Plandemic 2.0—or Not? ~ August 16, 2024 – Survive the News

From – For Additional Points of View and Possible Intel. Please Use Discernment.

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As bizarre as it sounds, we are watching the world being primed for a financial event, WWIII, and another plandemic. We also saw the MOAB dropped today on the potential scamdemic. More on that in a minute. The following image was accompanied by a question: “Could the stock market go BOOM today?” Someone said if not today, then early next week. Is it disinformation or a tip?

From all appearances, someone is setting up the masses for a Monkeypox scamdemic, at the very least. A certain capture is out there (shown below) showing chimpanzee adenovirus was an ingredient of the Astra Zeneca jab. Some are saying it is “monkeypox” and the reason for the current rhetoric about it showing up in Africa, and more recently, Sweden and Pakistan. Lord love a duck.

Some of this is a leap, but there is quite a stir about it. We had significant traction four years ago with the Covid lies and since then have alerted an awful lot of people about the political tactic to prevent Donald Trump from winning the 2020 election. Does it not make perfect sense that in this current election year that they would pull the same stunt again? Hey, it worked in 2020.

What exactly happened with the Covid scamdemic? Lets’ do a brief review, shall we? (This is all from memory, so forgive me if I err.)

Many are now aware of the dangers of the Chinese-manufactured “PCR tests” that generated false positives and the media’s role in convincing frightened people that even if you had no symptoms, you could still be “infected” and pass it on to someone else with a weak immune system and ultimately, cause their death. It seems Covid drastically affected brain cells because suddenly people forgot they had an immune system and that to be sick, you had to have symptoms. How can you be treated if you don’t have symptoms?!

The world now knows that “Covid” was no more dangerous than the flu and that ACTUAL death statistics from the “virus” were right in line with the four previous years in “flu season”. It simply wasn’t dangerous for healthy people—and certainly not children.

What was dangerous was the cruel strategy to infect people in long-term care facilities where seniors had severely compromised immune systems, took a lot of drugs, and suffered from co-morbidities. They purposely put infected people they said were “overflow” from hospitals which ran out of space in with seniors and caused a shocking amount of deaths. Our beloved parents and grandparents died alone in an institution, refused all visitors.

The truth: hospitals were almost empty because people were too afraid to go there for treatment. Citizen journalists posted video from many hospitals and there was no one there. Empty. It was all hype from the lying, treasonous media.

Worst case scenario was here in Phoenix, Arizona where the media told us there were so many dead bodies at the hospitals they had to bring in refrigerated trucks to accommodate them because morgues were full. There was an update soon afterward from the hospital saying that was not the case. When I sourced the following article I learned that Texas also said they were ordering trucks because the morgues were filling so quickly.

The unmitigated gall of that mayor. If that wasn’t enough to prove the cabal’s evil roots, they purposely administered IVs of an expensive drug ($1200/course) called Remdesivir which shuts down multiple organs, and ultimately creates what appears to be “pneumonia”, and in 10 days, the patient dies. The COD that goes on the death certificate is “Covid pneumonia”.

They paid doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators and even coroners to put the cause of death as “Covid” on death certificates when they died of completely unrelated causes including accidents. The statistics were completely skewed in many ways to scare the Human population into going along with the masks, 6-foot rule, lockdowns, etc.

They also made the fatal mistake of using respirators on people with pneumonia, which is the opposite of what they should do. The delicate condition of the lungs was such that having air pushed in and out of the damaged tissue by a machine “blew up” their lungs and they died. Honest medical staff posted videos telling us they couldn’t believe they were witnessing that alarming treatment protocol where they worked. People learned that hospitals were a place to go to die, not to get well, so they stayed home and suffered.

The crème-de-la-crème, however, was the British medical system. They lied to the French government to acquire large quantities of the “end of life” drug Midazolam and quietly euthanized people in nursing homes. Translation: they murdered them.

Putin himself announced that the world has been run by satanic pedophiles. They are beyond evil. Beyond psychopathic or sociopathic. I showed you years ago that Putin is not the original. The KGB Putin was replaced with a benevolent one working with the Alliance. Original Putin on top, current Putin below. About as similar as the Biden doubles, triples, etc.

Getting back to the COVID plandemic, they were successful in shutting down the world, opening the door to mail-in ballots, and rigging the Presidential election. Trump was blocked, and stupid people believed 80 million Americans voted for the fake Biden.

There was also Stage 2 of the scamdemic. We were horrified to hear they were trying to make it mandatory for everyone to get a “COVID vaccine” because we are all too familiar with these monsters and we knew no one should be taking any injections.

Unfortunately, the media had terrorized the masses so badly with fake death statistics they were lining up to get their jabs and some died; some almost immediately, others days, weeks, and even years later.

Had no one any recollection of the Nuremberg trials? The Nuremberg code? Oh right—they killed most of the seniors who were old enough to remember anything about the AshkeNazi war crimes.

