Harris’ new campaign strategy: Become Donald Trump

The post Harris’ New Campaign Strategy: Become Donald Trump first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page. Visit USSANews.com.

If you can’t beat him, become him.

Kamala Harris can’t and won’t sit through a serious interview without a big bowl of word salad, and she knows it. That’s why she only speaks at campaign rallies, and it’s the same old canned speech every time.

The left-wing state media, already shamelessly in lockstep with Harris, has covered that up. Because Harris has interview impotence, there is no need for interviews!

The Associated Press news agency is raising questions by downplaying the need for Vice President Kamala Harris to speak to the press.

“Meeting the press? Hold that thought. The candidate interview isn’t what it used to be,” AP headlined Friday.

Harris, who has not given an interview or held a news conference since quickly becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, suggested Thursday that her campaign team will schedule an interview before the end of the month after her Republican rival, former President Trump, held an hour-long news conference in which he criticized her extensively for avoiding the media.

“That will change now that it has become a campaign issue,” AP wrote. “But for journalists, the bigger lesson is that their role as presidential gatekeepers is likely to be diminished for good.”

It’s declining because the left wing media has become part of the DNC.

You may have noticed the media’s emphasis on the size of the crowds at her rallies. We finally have an explanation: democrats/org pays each attendee $225.

Why is Harris so popular?

Community Notes coming soon! Rally entry pays $225. photo.twitter.com/CRLlyKiga3

— ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) August 10, 2024

One of Harris’s characteristics is a total lack of originality and authenticity. She needed a new theme and now promises some things that sound very familiar.

She will lower the prices.

“While our economy is doing well in many ways, prices for everyday items like groceries are still too high. You know it, and I know it. When I am president, it will be a priority to fight to bring prices down from day one…”

She knows how to fix the immigration system:

“I was the attorney general of a border state. I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels, the human traffickers… We know our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it.”

She promises to end the tip tax

“I promise everyone here that if I am president, we will continue our fight for working families in America,” Harris said, “including raising the minimum wage and eliminating the tip tax for service and hospitality workers.”

She will be strict at the border:

“And as president, she’ll hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. Fixing the border is hard. So is Kamala Harris.”

She will take tough action against the gangs she has allowed into the country

“I was attorney general of a border state. I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels, the human traffickers,” Harris said, touching on a subject she rarely discusses at length. “I prosecuted them in case after case and I won, so I know what I’m talking about.”

If she is doing better in the polls, it is because She’s campaigning as Donald Trump. She shamelessly and dishonestly steals everything from Donald Trump’s playbook. She becomes Trump.

But it’s not just Trump. Here she is advocating for government price controls, which are always a disaster.

“It will be a priority on Day 1 to fight to lower prices. I will take on big corporations that engage in illegal predatory pricing. I will take on corporate landlords who unfairly raise rents. I will take on Big Pharma and cap the cost of medicine.”

And here it sounds ominous as if she plans to reduce the population of the US

“If we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population“More of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.”

She’s going to reward those who illegally invade this country with American citizenship

The furthest she has gone in recent weeks is her promise to expand the opportunities for immigrants to become US citizens in the future.

I’ve seen a lot in my years, but this is a first. Harris has done almost a complete 180 on everything she stands for. In reality, Harris doesn’t believe in any of the things she now claims to support. She’s soft on crime, wants to defund the police, and open the borders even further. Her campaign is a Munchausen by Proxy Policy– she has made the country sick and now she alone has the medicine to cure it.

Everything she says is her fault. She helped create all the problems the country is facing now. She was a complete failure as VP and would only be a colossal failure as president. This mirroring of Donald Trump is both brazen and false. Harris has never been considered very smart and IMO this confirms that. This is not her idea – few are – this reeks of David Plouffe of Obama hack fame.

I wonder if the state media will notice this.

Harris doesn’t mean anything she says now, except for the invasive government policies. Let’s go back to something CNN said three years ago – Harris learns nothing.

In an interview with Tal Kopan of the San Francisco Chronicle that was clearly intended as a “reset” button push, Vice President Kamala Harris said not to say that that may be the most telling thing.

Here’s Kopan’s line: “Harris twice failed to provide a direct answer when asked about lessons she learned and whether she wished she had done anything differently over the past year.”

What did Harris out about? That the press coverage of her has been “ridiculous.”

But the media isn’t the reason why two senior communications staffers — Symone Sanders and Ashley Etienne — are leaving the vice president’s office after a year. Nor is it in the media that many people with ties to Harris seem comfortable discussing her troubles openly with reporters.

Blaming the media for her problems might sit well with her political base. But the inability to look inward and reflect on what she could have done better this year could hinder Harris’ political rise.

The best politicians are not those who don’t make mistakes. The best politicians are those who examine every mistake they make in the hope that they won’t make the same mistake again.

If you think there is no something If you could have done things differently or better in your first year as Vice President of the United States, then either a) you’re perfect or b) you didn’t think it through hard enough.

The point: Harris remains the favorite to become the Democratic presidential nominee in 2024 or 2028. But her first year in office — and her lack of willingness to consider what she could have done better — should raise alarm bells among party leaders.

If the best she has is to imitate Donald Trump, then there is nothing more to say. Why vote for the potential clone failure instead of the real thing?

Click this link for the original source of this article.

Author: DrJohn

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The post Harris’ New Campaign Strategy: Become Donald Trump first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page. Visit USSANews.com.

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