Erdogan highlights major progress in fight against terrorism

Erdogan highlights major progress in fight against terrorism

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech during the graduation ceremony of the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy, which took place at the academy.

In his speech, Erdoğan highlighted the country’s significant achievements in the fight against terrorism and reiterated Turkey’s commitment to national security.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has stressed that the country has achieved significant successes in the decades-long fight against terrorism, particularly in the fight against the separatist terrorist organization PKK/YPG, which has been committing terrorist acts for 40 years.

Recent victory over a high-level terrorist

Erdogan said Turkey’s determined efforts have led to historic progress in the fight against the terrorist organization, which poses a constant threat to the country’s security. We have achieved historic victories in our fight against the separatist terrorist organization that has been plaguing our country for 40 years, Erdogan said.

The Turkish president also highlighted a recent victory: a high-ranking terrorist classified as a “red man” has been brought to justice.

Just yesterday we held a terrorist on the red list responsible for all the massacres he committed. From now on there is no way back, he said.

Commitment to national security

Erdogan said: “If Turkey can take a courageous and conscientious stand in the world today, it is largely thanks to the security achievements made over the past 22 years.”

The president also assured the people that the government would not tolerate any threat to the safety and well-being of citizens, be it criminal organizations, human traffickers, terrorists or urban bandits. “We will not allow anyone to harm the lives, property or peace of our citizens,” Erdoğan vowed.

We will never tolerate people who seek the life, property and peace of our citizens. Mafia, gangs, human traffickers, terrorists, urban bandits, we will not tolerate any of them. We have come a long way in the fight against all forms of crime. The owner of the state is our beloved nation.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Call for responsibility and unity

In his speech, Erdogan called on the new graduates to retire, saying: “The state belongs to our noble nation. It is your responsibility to stand up to those who threaten our future and our unity.”




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