Erdogan vows to fight terrorism resolutely until threat is completely eradicated

Erdogan vows to fight terrorism resolutely until threat is completely eradicated


Erdogan vows to resolutely fight terrorism until the threat is completely eradicated

President Recep Tayyip Erdoan has vowed that Turkey will continue the fight against terrorism, stressing the country’s determination to eliminate threats to the country’s security.

“We will continue our struggle with determination and dedication until we eradicate terrorism as a threat to our country,” Erdoğan said on August 15 at a graduation ceremony for more than 4,000 gendarmerie and coast guard officers in Ankara.

The president stressed that there was absolutely no question of going back on this position. Erdoğan emphasized the gains made against the PKK, which he described as a plague that has been plaguing the country for four decades.

The PKK is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union.

“We have no problem with those who respect the law,” Erdoğan said. “But we do not tolerate people who break the law and consider themselves superior to the state and the government. Mafias, gangs, human traffickers, terrorists, urban bandits… We do not tolerate any of them.”

Turkey has launched several counter-terrorism campaigns along the Syrian border and Operation Claws in northern Iraq, targeting PKK hideouts.

In his address to the graduating civil servants, Erdoğan urged them to serve Turkey’s 85 million citizens without prejudice, regardless of their ethnic or religious background.

“This nation is ours, this country is ours,” he said. “You will care about the problems of our people and you will be in touch with the citizens wherever you serve. If our nation is peaceful and safe, our state will be strong.”

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya and Gendarmerie Commander Arif Etin also spoke at the ceremony. Officials greeted the families of the graduates, and top students and international students received their diplomas from Erdoan.

The ceremony was marked by demonstrations by gendarmerie teams, including mountaineering, parachuting and helicopter operations, and concluded with a prayer.

After the ceremony it was announced that Etin would retire on September 1 due to the age limit and that Ali Ardakc would become his successor.

That same night a decree was issued also promoting six gendarmerie generals to higher ranks and 16 colonels to the rank of general.

In addition, the gendarmerie commanders of 41 of the country’s 81 provinces have been transferred.




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