Keir Starmer and Italian PM want EU police to crack down on illegal immigration

Keir Starmer and Italian PM want EU police to crack down on illegal immigration

KEIR Starmer and Giorgia Meloni are reportedly considering focusing Europol on tackling illegal immigration.

According to the Telegraph, the Italian prime minister has proposed full recognition of Europe. British police announced last month that they would strengthen their police force to tackle illegal immigration, including people smugglers.

Starmer is said to have backed the proposal and suggested that British officers carry out joint missions with Europol.

After BrexitThe United Kingdom is no longer a member of Europol, but there is a partnership, with a number of employees from the British National Crime Agency seconded to the service.

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The measure follows far-right riots that broke out in England and Northern Ireland, sparked by a knife attack in Southport in which three girls were killed.

A Downing Street spokesman told the Telegraph the prime minister had no plans to make a speech on immigration, but warned against confusing the riots with legitimate concerns about the topic.

They said: The Prime Minister acknowledged last week that there are legitimate concerns about immigration, and that is why we are taking action to tackle the gangs that are causing these problems.

But again, it’s really important not to lump these issues together and give people legitimacy when there’s absolutely no excuse or world in which this can be described as legitimate protest.

A Home Secretary spokesman said: “Criminal gangs are jeopardising the security of our borders and putting lives at risk, as we tragically saw across the Channel this week.”

A real criminal industry has been able to establish itself along our borders and through sophisticated criminal networks throughout Europe and beyond. It is appalling that these activities have been allowed to continue for so long without the slightest scruples.

We are determined to launch new, major operations to track down the gangs, the boats and the money.




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