticizing the behavior of students toward their protest who turnt into violence, while the truth is something else.

St. Martin’s Island is a key role in today’s Bangladesh’s crisis, it is a small island in the northeastern part of the Bay of Bengal, about 9 km south of the tip of the Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf Peninsula, and forms the southernmost part of Bangladesh. In 1974, Bangladesh and Burma reached a settlement that St. Martin’s Island is part of the territory of Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina had even said in political camping that “US wants this island to build its naval base but I will never be ready to sell this island and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party wants to come in power by giving guarantee to sell Saint Martin’s Island”. Even she also claim that “US wants to make a Christian country here”. Infact St. Martin being handed over to the US has played out several times since its independence in 1971. It happened a few times during the military rule of Liberation War hero General Ziaur Rahman and founder of Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jatiya Party General Hussain Muhammad Ershad.

Sheikh Hasina has maintained stable relations with both India and China, resulting in strong ties between Bangladesh and the two countries. China has been Bangladesh’s largest trading partner for 12 consecutive years. The US was envious of this relationship because Bangladesh has not joined CORD. If Bangladesh had joined CORD, the US could have used it as a Toy against China, The tensions in this relationship escalated when Bangladesh officially joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative in 2016. Bilateral trade increased from $15.3 billion to $27.8 billion by 2022, the highest level in history. The CORD(Comprehensive Regional Economic Partnership) is a U.S.-led primarily project primarily involves countries in the Indo-Pacific region aimed at countering China’s Belt and Road Initiative by fostering regional economic integration, cooperation, and investment. Even the US has banned Bangladesh elite force ‘Rapid Action Battalion’ in 2021 due to concerns and allegations of plotting to destabilize the Bangladeshi government.

In September 2023, the US imposes visa restrictions on Bangladeshi politicians and law enforcement officials. The US has imposed sanctions on those who are “involved in undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh”, Sheikh Hasina was on a visit to the US at the time and mostly banned Bangladeshi politicians were from Sheikh Hasina’s party ‘Awami League’. At that time, the US and the United Nations wanted to take such action to conduct free and fair elections in Bangladesh, but they could not see Pakistan and many other Muslim dictatorial countries that could hold the world’s largest free and fair elections. US conspiracy against Bangladesh was clearly visible but a loyal dog never betrays its master, perhaps that is why UN was silent on this issue. Bangladesh’s largest opposition parties, Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami, have similar ideologies, but Jamaat had a fundamentalist bent. In 2013, the Bangladesh Election Commission cancelled Jamaat’s registration following a court ruling, in 2023 the Supreme Court’s Appellate Division upheld the decision, and on 1 August 2024 the Bangladesh government officially banned Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing, Chhatra Shibir, declaring them terrorist organisations. Even when Bangladesh became independent in 1971, Jamaat-e-Islami openly opposed and was against Mujibur Rahman, who is also known as the Father of the Nation of Bangladesh. The Awami League led by Sheikh Hasina is a largely centrist and secular party that has driven Bangladesh’s development at a rapid pace.

All the American officials had attended a meeting with Jamaat-e-Islami before the 2024 Bangladesh general elections. Perhaps the UN has made such an international law for its master that its officials can directly hold meetings with the opposition party of any country even if that party is banned in that country. This is the same Jamaat which if it had come to power in 1971, Bangladesh would never have been formed because it was pro-Pakistani. Bangladeshi officials also claim they have evidence of meetings between Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) acting chairperson Tarique Rahman and Pakistan’s ISI officials in Saudi Arabia, indicating the Pakistani Army and ISI wanted to destabilize Hasina’s government and bring BNP to power. In election Jamaat was banned and the BNP did not participate in the 2024 general election, which would see the Awami League win a majority and form its government in Bangladesh. Was this situation of Bangladesh really planned? This situation also shows that America had already conspired against Bangladesh. Many times Bangladesh had demanded the extradition of the killers of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from America and Canada because those killers are taking refuge in America and Canada. And not only this, Yunus Khan was already encouraged to lead today’s Bangladesh, who also has the open support of America. Even BNP vice-president Shahjahan Omar said, “We thank Peter Haas (US ambassador to Bangladesh). He has come like an avatar for us. He needs to give us more courage, he is with us. They are a democratic country and so are we,” in October 2023.These facts show that today’s entire conspiracy was already planned by America and its stooges which was made possible by BNP, Jamaat and America by taking advantage of the student protests and bringing about regime change there.

In may 2024, Sheikh Hasina had warned of a conspiracy by a foreign nation to establish a “Christian state” using parts of Bangladesh and Myanmar after the last visit of US diplomat Donald Lu (who is accused of overthrowing Imran Khan government in Pakistan). She had also said that “I was offered a “white-skinned man” to easily win re-election if she allowed the their country to build an airbase in Bangladesh island”. Sheikh Hasina was pointing towards US but United Nations is loyal. Hasina’s claim of Christian state was factual and complex in which she also said that she is going to establish Christian state using parts of Bangladesh and Myanmar as Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland are the states in India which are Christian majority and share border with Myanmar and Bangladesh is not very far from those states. This theory of Christian State was not only prevalent today, there had been controversy over it earlier as well which was also suppressed by the United Nations.

After Sheikh Hasina resignation, there is a fierce genocide against the minority Hindus in Bangladesh, However, the United Nations has neither taken any action nor made any report public. If the genocide happens in Gaza, America and other western countries, then the United Nations cries as if a doctor has slapped the gluteus(bum) of a newborn baby. These tears come only for the Western and Arab sides. Illegal migration has been the biggest casualty for India in this crisis. Recent reports suggest that about 500 people from the neighbouring country tried to enter India through West Bengal’s Jalpaiguri district. The Border Security Force foiled the attempt. Security forces have been on high alert along the border with Bangladesh ever since Sheikh Hasina resigned as prime minister and fled Dhaka. Most of the people trying to enter India came from villages in Bangladesh’s Panchagarh district, where violence has reportedly broken out, among other areas. this was concerned because some political leaders and other communities may try to infiltrate Bengal, assam and Mizoram. some people linked to terrorism may take advantage of this unrest to infiltrate into India.

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