Satan, Part Two: Six Human Nature Traits of the Oligarchs

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The Australian Fur Seal - see Animalogic video belowThe Australian Fur Seal – see Animalogic video below

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Perhaps Satanism is normal human behavior gone wrong. Granted, the plans being made by a few “oligarchs” seem strangely destructive. They are the opposite of what humanity has normally expressed. But could it not be that fundamental human qualities (described below) have, thanks to modern inventions, led to the ability of a few to control the world?

Imagine if the current oligarchs (the satanists with the highest power) were to write a ‘constitution’. The introduction would sound something like this:

“We, the Satanists, in order to form a successful takeover of all nations, degrade the common good (except what the elite needs), and change the Order of Nature into the Order of Devilry, hereby ordain this Constitution, with the following Articles:

I. Diminish love, break all close ties.

II. Denigrate the idea of ​​freedom, obey Big Brother.

III. Destroy human memory.

IV. Creating diseases and forbidding their cure.

V. Banish the arts and neglect beauty.

VI. Continue to win the arms race with Directed Energy weapons.

VII. Collect all knowledge and hide it.

VIII. Reduce people’s self-confidence and sense of security.

IX. Change the future through transhumanism and artificial intelligence.

X. Take over God’s role in the area of ​​weather.

XI. Destroy our Earth and send our offspring to other planets.

XII. Completely suppress the moral impulse.

XIII. Kill anyone who tries to thwart us.”

How could people make such crazy plans?

We need to try to explain those 13 points. Isn’t it the exact opposite of what the majority of people in modern Western culture have steadfastly declared to be the desired regime? We need to know what the oligarchs think they can get out of it. Do they REALLY think that the outcome of their “constitution”, if they follow it, would bring them a good life?

I am an avid student of the biology of human nature. Allow me to look at six common traits — non-cuckoo traits — that may have led the oligarchs to this, and to show that they were in fact on the wrong track.

First characteristic: the drive to obtain resources

We are mammals and every mammal spends a large part of the day searching for food and water. You cannot survive if you do not do this.

In modern times, we don’t even realize that we are much like the elk or the lions that chase food — we even go into a store where the food is already packaged for us. We do “something else” all day — perhaps we are a nurse, a police officer, or a stockbroker. Of course, the money we get from our work is the means by which we exchange for the food from the store.

Greed is normal. We want the maximum resources we can get. And we push others to get it. In modern America, we push the “farmer’s help” to work hard. We also use our military power to make deals for foreign labor. The oligarchs chase resources just like everyone else. But they can legislate to get an even better deal, almost without limit.

Second characteristic: the urge to procreate

While not everyone ages, most do. Not only is the human body designed to seek out a sexual partner, the cultural institution of marriage is also based on it. People expect to settle down and start a new family, and once they do, they are instinctively very protective of their children. They also look to the extended family for help with work and for moral support.

The oligarchs also have an Old Boy Network that gives the gift of nepotism. I have always found it odd that we don’t see much cutthroat competition between the top favorites. In the mafia, trespassing on someone’s turf is expected to result in a “gangland slaying” on the street. Perhaps the oligarchs’ need to stick together as a family is a sign of their urgent need for protection (from us!).

Third trait: the urge to defeat the enemy of your tribe

No man sits by and watches a conquering group of men invade his group’s territory. When such an invasion occurs, he seizes his weapons and kills as many enemies as possible, even risking death in battle.

Of course, it is better not to be surprised. The leaders of the tribe plan ahead for such occasions. They organize the members to perform the best possible defense. An attack is indeed the best defense, so if they see that a neighboring tribe looks completely conquering, they must conquer it first.

It is clear that the oligarchs see us as the enemy. (Yes, we are their enemy!) All is fair in love and war — they will do whatever is necessary to us. In the Bible, King Herod killed all the boys under the age of 2 in a group he was concerned about. The oligarchs have created a situation in America where one in eight children has a chronic illness. Why not?

