Violent, open white supremacy — in Israel!

Above,  we see Israeli model Bar Refaeli in 2003. Israel is run by racially WHITE, “Ashkenazi” jews who sharply discriminate against the dark-skinned, Sephardic jews.

I note from Bar’s Wiki biography that she seems very lukewarm about Israel, refused via entering a sham marriage to do her two-year military service (which is mandatory for single Israeli jewish women), and then she evaded taxes to the jewish state although she is very wealthy.

Bar recently, a classic Ashkenazi. (“Ashkenaz” actually means German, and refers to German jews, who actually are part-blond-Slavic, part-Ostrogothic (Germanic), part Hun and part-neanderthal. In Alexandria, Virginia, to this day, there are two different  synagogues, one founded by and for German jews and one for the other (Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian)  jews. 


This book, which a staunch supporter sent me from Florida, shows the German jews still rule American jewry to this day. In fact, they spoke only German amongst themselves until 1917, when the US declared war on Germany.


An ancient Palestinian jew around the time of Jesus, from a mural found in a home excavated by Israeli archeologists; notable is the very jewish facial expression, that of a criminal. What the jews are is a kind of mafia, an international crime family.



I strongly recommend you read this 40-page, large-print book, which apparently cost Bernstein his life. (At least he disappeared from view after 1985.)


This is what he says was his crime: as a white jew, he married a dark-skinned one! He got serious DEATH THREATS for marrying a dark jew! They fled from Israel as a result!


Ashkenazi jewess and major Israeli politician:

Sephardic Israelis

Naturally blond Palestinian activist Ahed Tamini and her dark, sephardic jail guard

He writes:

The Ashkenazi Jews, who now compromise 90% of the Jews in the world, had a rather strange beginning. According to historians, many of them Jewish, the Ashkenazi Jews came into existence about 1,200 years ago. It happened this way: At the eastern edge of Europe, there lived a tribe of people know as the Khazars. About the year 740 A.D., the Khazar king and his court decided they should adopt a religion for their people. So, representatives of the three major religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, were invited to present their religious doctrines. The Khazars chose Judaism,  but it wasn’t for religious reasons. If the Khazars had chosen Islam, they would have angered the strong Christian world. If they had chosen Christianity, they would have angered the strong Islamic world. So, they played it safe — they chose Judaism. It wasn’t for religious reasons the Khazars chose Judaism; it was for political reasons.

Sometime during the 13th century, the Khazars were driven from their land and they migrated westward with most of them settling in Poland and Russia. These Khazars are now known as Ashkenazi Jews. Because these Khazar Ashkenazi Jews merely chose Judaism, they are not really Jews — at least not blood Jews.

“White supremacist?” The jews are the biggest white supremacists of them all! They KILL white jews who marry dark ones!

What makes the jews so very despicable is their hypocrisy. Over and over, Jesus denounced them TO THEIR FACES as “scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES!”


Jesus, as a Galilean, was just as blond as Ahed Tamini

Look at their rotten double-talk!

White jew Bill Gates looks actually jewier every day.


Hey, Israeli swindlers — this means YOU! 😉

Want to see a jew hypocrite flip out? Show him this!

This is how the jews really roll:

Basically, all porn sites are owned by jews, and this one glorifies white women sexually servicing black men.


If the jews ever won, and they will not, this is what we would have left: 500 million café-au-lait goy slaves with a 90 IQ, laboring for a jewish master race which itself would be, ironically, WHITE jews:





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