The Unbearable Lightness of Being Kamala




A big smile and surprisingly few cackles.

Vice President Harris lately has enjoyed buoyant poll numbers, some large rally audiences, and the salivation of the regime media. The same news outlets that tried to pry her from President Joe Biden’s ticket at Memorial Day now approach Labor Day poised to canonize Kamala. 

The beauty of situational ethics is that, as situations change, so do ethics. Thus, the rip-and-read boys and girls at CNN, MSNBC, and assorted print and online organizations have shifted seamlessly from Critics of Kamala to Hot to Trot for Harris.

Yes, Sir Elton. We can feel the love tonight.

But how would a Kamala presidency affect the typical American household?

This is far less clear.

Kamala has stated shockingly little about what she aspires to do if the American people elect her commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces. An economic address planned for Raleigh, North Carolina, tomorrow might begin to fill this blank slate.

And not a moment too soon.

So far, Kamala declared in Las Vegas on Aug. 10 that she hoped to “eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.” This directly plagiarizes President Donald J. Trump’s announcement, also in Sin City: “For those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy, because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips.” Trump pledged this on June 9, a full 62 days before Kamala echoed his policy like a parrot. 

It did not have to be this way.

Harris could have said, “Donald Trump and I disagree on plenty. But he’s right about one thing: Tips should not be taxed. And if you like that idea, you don’t have to vote for him. Send me to the White House, and I will leave your tips untaxed!”

By crediting Trump, rather than pickpocketing him, Kamala would have avoided Republicans’ immediate response: “Stop, thief!” Had she footnoted Trump, it would have been harder for him to slam her as Kopycat Kamala. 

By endorsing his working-class tax cut, and acknowledging Trump for it, the Thatcherization of Harris would be one step closer to completion. Her Marxist ideas (Down with private health insurance! Up with the Green New Deal!) would be banished to the Gulag of her ambitions.

Kamala has offered just one more idea: national, no-excuse, mail-in voting. Imagine some 160 million general-election ballots ricocheting through the postal system, with their chains of custody shredded like steel wool. What could go wrong?


France introduced mail-in ballots in 1958. The French bid them adieu in 1975. Pourquoi? According to Jacques Limouzy, the French parliamentarian who sponsored the postal-voting ban, “Mail-in voting is one of the preferred methods for fraud.”

So, Kamala’s agenda consists of the ripped-off No Tip Tax and an initiative too far-left for France: mail-in ballots for all.

Anything else?

Not really., the veep’s official presidential campaign website, brims with bromides (“…she was inspired to tackle injustice from an early age”), volunteer opportunities (“New York for Harris: New York State of Mind Monday Phone Banks”), and a place to shop till you drop (Kamala Signature Mug: $22.00). 

A section on her plans, if elected? Not so much. 

On the right side of the Information Superhighway, Donald J. Trump’s website offers merchandise, event information, and something Kamala’s internet headquarters sorely lacks:

Public policy.

Trump’s Agenda 47 offers abundant ideas, details, and a link to the 2024 GOP Platform, adopted last month in Milwaukee. (To be fair, Democrats will unveil their equivalent manifesto next week in Chicago.)

Here’s how Trump’s website describes his policy blueprint:

“It is a forward-looking Agenda that begins with the following twenty promises that we will accomplish very quickly when we win the White House and Republican Majorities in the House and Senate.”

Half of Trump’s promises are below, verbatim. They are focused, specific, positive, and intended not to help Trump but to help the American people enjoy safety, savor prosperity, and secure their sacred rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: 

  • Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion
  • Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history
  • End inflation, and make America affordable again
  • Make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
  • Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
  • Prevent World War Three, restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East, and build a great Iron Dome missile defense shield over our entire country — all made in America
  • Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders
  • Keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency
  • Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship
  • Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success

Trump also made this astute observation about Kamala’s paucity of policy proposals. The mere absence of ideas should create no mystery about where she would take America, if victorious. 

“You don’t have to imagine what a Harris presidency would look like. You’re living through the misery, right now, except it will get worse,” Trump told voters in Asheville, North Carolina, yesterday. “And you’re paying the price — a price like nobody’s ever paid.”

Agree or disagree with Donald J. Trump and his agenda, he is running for president on real issues. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris hopes to ride a cloud of her own vacuity into the Oval Office.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor. 


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The post The Unbearable Lightness of Being Kamala appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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