Note from the SOTN Editor: Given the various major moves and manoeuvres that have been performed on the global geopolitical chessboard recently, it is absolutely clear that the Zio-Anglo-American axis is determined to create an extremely hot phase of World War III. And they simply do not care if it goes nuclear – globally. How criminally insane is that?!

The utterly deranged and deranged leadership that currently rules the United States, the European Union and Israel is clearly determined to unleash a global military conflict of epic proportions. So much so that we now have great fear that the following relevant prophecy could become reality.

What the extraordinarily reckless and provocative, brutal and reckless Western military powers are doing to Russia now is so far beyond the bounds of what is aggressively suicidal. Frankly, these hardened warmongers are far beyond ice-cold madness and should never be released from their future prisons for the criminally insane, or they will destroy planet Earth.

US-UK-EU-NATO terror group launches drone attack
Major fire starts at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant

Perhaps the worst aspect of this methodical build-up to World War III is the way Ukrainian men are being systematically murdered by Zelensky’s neo-Nazi regime… after being used to slaughter their Russian soldier brothers.

Who else would deliberately pit white Christian Slavic men against white Christian Slavic men in this way?

Well, who else has conceived and implemented the White Replacement plan worldwide, other than the ever satanic Khazarian Cabal?


The biggest clue of course is that the Khazarian Mafia leading the charge towards a Third World War, as a precursor to the Great Reset and Great Takeover, is that the operational head of the Israeli KM, Binyamin Netanyahu, was very deliberately installed as Prime Minister of the blatant apartheid Zionist state of Israel.

With Bibi, his Khazarian masters knew there was no blatant war crime wave, no horrific act of naked terrorism, no disgusting crime wave against humanity that he would not commit with reckless abandon. And he has! … … … To relentlessly create unbearable levels of chaos and confusion and conflict throughout the Middle East as a means of starting a full-fledged regional war prior to a kinetic World War III.

But what are the main goals of so much institutionalized madness and chaos?

This is just one of the big goals of the coming decades New World Order globalist cabal:

State of the Nation
August 12, 2024

NB The following summary encapsulates this theme.

The burning platform

Tick ​​Tock. The countdown continues. The countdown began in September 2008, with the beginning of this Fourth Turning. Everything that has happened in the last sixteen years has led up to this point in history. There is one absolute about a Fourth Turning: they never de-escalate. They build to a crescendo of death and destruction before reaching a resolution and climax.

We are entering the most dangerous part of this Fourth Turning, where many will die and the battle between good and evil hangs by a thread. In the past week we have seen Ukraine/US/NATO invade Russia, then bomb a nuclear power plant, provoke Belarus, and try to bait Putin into a response that would allow them to openly wage war on Russia.

Meanwhile, Israel assassinated the one Hamas leader (in Iran) who tried to negotiate a peaceful resolution to their war, knowing that this would provoke Iran into responding in a way that would cause the Israeli-controlled US Congress to go to war with Iran. To top it all off, Israel and the US continue to bomb Syria, knowing that Russia is supporting them militarily against Israel and the US. Aircraft carriers and submarines with Tomahawk missiles are moving into the Middle East. Russia is bombing Kiev. Belarus is moving troops toward the border with Ukraine.

We are also led by demented idiots, low IQ woke bureaucrats and some of the dumbest world leaders in human history. I can’t help but think of the domino scene in V for Vendetta. With so much chaos all over the world, someone is going to do something stupid and WW3 is going to start.

“When there’s this much chaos, someone is bound to do something stupid.
And when they do, things get nasty”

― Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Read more at: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/08/12/countdown-to-ww3/#more-345796

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