War for Ukraine Day 903: Another Day, Another Horrific Russian War Crime

Two quick housekeeping notes. First, Rosie is still doing wonderfully between treatments. Here next one is this coming Monday. Thank you all for the good thoughts, well wishes, prayers, and donations.

Second, I’m fried and am going to try to keep tonight’s update as brief as possible.

As soon as the clock struck twelve and today became tomorrow in Ukraine, the air raid alerts started going up.

It’s midnight, and a new day in Ukraine starts with wailing sirens. pic.twitter.com/hQKjt0HbYg

— Kate from Kharkiv (@BohuslavskaKate) August 14, 2024

The Russians blew up a Ukrainian ambulance today killing medics and the wounded civilians they were trying to treat and medevac.

A russian FPV-drone’s deadly strike in Bilyi Kolodiaz killed two Hospitallers medics and wounded three civilians, Serhii Bolvinov, head of the Kharkiv regional police investigation department, reported. They served with mercy, the world owes them justice.

📷Serhii Bolvinov pic.twitter.com/h9M0yM1mkX

— Iryna Voichuk (@IrynaVoichuk) August 14, 2024

The cost:

Today, during a mission in Kharkiv Oblast, Mulkevych “Mike” Oleksandra was killed when a russian FPV drone struck the evacuation vehicle of Hospitallers medics. This is a heinous war crime by russia, targeting those who selflessly save lives. pic.twitter.com/WE1zOqChNy

— Iryna Voichuk (@IrynaVoichuk) August 14, 2024

This is Alex, callsign Mike, combat medic with @hospitallers_ .

She was killed today by a ru FPV drone which targeted her evacuation vehicle as she was performing a last mission in the Kharkiv region before coming home tomorrow.

Alexandra Mulkevych

27.03.1989 – 14.08.2024 💔 pic.twitter.com/bjy8IPtU4P

— Emmanuelle Chaze (@EmmanuelleChaze) August 14, 2024

“Today, in Kharkiv Oblast, the Russians committed another crime. An fpv drone targeted the evacuation vehicle of hospitallers in Kharkiv Oblast. There were injurys and 1 life lost. 😥😥

Yuriivna Mulkevich


Information about the farewell ceremony and… pic.twitter.com/edx4r2s2Q7

— UDA Dnipro Stormtroopers🇺🇦Special Purpose Unit (@UdaUkrainian) August 14, 2024

“Today, in Kharkiv Oblast, the Russians committed another crime. An fpv drone targeted the evacuation vehicle of hospitallers in Kharkiv Oblast. There were injurys and 1 life lost. 😥😥

Yuriivna Mulkevich


Information about the farewell ceremony and funeral will be announced later.

The crew of three girls had to work the last day of their rotation today and be home with their families tomorrow. Three brave Ukrainian women, who chose the most peaceful and most dangerous idea as their mission to save human lives, were forced to change their peaceful professions and join the support of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. On the bloody account of the Russians, another torn young fate of a brave Ukrainian woman.

I express my deepest condolences to the family of the fallen Heroine – her husband and mother, her friends, siblings, step-sisters, crew. This is a very heavy loss for our battalion and for the entire state

🫡 Yana Zinkevich, Commander of the Volunteer Medical Battalion of Hospitaliers of the UDA

Source – https://t.me/uda_army/9604

Here is President Zelenskyy’s address from earlier today. Video below, English transcript after the jump.

We Continue Working with Our Partners on Long-Range Decisions for Ukraine – Address by the President

14 August 2024 – 19:49

I wish you good health, fellow Ukrainians!

Commander-in-Chief Syrskyi has already reported several times today, both on our frontline situation and on our operation in the Kursk region. Just now we have also had a conversation. We have agreed that we will send additional weapons to our warriors in the Donetsk direction, from the next support packages – more than planned. I thank all our warriors – every soldier of ours, every sergeant, every officer – who resist the Russian pressure and defend our country.

Our advance in the Kursk region is going well today – we are reaching our strategic goal. The “exchange fund” for our state has also been significantly replenished.

Today, I also held a meeting with our government officials – the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada was also present – to discuss support for our military actions in the Kursk region. It is important that Ukraine fights by the rules, and the humanitarian needs that exist in this area must be met.

