Federal politics live: Teal Independent Zali Steggall tells Peter Dutton to ‘stop being racist’ in heated exchange in parliament

Minister of Labor Relations Murray Watt has just confirmed that legislation to force the CFMEU into bankruptcy will be put to the vote today.

This is the statement he just released.

“We came to Canberra this week to get this legislation passed.

“Now the coalition and the Greens are standing in our way to get this done.

“I negotiated with the opposition in good faith, but Michaelia Contant keeps moving the goalposts.

“The government, employers’ organisations and the wider trade union movement want this legislation to be dealt with today.

“Every day the coalition delays this bill is a day the CFMEU is not cleaned up.

“And the Greens seem to be on the side of John Setka and cyclists instead of voting with the government to keep organised crime out of the union.

“This is too urgent to delay any longer.

“The government aims to have the bill passed in the Senate by 3 p.m.

“This is a test for Peter DuttonDoes he want to solve these problems or does he want to keep the bikers within the CFMEU?”

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