Lara Logan Exposes the Chinese-Venezuelan Cartel Plot Against US Security with Aamon Blair

Aamon Blair, former intelligence analyst and fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, recently shared his disturbing analysis of the troubling alliance between Venezuelan cartels and the Chinese government with Lara Logan on WarRoom.

Blair’s comments underscored a complex and growing threat that extends beyond traditional geopolitical conflicts and has a direct impact on US national security and border integrity.

Blair’s analysis begins with a historical perspective, tracing the origins of this dangerous alliance back to the late 1990s, when Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez forged strategic partnerships with Iran and Cuba.

“This network has since expanded to include Russia and China, making Venezuela a node in a broader asymmetric war strategy against the United States,” Blair explained, warning that these adversaries have not been passive in their approach, but rather have exploited US vulnerabilities with increasing aggression.

According to Blair, Venezuela-China cooperation is not a new phenomenon, but has intensified in recent years. He pointed to a significant increase in Venezuelan migrants at the U.S. southern border as evidence of this shift. In 2017, there were approximately 2,600 Venezuelan arrests; by 2023, that number had skyrocketed to 334,000. “This increase reflects a growing crisis in Venezuela, triggered by the fall of the Maduro regime and exacerbated by open border policies,” Blair noted.

He stressed that many Venezuelans are fleeing real hardship, but the situation is being manipulated by criminals.

Blair stressed that the Venezuelan government’s decision to empty prisons has had far-reaching consequences. Released prisoners, including members of organized crime groups, have entered the United States through established smuggling networks.

“The Venezuelan government has used this ‘political theater’ to position cartel leaders for global influence,” Blair said, explaining that these criminals have become part of a larger transnational network, with direct ties to Mexican cartels.

The Mexican cartels, particularly the violent CJNG cartel, have played a crucial role in facilitating this infiltration. Blair claimed, “The Mexican cartel has really built a Silk Road for them,” referring to the established smuggling routes and networks that facilitate the movement of both people and illicit goods across borders. This infrastructure not only supports the cartels, but also enables the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to advance its interests within the United States.

Blair’s analysis paints a grim picture of the current situation, in which the CCP has effectively armed Mexican cartels as proxies in its broader strategy of unrestricted warfare against the United States. “The Chinese have armed and used Mexican cartels as proxies in their unrestricted warfare against the United States,” Blair warned. This alliance represents a coordinated effort by multiple adversaries to undermine U.S. security and stability, employing both criminal enterprises and geopolitical strategies.

The implications of Blair’s argument are far-reaching, affecting not only border security but the safety and integrity of American communities.

His call to action underscores the need for a comprehensive and robust response to these emerging threats. As geopolitical dynamics shift and adversaries deploy new strategies, understanding and addressing these complex challenges is critical to maintaining national security and securing the nation’s future.

For more, watch the following WarRoom segment from Thursday featuring Logan and Blair’s conversation:

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