Today’s report by the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine was also positive. Now I would like to thank all our SSU warriors, as well as the warriors of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine and all the structures involved. Thank you for the accurate, skillful and effective strikes on Russian airfields. Our Ukrainian drones work exactly as they should. But there are things that cannot be done with drones alone. Unfortunately. We need other weapons – missile weapons. And we continue working with our partners on long-range decisions for Ukraine – because these are forward-looking decisions for our victory. It has to be done. The bolder our partners’ decisions are, the less Putin will be able to do. And today I held a meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, our Office, the National Security and Defense Council. We have prepared an algorithm for our actions to achieve strong decisions by our partners. Victorious decisions.

I thank everyone who is helping Ukraine! Glory to all those who are fighting for our independence!

Glory to Ukraine!

Morning report by Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi on the situation across all major directions, particularly in the Toretsk and Pokrovsk areas, as well as the operation in the Kursk region.

We are not forgetting our eastern front for a second. I have instructed the… pic.twitter.com/5RE6EgLFn8

— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) August 14, 2024

Morning report by Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi on the situation across all major directions, particularly in the Toretsk and Pokrovsk areas, as well as the operation in the Kursk region.

We are not forgetting our eastern front for a second. I have instructed the Commander-in-Chief to strengthen this direction using the equipment and supplies currently provided by our partners.

We are advancing in the Kursk region, one to two kilometers in various areas since the beginning of the day. We have captured more than 100 Russian servicemen during this period. I am grateful to everyone involved; this will accelerate the return of our guys and girls home.

Meeting on the situation in the Kursk region. We discussed key issues: security, humanitarian aid, and, if necessary, the establishment of military commandant’s offices.

Ukraine is defending itself and the lives of its people in border communities while also taking active steps… pic.twitter.com/fdECTBzhPD

— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) August 14, 2024

Meeting on the situation in the Kursk region. We discussed key issues: security, humanitarian aid, and, if necessary, the establishment of military commandant’s offices.

Ukraine is defending itself and the lives of its people in border communities while also taking active steps on Russian territory. Our forces strictly adhere to the requirements of international conventions and humanitarian law.

The cost:

🕯На Луганщині загинула солдат 3 ошбр Юлія Бояновська. Їй було 19

⬇https://t.co/g1CS1yPMeC pic.twitter.com/tcAKWw2mVq

— Новинарня (@Novynarnia) August 14, 2024

🕯 Yuliya Boyanovska, a soldier of the 3rd oshbr, died in Luhansk region. She was 19



The reason:

The courage to save lives.

Meet Kazhan (Bat), a combat medic of the 47th Mechanized Brigade.

📷: Yurii Stefanyak pic.twitter.com/hRvuYVM6Xw

— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) August 14, 2024

The Ukrainians brought down another Su-34.

🇺🇦 Defense forces destroyed the enemy Su-34 aircraft. The sky over the Kursk region became clearer — @CinC_AFU pic.twitter.com/eUZHtiBnr0

— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) August 14, 2024

It is day 9 of Ukraine’s cross border offensive into Kursk Oblast, Russia.

We are advancing in the Kursk region, one to two kilometers in various areas since the beginning of the day. We have captured more than 100 russian servicemen during this period — @ZelenskyyUa after the morning report by Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi.

— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) August 14, 2024

Ukrainian reporters for TSN inside Sudzha, as Kyiv’s forces rip down the Russian tricolor on an administrative building. An extraordinary sight. https://t.co/OgR7A4Ejcf

— Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) August 14, 2024

Yep. Ukrainian troops involved in incursion told me Sunday at the Sumy-Kursk border they were told to hold their ground. And we have Zelensky saying today: “We discussed key issues: security, humanitarian aid, and, if necessary, the establishment of military commandant’s… https://t.co/b6NdIheCbf

— Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) August 14, 2024

Yep. Ukrainian troops involved in incursion told me Sunday at the Sumy-Kursk border they were told to hold their ground. And we have Zelensky saying today: “We discussed key issues: security, humanitarian aid, and, if necessary, the establishment of military commandant’s offices.”

