Panama achieves ‘VIP’ route for Chinese migrant smuggling via notorious Darien Gorge


New Panamanian president vows to crack down on illegal migration to the US

In the latest indication that new President Jose Raul Mulino is serious about his campaign promise to end the country’s role as a major transit point for masses of illegal immigrants bound for the United States, Panamanian Border Police on Wednesday arrested 15 people linked to an illegal “VIP” smuggling operation for Chinese clients. AFP defeated.

The detainees, who face 15 to 20 years in prison, are all Panamanians but are accused of working for Colombian gangs.

While the Pan-American Highway stretches some 19,000 miles through South, Central and North America, there is a 66-mile gap that begins just inside Colombia and extends into Panama. That means migrants have to make a difficult journey on foot through a mountainous and swampy area called the Darien Gap. They must survive not only in dangerous natural conditions, but also in criminal gangs. known for raping, murdering, kidnapping and robbing people.

The VIP service that was overhauled this week promised faster, easier and safer passage to Panama, but at a higher price. Migrants pay about $500 for a standard escort through the canyon, but the cost for this expedited trip ranges from $2,600 to $8,000local prosecutor Emeldo Marquez said AFPConsidering the price, most customers who can afford first class travel are Chinese.

The VIP trip is shortened in several ways, starting with boat service that skips part of the jungle trek by leaving the Colombian coast from Capurgana or Necocli and dropping off migrants in Carreto or Caledonia, Panama. Smugglers then drag them through the remaining wilderness using canoes, horses and ATVs. That helps reduce the average VIP jungle tour to just two daysinstead of eight days or more for everyone else.

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About half a million migrants made the journey across the Darien Gap in 2023and about 200,000 so far this year. They come from many countries, but most of the recent migrants are Venezuelan. Although it is still a small percentage, Chinese traffic has increased tremendously, More than 55,000 Chinese have crossed the Mexican border since 2023.

During the campaign, President Jose Raul Mulino stressed his intention to end Panama’s role as a crucial link in a pathway that leads northbound migrants to Central America. He reiterated that intention in his inauguration speech, saying: “I will not allow Panama to become a path open to thousands of people entering our country illegally. supported by an entire international organization that deals with drug trafficking and human trafficking.”

Earlier this summer, Panama has begun installing barbed wire fencing in the Darien Gap. “The National Border Patrol has begun blocking most of the border crossings,” said Frank Abrego, Panama’s Minister of Public Security, during a visit to the area on June 28.

On July 1 — the same day Mulino was sworn in — Panama announced that it had signed an agreement with the United States aimed at reducing the flow of migrants through the isthmus. Under the agreement The US government has agreed to cover Panama’s costs of deporting people who enter Panama illegally, and to assist with “equipment, transportation and logistics.”

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