Big Mafia Game Tarot Mafia

Quote Originally posted by Gemma
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I don’t know, the way you pushed Rask today felt like an agenda, why does it feel like a potshot?

since you probably also want to know more about my gif above, i didn’t like the recent post i quoted because you say you’re talking about a monty lecture but your words are about unrelated people and what you said doesn’t apply to monty in this game (his syn attitude would have allowed him to join the wagon), i’m not saying i think you should have a different opinion about monty, it’s just the way you worded it there makes me sick. Shrug

@Gemma I don’t know if this helps, but:

I prefer to read people off their posts, but his posts just feel insignificant to me. I agree that his shadow on syn could have brought him some sense, but that’s part of why it didn’t make sense to me to drop the vote

Maybe it’s a new player issue, I’m taking it too broadly, but I’ve played several games recently where wolves weren’t voted to make tethered wagons because they got less criticism for it, so I get a notification about it.

People read the wrong things all the time and it’s quite possible that Rask was simply in the wrong city.

but I don’t like his posts either.

I’m struggling to put it into words but it just feels like… there are no vibes

It’s actually kind of a similar place to Ladd for me this game?

some things they say sounds good, but it just doesn’t click in a way that is abnormal to me

espec wrt to ladd, i want to to tr him; there’s just an invisible wall in my head that stems from something in his message that I’m having trouble climbing over

rask it is, but it’s like I can see the wall, I just can’t describe the material

I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it’s the best way I can describe it.

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