Ukraine’s ombudsman says Russia has surprisingly initiated talks regarding a possible POW exchange.

Let me guess. Ramzan Kadyrov wants his goons back, and no one cares about Russian conscripts now.

— Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦 (@IAPonomarenko) August 14, 2024

GoPro footage from a Ukrainian combat team inside the Kursk offensive – just published by @UButusov pic.twitter.com/rsiBfc8PoN

— Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦 (@IAPonomarenko) August 14, 2024

У мене для Вас гарна новина, мій племінник Богдан «Єврей» розвідник, затрофеїв танк Т80БВМ 2023 года, з пробігом 450км, взяли його під Суджою, тепер потрібно паливо, що від знищував ворога. Вдячні Вам за донати, наші Хлопці неймовірні.


PayPal… pic.twitter.com/XjxIwhEE8P

— Вячеслав Запорожец (@VvZiper) August 12, 2024

I have good news for you, my nephew Bohdan “the Jew”, a scout, won a 2023 T80BVM tank with a mileage of 450 km, took it near Suja, now we need fuel that destroyed the enemy. Thank you for the donations, our boys are incredible.




[email protected]


Another captured Russian T-80BVM obr.2022, Sudzha area, Kursk region. https://t.co/tdd2vyOt5Y https://t.co/NCszTKL8Ws pic.twitter.com/1sPpgleKrW

— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) August 14, 2024

Адміністрація села Заолешенка, Суджанського району Курської області pic.twitter.com/PGdDr0foEA

— Мисливець за зорями (@small10space) August 14, 2024

Administration of the village of Zaoleshenka, Suzhan district, Kursk region

“Behind the scenes, (UK) ministers are trying to persuade allies to approve Ukraine’s use of Storm Shadow cruise missiles inside Russia” https://t.co/8h75tg5gkb

— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) August 14, 2024

Job adverts for trench diggers in Kursk have started to appear on Russian vacancy websiteshttps://t.co/gIUrPPmbxV pic.twitter.com/xgpbAUj2Nk

— Francis Scarr (@francis_scarr) August 14, 2024

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reporter Mark Krutov has the details on what types of forces Russia is deploying to counter the Ukrainian offensive in Kursk Oblast:

🧵/ Link in the last post. There are increasing reports in Russia about conscripts being sent to Kursk for reinforcement after the Russian army failed to push back Ukrainian forces there. Together with @pustota, we decided to take a deeper look into this issue.Image

First of all, this is not the first case of using conscripts in combat during this war. The most infamous one dates back to June 2022.

Russia Prosecutes 12 Officers Over Conscript Deployments to Ukraine – The Moscow TimesA dozen Russian officers have been prosecuted for sending hundreds of young conscript soldiers to fight in Ukraine, a military prosecutor announced Tuesday. “Around 600 conscripts were involved in the…https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/06/07/russia-prosecutes-12-officers-over-conscript-deployments-to-ukraine-a77921
Second, legally, Russia can send its conscripts to war after 4 months of service and proper training. However, what we (and other journalists) have found is that those conscripted in the spring and being sent to Kursk most had served less than 4 months.Image
The scale of what we see is unknown, but we shouldn’t overestimate it. We spoke with several relatives of conscripts, and here’s a map of the regions they’re being sent from (add Tyumen oblast here, the confirmation arrived after our piece was published ) t.me/iditelesom_hel…


Идите лесом!‼Срочников из Тюменской области готовят к отправке в Курск — им предлагали подписать контракт К нам обратился брат срочника: В Тюменской области тоже собирают срочников и отправляют сначала в Юргу…https://t.me/iditelesom_help/3864

A separate issue involves conscripts who were in Kursk already and were the first to face the Ukrainian offensive.

Many of them (unlike the lucky ones in the post above) survived and made it back to Kursk. Now they’re being forced to sign contracts and return to the fight. There’s even a petition demanding that this stop. Surely, it will change Putin’s mind (not).