Fourth characteristic: the drive for status in the male hierarchy

In many mammal species there is a hierarchy. Those who work their way up get more resources because the less confident ones step aside. In a chicken coop there is a pecking order, the result of “everybody peck” is that after pecking every chick knows her place. The psyche of the male mammal is geared to not show himself as weak. He has to growl and bully regularly to keep up his image.

In this “fourth habit” argument, I’m not thinking about the oligarchs — they’re probably born into their high positions. and don’t have to fight. I want to look at the next layer. Many men seem willing to do whatever it takes to become the “secretary” to those top dogs. This is a little different than we might expect. The rewards in modern life are complicated, though. Oh, sometimes they have to be aggressive, and sometimes they have to enjoy bowing.

In the United States, holding a position in the state or federal government is a way to move up the hierarchy. Right now, our elections are in the hands of the media. The oligarchs own the media. Therefore, the oligarchs can ensure that only their willing followers in government will have upward mobility.

Fifth habit: the urge for self-preservation

I am now moving away from saying what we do as animals to what we do as humans who have speech, writing, and reasoning to protect themselves. That is not to say that an animal does not struggle to stay alive — just look at a wounded bird. We must assume that self-preservation is the primary instinct, for animals as well as for humans.

The six characteristics outlined here are intended to explain the behavior of the big boys. We can be sure that the urge to stay alive is as strong in an oligarch as in a wounded bird. David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger both lived to be 100 years old. Their access to the latest science made it possible for them to dream of long-term self-preservation.

Sixth habit: the urge to control others

A perfectly normal human drive involves controlling others. Thinking back to the first drive above, the search for your daily resources. I mentioned that you can coerce someone’s labor, but you can also sweet-talk to get resources, and you can agree to cooperate with others to get what you need.

Thanks to technology—like the invention of the plow—human society became more complex. I suppose the means of controlling others became more available and more tempting. Today, a high official who wants you to do something can invoke the law. He can threaten to send his police to arrest you. In 1917, in the Soviet Union, it was possible for the new leaders, the Bolsheviks, to starve to death millions of their own people, especially the kulaks who opposed them.

You can guess that our psyche drives us to control others when necessary. In today’s technology, it’s amazing how much people can be controlled by deception. Movies and TV gave us scenes of “ourselves” — that is, we thought the shows reflected what we would choose to do. But it was more likely that someone “taught” us to want this or that. How clever!

In the same way, corporations are now so big that decisions they make about food, travel, or hospitals can affect millions of people in one fell swoop. Who can blame the oligarchs for seeing (and sometimes creating) this and taking full advantage of it? Wouldn’t you do the same?

Conclusion on Satan, Part Two: Six Human Nature Traits of the Oligarchs

To summarize the six motivations of today’s oligarchs, all of which are deeply rooted in our biology: acquiring resources, reproducing a family, defeating the enemy of one’s own tribe, climbing as high as possible in the hierarchy, ‘staying alive’, and controlling others.

Now look again at the 13 articles the oligarchs wrote into their “constitution” (pictured above). For each item, one or more of the innate human drives can explain it — specifically, the drive to control others and defeat the “enemy.”

But when we read that list, it hardly resembles “human nature.” That’s because we’ve gone too far. Our characteristics have allowed a group of “elite individuals” (gee, how elitists can you be?) to go crazy in the circumstances of the 21st century. It’s vital that we, non-oligarchs, recognize what has happened. It’s NOT natural; it’s very sick

The poor old oligarchs should see this too. But they may be too scared to think about it. It is up to us to find ways to put the brakes on immediately.

That means you.

Here’s the video of the Australian fur seal if you want to watch it: CRAIG OPEN IT

The post Satan, Part Two: Six Human Traits of the Oligarchs appeared first on Gumshoe News.

Click this link for the original source of this article.

Author: Craig A

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The post Satan, Part Two: Six Human Traits of Oligarchs appeared first on USSA News | The Tea Party Front Page. Visit

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