America Should Be Willing to Kill People to Enforce Our Borders

Bank Robberies are fairly rare these days, but have you ever considered what it would take to make them common? How could you do such a thing?

Well, what if the banks only put light security measures in front of their vaults and didn’t make any real effort to stop anyone from breaking in? Then, if someone managed to loot the vault, they’d get to hold on to what they stole indefinitely until a court ruled on whether they got to keep it, which could be years later. Even if the court did rule that they had to give it back, what if we didn’t keep track of where the people robbing the bank were, so they had the option to simply not show up and give the money back? Sure, they’d be on the run, but they’d also still have the money.

How common do you think bank robberies would be then? So common that half the people reading this are probably thinking, “I’d try it under those circumstances. What the heck? Why not?”

Of course, that isn’t how banks handle their security because they don’t want to lose their money. So instead, they have a big, thick vault door. They sometimes have their own security that will shoot to kill to stop a robbery, but they all have silent alarms to call the police who will use as much force as necessary to stop you from getting away with the money.

Actually, this is a run-of-the-mill attitude.

If I put on a ski mask, broke into a neighbor’s house tonight, and started looting their things, I would expect that there would be a high likelihood that my neighbor might put two slugs between my eyes. Personally, I’d prefer not to kill someone who broke into my house, but I am armed and if I thought my life was in danger at any point, heck if even my dog’s life were in danger, I would kill them without the slightest hesitation. This is the standard, not the exception.

The Secret Service will kill you to protect the president. Bodyguards will kill you to protect their clients. Hell, why do so many of us lionize the Rooftop Koreans? Because when the police refused to protect them during the LA riots, they were willing to kill people to protect their shops:

In fact, although most people don’t think of it this way, anytime you get caught breaking the law, no matter how small, a man with a gun representing the state is going to show up, and if you refuse to accept their authority and take it far enough, they will kill you for it.

You don’t think so? Well, speeding is a minor infraction. What’s going to happen if you speed, a cop gets behind you, flashes his blue lights, tries to pull you over and you ignore him and keep going? Well, more cops are going to come. Then, even more. If necessary, they will blow out your tires or ram you off the road to get you to stop. Then if you still refuse to accede to their authority, they will attack you as a gang, force you down, handcuff you, and take you to jail. If they can’t successfully do that, you threaten them with a weapon or you try to grab one of their weapons, they may very well kill you.

So, with that in mind, why do so many people seem to think our borders aren’t worth defending like this? If you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country. If you can’t control who comes into your country, inevitably, terrorists, gangs, criminals, pedophiles, foreign agents, and drugs will come across your borders and as a consequence, the citizens of your country will be robbed, raped, and killed .

Yes, no matter what we do, there will be Americans robbed, raped and killed. Unfortunately, that’s just a horrible part of life. But, when we allow illegal aliens to cross into our country by the millions, that crime leads to tens of thousands of new crimes that wouldn’t otherwise occur.

Every rape, robbery, and murder of an American citizen by an illegal when our borders are deliberately being left open is a rape, robbery, and murder caused by pure negligence. On top of that, the more illegals we allow in, the more they take jobs and depress the wages of poor and middle-class Americans, get welfare via having kids here, and take up space in our hospitals, schools, and jails that American citizens have to pay for out of their taxes.

Not only does our country have every moral right to secure our borders by any means necessary, but our government also has a responsibility to America to do just that, and contrary to the claims you hear from people who want the border open, it’s not even all that hard to do. It just requires a basic level of competence that we apply to anything else that we deem important.

Build the wall. Properly staff ICE. Stop giving asylum at all ideally, but failing that, don’t allow asylum claims to be filed by anyone who enters the United States illegally. Require all employers to check the social security numbers of new employees against a government database. Arrest anyone here illegally and either immediately deport them or lock them up until they’re deported. Put anyone caught in the United States illegally multiple times in work camps for 5-10 years and finally, set up sniper towers in hard to police areas and use deadly force to stop anyone entering illegally.

None of that is extreme or inhumane, it’s just part of the most basic duty of the United States government to maintain law and order while guarding our borders. Furthermore, being willing to shoot illegal aliens would actually serve three important purposes.

First of all, it would dramatically reduce the number of people trying to illegally enter the United States. This would be good for the people of the United States.

Second, believe it or not, it would actually SAVE THE LIVES of a lot of illegals. We have to keep in mind that crossing into the United States is an inherently dangerous activity. It often involves moving through remote desert landscapes or has people crossing rivers where they can drown. There are always criminals involved. This is why around 400-500 people per year try to enter the United States illegally. If shooting 40-50 people frightened illegals so much that they stopped coming, it could save hundreds of lives every year.

Last but not least, if shooting a relatively small number of illegals stopped them from coming here, it would mean far fewer Americans would be raped, robbed, and murdered, and wouldn’t that alone be worth it? We don’t have accurate nationwide statistics, but look at these numbers JUST FROM TEXAS:

From the resulting Texas statistics, we catch a partial glimpse of the vaster sea of ​​preventable carnage nationwide, of murder, rape, child abuse, burglary, felony theft, drug trafficking, alien smuggling, and drunk driving manslaughter.

Between June 1, 2011, and June 30, 2024, these 437,000 criminal aliens (308,000 classified as illegal) were charged with more than 533,000 criminal offenses that should never have happened. Those included 997 homicide charges (resulting in 498 convictions as of June 2024), 1,245 kidnapping charges (resulting in 354 convictions), 6,744 sexual assault charges (resulting in 3,537 convictions), 7,763 sexual offense charges (resulting in 3,537 sexual offense convictions), and 6,560 weapons charges (resulting in 2,138 weapons convictions). Texas includes another category called “All Other Offenses,” which tallies 298,912 (and 103,265 convictions).

The Texas data reveals hundreds of dead people who should be alive, thousands of sexual assault and sexual offense victims who should never have suffered trauma, and tens of thousands of assault charges involving victims who should not have been hurt.

If shooting illegal aliens stopped tens of thousands of Americans from being unnecessarily raped and killed, wouldn’t it be worth it to protect American citizens? Unquestionably, the answer to that question should be, “yes.”

What it all comes down to is that America should do whatever it takes to secure our border, including shooting illegal aliens who try to enter our country. That certainly shouldn’t be our first option, but securing our border is just as important as securing our president, our banks, and our homes and we should start treating it with the seriousness that it deserves.

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