Подпишите петициюМатери Срочников призыва 2023- 2024 г. Просим убрать срочников из Курской области!https://www.change.org/p/%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8-%D1%81%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%B2%D0%B0-2023-2024-%D0%B3-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BC-%D1%83%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D1%81%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D0%B8%D0%B7-%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8

We also found that not only conscripts from the 80th Arctic Motor Rifle Brigade in Murmansk oblast are being sent to Kursk, but those from the 200th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade (also Murmansk oblast) as well.

Interestingly, the 200th Brigade conscripts are scheduled to be sent to Kursk only in September, which among other things hints that Russia doesn’t expect a quick resolution to the Kursk issue.Image
Additionally, we learned that conscripts from the 15th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade near Samara are also being sent.Image

The NGO called ‘Go Through The Forest,’ which helps Russians avoid the army or even desert, confirms a spike in panic messages from relatives of conscripts.

Идите лесом!⚡Срочников отправляют в Курск: продолжаются обращения в «Идите лесом» В последние дни к нам поступает все больше сообщений от родственников и самих срочников, которые обеспокоены предстоящими отправ…https://t.me/iditelesom_help/3861
But what can those conscripts really do? Quickly become POWs if sent on a combat mission? Fill in the defensive trenches that are being dug by Russians in Kursk Oblast, 15 kilometers from the Kursk NPP? That too, but… (sat. imagery by @planet, coords in the bottom right corner) 
…as @KofmanMichael puts it, they will probably also ‘prepare fortifications and provide support to regular units, because Russia has been unable to stabilize the front in Kursk Oblast and has no reserves behind the units on the front line’.Image
But what about more combat-ready troops? Did Ukraine force Russia to redeploy them from Donbass or Kharkiv? There aren’t many signs of it, to be honest.Image
Let @Tatarigami_UA speak: ‘While we observe some movements of units, such as the 810th Naval Infantry Brigade, the core forces involved in the advances in Pokrovsk, Toretsk, or Chasiv Yar are still engaged in their operations’.Image
@Tatarigami_UA adds that interpreting messages about ‘reinforcements’ can be problematic. ‘It’s quite common nowadays for both sides to redeploy portions of units, like a battalion or two… 
…therefore, when we read reports indicating that Russia moved a certain unit because part of it was spotted and identified in Kursk, we need to be careful before jumping to conclusions, as it could be an undermanned battalion with 250 people or a brigade with 4,000.’Image

Also, let’s not forget that Russia has troops in the southern part of occupied Ukraine. Redeploying them to Kursk won’t significantly ease the situation on Pokrovsk axis or near Vovchans’k for Ukraine.

It’s still more unknowns in the battle in Kursk oblast than facts. How many conscripts or other reinforcements will be used by Russia depends on how the things will unfold in the next weeks. 
For now, I recommend you follow our dynamic Kursk battle map here (last updated this afternoon) svoboda.org/a/33069581.html


Карта боев в Курской областиhttps://www.svoboda.org/a/33069581.html

Read the full story here (please Google Translate for your language). /END

“Отправку планируют в сентябре”. Срочников стягивают к КурскуВ начале этой недели в интернете стали появляться десятки сообщений от родственников российских солдат-срочников о том, что командование планирует отправить их в Курскую область, где продолжается наст…https://smarturl.click/4keJY

Bonus post: a @severrealii article from August 10th, first revealing the fact that Russia redeployed at least some soldiers from Avdiivka to Kursk (Avdiivka is about 30 km behind the main battle front line though). https://t.co/ckLZUpELD0 pic.twitter.com/dhqj1aYqqa

— Mark Krutov (@kromark) August 14, 2024

We’ve seen Putin’s large-scale attempts to fix holes in the Kursk region with scores of young Russian conscripts thrown at advancing elite Ukrainian airborne units.

That’s not seen since the First Chechen War or the Soviet-Afghan war. And this is something that Putin repeatedly…

— Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦 (@IAPonomarenko) August 14, 2024

We’ve seen Putin’s large-scale attempts to fix holes in the Kursk region with scores of young Russian conscripts thrown at advancing elite Ukrainian airborne units.

That’s not seen since the First Chechen War or the Soviet-Afghan war. And this is something that Putin repeatedly lied about by vowing never to use young conscripts in combat against Ukraine.

