Former youth tennis coach who abused 13-year-old for years receives punishment

Former youth tennis coach who abused 13-year-old for years receives punishment

It started with reports that the former youth tennis coach used a wooden bat on some of his students in Alabama.

When police opened an investigation into the allegations in 2018, they discovered evidence of sexual abuse that began three years earlier, when the coach took a special interest in a 13-year-old girl, federal prosecutors said.

On Thursday, August 8, Leroy Thomas Joyner, Jr., who was convicted in January of unlawfully transporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of engaging in sexual conduct, was sentenced to 300 months in prison, followed by life parole, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Alabama confirmed in a press release.

This important sentence reflects the harm Joyner inflicted on his young and vulnerable victim, U.S. Attorney Ross said in a statement. I am grateful for the courage the victim showed in coming forward and the diligence of the investigating authorities. Thanks to the actions of everyone involved, a predator is off our streets and our communities are safer.

Joyner, now 51 and from Columbus, Georgia, previously ran a tennis club in Dale County, Alabama, where he coached underprivileged children and teenagers, prosecutors said.

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During the investigation, prosecutors discovered that police had sexually abused a young girl for years. Her name is being withheld because she is a minor. They say Joyner had taken her to out-of-state tennis tournaments.

There, he performed sex acts on her in multiple states, including Georgia, Louisiana and South Carolina, prosecutors said. Joyner also allegedly beat the girl with a wooden plank to force her to obey him.

The abuse continued until she was 15. In September 2018, detectives began investigating her after reports that he had beaten her with a paddle, prosecutors said.

Because of his position of power, Joyner targeted young and vulnerable victims, Ross said in an earlier statement about the case, saying Joyner’s reprehensible actions had caused lasting harm.

Protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse is one of the most important responsibilities of law enforcement, he added.

As a federal prisoner, Joyner is not eligible for parole, prosecutors say. A judge will determine later whether restitution will be made.




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