VK: “There is no such thing as a two-tier police force”

The UK police website is now blocking IP addresses of anyone not in the UK.

Keir Starmer:
Thank you to the community, faith leaders and police I visited today for keeping our communities safe.

The British government and the copper banks have become serfs of the Mohammedans.

“There is no question of a two-tier police force”

Alexandra Marshall

Why weren’t the machete-wielding street fighters arrested?

Why weren’t the big gangs fighting on the beach arrested?

Why weren’t BLMs arrested for destroying public property?

Why weren’t pro-Palestinian protesters arrested for defacing monuments and chanting terrorist slogans?

Why do over 80% of all thefts and armed robberies go unnoticed and not even prosecuted?

Why doesn’t the government wait on the beach to arrest the rubber dinghies full of militant men?

Why are those who enter the UK illegally not immediately arrested and deported?

Why are entire villages full of criminal storefronts left alone, while ordinary businesses go bankrupt?

Why are these issues not being addressed by Mr ‘Tough on Crime’ Starmer?

Keir shamefully says there is no two-tier police force in this country and that he will not address the concerns of ordinary Britons.

This man is dangerous.photo.twitter.com/pvk6en1s76

— Lee Harris (@addicted2newz) August 5, 2024

This is the second video today from a senior police officer, starting with Salam Alaikum

What’s going on here? photo.twitter.com/v77HeNjAPw

— Queen Natalie (@TheNorfolkLion) August 7, 2024

Craig Kelly
In the country that once stood alone against the might of the Nazi war machine to protect freedom, you can now be arrested for a “Facebook crime” – posting “false information.” Britain is no more. They should call the place Totalitarian Britain.

The Irish people have broken up the immigration camps and shown real resistance. Irish patriots are aware of the invasion.


— European Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) August 7, 2024

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