Back in the 1990s, Russian people were wreaking havoc over the fact that their military was sending their 18-year-old sons to die for nothing in Ichkeriya.

Mothers used to literally storm military HQs and demand that they take their sons back home alive.

Now, as we know, the Russian military is preparing to send new conscripts to the Kursk region and is forcing them to sign contracts and thus become full-fledged contracted military servicemembers.

And you know?

No large-scale protests against Putin sending young conscripts to massacre for his idiotic war for his own bruised ego and his ability never to admit his failure at any price.

There are only some reports saying that there was a Change.org petition humiliatingly begging Putin to live up to his promise and not to send unprepared, conscripted youngsters to death.

The way the sleazy Kremlin mafia has corrupted and submitted the Russian people at the most basic levels of human nature is unbelievable.

Support my work if you want:


PayPal: [email protected]

Donetsk Oblast:

This would be a good time for Ukraine’s foreign supporters to increase ammunition deliveries, at least over the short term. More ammunition could partially compensate for a lack of forces available defending against Russian advances in Donetsk oblast and lessen the strain on… https://t.co/3gVv0PaFUu

— Rob Lee (@RALee85) August 14, 2024

This would be a good time for Ukraine’s foreign supporters to increase ammunition deliveries, at least over the short term. More ammunition could partially compensate for a lack of forces available defending against Russian advances in Donetsk oblast and lessen the strain on Ukrainian units under heavy pressure.

Kharkiv Oblast:

🇺🇦 warriors from the 92nd Assault Brigade repelled a russian attack in the Kharkiv direсtion.

They destroyed:

◾4 tanks (+4 damaged)

◾2 IFVs

◾1 vehicle pic.twitter.com/C685YkE7nn

— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) August 14, 2024

6 russian ‘turtle’ tanks and their failed attack in the Kharkiv direction.

📹: Khartiia Brigade pic.twitter.com/fAEk5RemjG

— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) August 14, 2024

Sumy Oblast:

Russian forces launched over 2,000 strikes on the Sumy region during the summer of 2024, using various weapons from the Kursk region.

The attacks have led to the evacuation of over 20,000 residents from the region.

More here: https://t.co/n6bKuJt6mK pic.twitter.com/lpcckq2zbq

— UNITED24 Media (@United24media) August 14, 2024

From United24 Media:

During this summer alone, Russian forces have launched more than 2,000 strikes on the territory of Sumy region, utilizing a range of weaponry including rockets, artillery, anti-aircraft missiles, attack drones, and mortars.

Heorhii Tykhyi, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, stated that these attacks have been launched specifically from the Kursk region.

Particularly, Russia has launched over 100 missiles, 255 guided bombs, and more than 2000 attacks by MLRS, artillery, and drones.

In addition, the relentless Russian attacks have prompted the priority evacuation of residents from 183 settlements across 15 territorial communities in the Sumy region. Over 20,000 people, including almost 2,500 children, have already been evacuated due to the constant threat of Russian terror.

In response to these ongoing attacks, the creation of a buffer zone in the Kursk region was seen as a crucial step to protect Ukrainian border communities from daily shelling by the Russian forces.

In addition to military measures, Ukrainian forces are coordinating with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to address the humanitarian needs of residents in the defensive operation zone.

“Russia has abandoned these communities without essential supplies, and efforts are now underway to provide drinking water, food, medicine, and hygiene products to the affected population. These humanitarian initiatives are being carried out in full compliance with international law,” according to a statement issued by Ihor Klymenko, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, on August 14.

Recently, on August 12 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy officially stated that Ukraine is conducting an operation in the Kursk region of Russia. According to the latest data, Ukraine was controlling 74 settlements, about 1,000 km² of the territory of the Russian Federation. Zelenskyy has also stated that hundreds of Russian soldiers surrendered to Ukrainian forces.

Die Ziet reporter Olivia Kortas has more from Sumy Oblast.

