Joe Rogan: British approach to free speech mirrors Soviet repression


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Podcast mogul Joe Rogan has sparked a new debate about the erosion of free speech in the UK, claiming that the British government’s increasingly draconian stance on social media discourse is beginning to resemble the repressive measures of Soviet Russia. Rogan, known for his outspoken defence of free speech, recently voiced his concerns on his popular podcast, comparing the current state of free speech in the UK to that of authoritarian Russia. His comments reflect a growing unease among conservative commentators about the direction of Western democracies, particularly the UK.


“The fact that they are happy to put people who said something they disagree with in a horrible cage in England in 2024 is absolutely bizarre.

They mainly say that you…

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) August 9, 2024

Rogan’s comments came in response to a series of high-profile arrests in the UK for so-called “thoughtcrime” on social media platforms. “Terrible government interference – you’re seeing it in England now, with people being arrested for tweets,” Rogan said, highlighting a trend that many conservatives see as deeply troubling. He continued: “People talk about Soviet Russia, about how bad Russia is at cracking down on thought policing and cracking down on bad tweets and things like that.”

This comparison between the UK and Russia is not without merit. While the West often prides itself on upholding democratic principles and protecting individual freedoms, the reality increasingly seems different. In recent years, the UK has passed several laws that critics argue are designed to stifle dissent and control public debate. The most controversial of these is the Public Order Act, which has been used to justify arrests for online comments deemed offensive or harmful.

Britons warn ‘retweet’ riot information could be a criminal offence Video:

For Rogan and others who defend free speech, this is a dangerous precedent. The UK, once a bastion of liberal democracy, is now seen as the leader of a new kind of censorship, one dressed up in the language of safety and inclusivity but operating with the heavy hand of state power. This development has not gone unnoticed by conservative thinkers, who argue that the UK’s course is increasingly at odds with the principles of a free society.

A perfect illustration of what is currently happening in the UK.

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) August 9, 2024

Unlike Russia, where the government’s control over public discourse is open and widely acknowledged, the UK’s methods are more devious. The British government has presented its actions as necessary to protect vulnerable groups from harm, but critics including Rogan argue that this is merely a cover for broader authoritarian aims. By using the guise of protecting the public, the state has extended its reach into areas of private life that were previously off-limits, including online speech.


— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 9, 2024

Rogan’s comments play into a broader conservative critique of Western governments increasingly pursuing policies to curb speech that falls outside socially acceptable norms. In this view, the UK’s actions are not isolated, but part of a larger trend toward censorship taking place across the Western world. Conservative commentators argue that, far from protecting society, these measures stifle genuine debate and lead to the kind of intellectual stagnation that plagued the Soviet Union.

You can be arrested in the UK if you retweet this. Please don’t retweet it.

— @amuse (@amuse) August 7, 2024

The debate over freedom of speech in the UK also highlights the growing divide between conservative and liberal perspectives on the issue. While liberals often see restrictions on speech as necessary to prevent harm and promote social justice, conservatives argue that such restrictions are a slippery slope towards increased state control and the erosion of individual liberties. Rogan’s comparison of the UK to Soviet Russia is a stark reminder of what can happen when governments go too far in their attempts to control public debate.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has bragged about how people who post inappropriate things online are being arrested en masse, prosecuted and convicted within a week.

The United Kingdom has turned into an Orwellian dystopia.


—Paul Mitchell (@PaulMitchell_AB) August 7, 2024

Rogan’s comments serve as a warning to other Western democracies that might be tempted to follow the UK’s lead. The lessons of history are clear: when governments begin to suppress speech in the name of protecting the public, the result is often a loss of the very freedoms they claim to be defending. For conservatives, the UK’s current trajectory is a cautionary tale, one that should prompt a re-evaluation of policies that infringe on free speech.

Right-wing extremists are now setting up fake protests across the UK and when the police arrive, the only people they find are armed Islamist gangs who have mobilised to attack the fake protests.

—Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) August 8, 2024

In addition to his criticism of the UK, Rogan’s comments also reflect broader concerns about the state of free speech globally. While Russian authoritarianism is well-documented, the fact that a Western democracy like the UK is engaging in similar practices is particularly alarming. For Rogan and others who value free speech, this represents a significant shift in the global landscape, one that requires urgent attention.

The UK is now arresting people

For retweets

I repeat

UK is now arresting people for *RETWEETS*

They allow migrant gangs to rape and murder children but only arrest those who retweet the truth?!

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) August 7, 2024

Rogan’s comparison of the UK to Soviet Russia is not only a provocative statement, but also a serious critique of the current state of free speech in the West. As the UK continues to crack down on online speech, the question remains: how far will it go, and what will be the consequences for the freedoms that have long been the cornerstone of Western democracy?


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Author: Ella Ford

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The post Joe Rogan: British Suppression of Free Speech Mirrors Soviet Repression appeared first on USSA News | The Tea Party Front Page. Visit

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