Seattle Councilman Proposes Legislation to Address Sex Trafficking Violence

In response to a disturbing increase in gun violence related to the sex trade, Seattle City Councilmember Cathy Moore has announced new legislation aimed at cracking down on commercial sexual exploitation in District 5, specifically along Aurora Avenue North and surrounding neighborhoods. The area has seen a dramatic increase in shootings, including gunfights that have spanned multiple blocks, with 31 incidents reported by Seattle police between mid-May and mid-July alone.

Principal Stowell of Robert Eagle Staff Middle School has raised concerns about sex workers soliciting and recruiting students from nearby schools, including Ingraham High School. The alarming connection between commercial sexual exploitation and rising gun violence has prompted Councilman Moore to take action.

The proposed legislation, scheduled to be heard in the Public Safety Committee on August 13, is designed to provide law enforcement with new tools to combat these intertwined problems. Key components of the legislation include:

Stay Out of Area Prostitution (SOAP) Zones: The legislation proposes to establish a Stay Out of Area Prostitution zone along Aurora Avenue, extending from North 85th Street to North 145th Street. Individuals arrested or convicted of prostitution-related crimes could be prohibited by a judge from entering this area, with limited exceptions.

Focus on diversion for sellers: The legislation places emphasis on diversion, rather than prosecution, of those involved in prostitution. This recognises the complex situation for those involved in the sex trade.

New offence of promoting loitering: A new offence is introduced, namely promoting loitering for the purpose of prostitution. This offence is specifically aimed at sex traffickers and is classified as a serious offence.

New Loitering Law: Unlike the previous Loitering in Prostitution law that was repealed in 2020, this new legislation targets buyers of commercial sex. It creates multiple grounds for arresting individuals whose actions contribute to a lucrative sex trade that has led to territorial gun violence.

Councilmember Moore expressed her commitment to addressing the dual crises of commercial sexual exploitation and gun violence, stating, “We cannot stand by while our communities suffer the devastating impacts of these intertwined problems. This legislation is a critical step in protecting our neighborhoods and ensuring the safety of our youth.”

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