I was in #Sumy on Monday for @zeit and spoke to soldiers from several brigades about their activities in #Kursk region. Here are some insights. 1/n 
First of all: Commanders don’t comment. Press officers reject requests. The soldiers I spoke to asked to only share limited information with the public. They themselves don’t know the aims of this offensive or what they will be required to do in a week from now. 2/n 
Their confidence was striking and stood in stark contrast to other parts of the frontline. I had been in Pokrovsk and Zaporizhzhia region just a week ago. The mood there has shifted, soldiers told me about new recruits going AWOL or dying within a few days. 3/n 
The men I talked to in Sumy are part of mobile groups/units, experienced in offensive actions and quick maneuvers. Some of them arrived to prepare the offensive, without realising what they were doing. “Until the last moment, I was sure we were defending“, one of them said. 4/n 
This is only one of the many indications of how carefully this offense was planned. 5/n 
Out of the 3 scenarios that military experts consider realistic (expanding further, holding, retreating completely), all men I spoke to were in clear favor of the 1st one: Expanding a bit more, then holding. One said: It is an amazing feeling to finally have enough munition. 6/n 
Working on Russian territory brings new challenges, especially in the sphere of communication. Starlink doesn’t work. The Ukrainians can use radios (or even Russian sim cards), but it makes them trackable. This leads to a limited knowledge of the territory ahead. 7/n 
Now logistics is key. If the aim is to hold territory, Ukrainian soldiers need to set up supply lines and ensure safe ways for the evacuation of material & men. Currently, the problems with communication and surveillance are standing in the way. 8/n 
For more details, read our brief dispatch in tomorrow’s @DIEZEIT. 9/9 


Drones attacked three major airbases, including Savasleyka in Nizhny Novgorod—a key site where MiG-31Ks, armed with “Kinzhal” missiles, take off. A successful hit could greatly reduce the Kinzhal threat, as Russia has limited jets and can’t easily produce more. pic.twitter.com/W6itZl9Ver

— Maria Avdeeva (@maria_avdv) August 14, 2024

/1. Tonight there was a large attack by Ukrainian drones on three Russian military airfields: Borisoglebsk and Baltimore in the Voronezh region, as well as Savasleika Nizhny Novgorod region.

Baltimore and Borisoglebsk are located 180km and 340km from the front line. Savasleika,… pic.twitter.com/X0U8QUV1sB

— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) August 14, 2024

/1. Tonight there was a large attack by Ukrainian drones on three Russian military airfields: Borisoglebsk and Baltimore in the Voronezh region, as well as Savasleika Nizhny Novgorod region.

Baltimore and Borisoglebsk are located 180km and 340km from the front line. Savasleika,… pic.twitter.com/X0U8QUV1sB

— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) August 14, 2024

/1. Tonight there was a large attack by Ukrainian drones on three Russian military airfields: Borisoglebsk and Baltimore in the Voronezh region, as well as Savasleika Nizhny Novgorod region.

Baltimore and Borisoglebsk are located 180km and 340km from the front line. Savasleika, which is a Russian MiG-31 base, is located 650 km from the front line.

/3. A compilation of recordings made by locals drones during the attack on Borisoglebsk military airfield, Voronezh region pic.twitter.com/omcB1X9dzu

— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) August 14, 2024

/5. Russian source associated with Russian military aviation regarding the tonight’s drone attack on three Russian military airfields:

“At night, the hohols attacked three of our airfields. Effectively on some of them. Unfortunately, but naturally.

The problem is the same. The… pic.twitter.com/lQWDun11uC

— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) August 14, 2024

/7. First satellite imagery of the damage to the infrastructure of the Russian Borisoglebsk military airfield after tonight’s drone attack. https://t.co/dlCkPm6DFY

— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) August 14, 2024

That’s enough for tonight.

Your daily Patron!

There are no new Patron tweets or videos tonight. Here is some adjacent material. Who’s a good Ukrainian war robodoggo!

“Such a dog should be in every unit,” says Kurt, one of the unit commanders in the 28th Mechanized Brigade. pic.twitter.com/DZAQTgF6gS

— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) August 14, 2024

How wrong is it that I want this war robodog as a pet? pic.twitter.com/1RNPg0Jq0n

— Kate from Kharkiv (@BohuslavskaKate) August 14, 2024

Open thread!

The post War for Ukraine Day 903: Another Day, Another Horrific Russian War Crime appeared first on Balloon Juice.

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