The social media platforms everywhere have been inundated in recent years with testimonials and images of the rubbery tendrils found clogging veins and arteries. It’s been really hard to believe. It’s more like science fiction in the worst horror movie ever made. Heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, turbo cancer, neurological conditions that made it impossible for people to control their movements, to sleep, or work. Was it all a bad dream? Was this the worst movie ever?

But then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Trump in a possible slip that there was a live military operation in play. Personally, I believe Trump when he said the military was going to deliver the “vaccine”. I believe the military was in the process of eliminating a large number of globalists and bloodline family members. Just a hunch.

Since then, we managed to circumnavigate the claimed new and more virulent strains of COV-2, and now it’s Monkeypox?

Yes, now the nightmare threatens to rear its ugly head again with the promise of Plandemic 2.0. Where will it end? Will people fight it? Will they refuse to comply or will the fear take over again and erase any trace of common sense? I don’t know about you, but I can’t bear the thought of going through that again. It felt idiotic then, and the mere thought of it gives me a headache.

BUT (I know, never begin a sentence with “but”) but here’s the MOAB. What if the following is true?

Auto immune blistering disease is an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine ..
It’s on page 2 of the Pfizer data drop..

Monkey pox is a cover up ..

Follow 👉 (

You can see the Pfizer adverse reaction insert at the WH Grampa Telegram post.  I remember people checking their jab packaging and showing us completely blank inserts with no warnings of adverse reactions at all. Very odd.

They are always trying to cover up what they’ve done once we expose them, but too late. They are murderers, and the military trials have been underway for some time, according to some reports. Gitmo may have to requisition refrigerator trucks to handle all the bodies executed at that military prison for treason and crimes against Humanity.

And there’s this… LOL.

For perspective, we have a Q drop:

Before you get too complacent with Trump’s overwhelming popularity and promises to return soon—despite his announcing his transition team—have a look at this scenario and seriously consider it. It has merit. Link to Telegram.

Trump -MUST- exit the movie. 🚪

Possibly through incarceration, he cannot be publicly involved when the military takes action & steps in. 🛡️

So don’t fret when the “GUT PUNCH” happens and the panic sets in for those yet unawakened patriots and concerned citizens alike. 🥊

For the sake of optics, the general public must be able to accept what happens next at face value. 👀

If and when this does take place, it will signal / initiate -THE STORM-

If you haven’t seen the most recent posts from Q the Storm Rider—I’ve got one word for these updates: Wow. Just wow. Since you’re not all on Telegram, I’m going to paste them all here. They are not to be missed. Link to Telegram.

Chess ♟️ _ Moves

Don’t believe RFK JR is endorsing Kamala.

Here’s what I do know.
Trump is in communication with Joe Rogan and Trump intentionally pushed Rogan towards RFK _
RFK JR is in constant talks Vivek Ramaswamy

Joe Rogan is talking with Musk (TRUMP) on future financial currency and Rogan is going to move over 65 million to Trump and Musk’s coming financial endeavors ( crypto/new currency)

_Joe Rogan is playing a neutral game. The past 2 years Rogan has red pilled millions of liberals and youths through exposing WEF. CIA OPS. GLOBALIST DAVOS OPERATIONS,.. including going against the vaccine exposing Bio labs in Ukraine to exposing deep dark U.S. military industrial operations.

Joe Rogan is playing the middle ground purposely
( This Little Trump saga is all a 🎥)
_REMEMBER in 2018 everyone lost hope in Elon Musk and he started a feud with Trump , Then in 2020 he endorsed Biden ( everyone thought Musk was deep state)
> But I had given you COMMS; that MUSK and TRUMP debacle was all a show ( and actually Trump funded MUSK and placed in high commands in USSF and U.S. gave MUSK the biggest military contracts in history) ..

I had told you in 2019 that Musk would buy Twitter and then start going against the deep state and Twitter would be captured by white hats( today Twitter X has give world wide COMMS; on vaccine exposure. Pandemic EXPOSURE and exposed corruption in almost every major country in the world connected to the pandemic. Vaccines. Bio weapons. Election fraud. World media military censorship industrial complex systems and X has become a forefront on The Great Awakening operations … Not to mention MUSK FULL ENDORSEMENT OF TRUMP)
> …i had given you all these DROPS AND COMMS long before anyone ( years ago)
_ And i had told you back then Trump and Musks dispute and distancing was all an act 🎥 a show..( a very important show!)
And i told you they were going to come together and Unite!!!!! And they were going to create a financial system that was going to save the United States______

This Joe Rogan and Trump thing is only a show .. The real truth is X. +STARLINK. + The BIGGEST podcaster in the world ( Rogan) are all going to UNITE to bring in 2025 United States New financial system

> Rogan is currently playing the center field and capturing and red pilling the center folks who are divided about globalist operations.

Why doesn’t the deep state kill RFK JR.?
( Rfk knows where all the bodies are buried.
The real corruption inside the DNC. CIA and pharma industry……
> The real truth RFK was heavy into cocaine and heroin addict for decades and was inside the deep state sex rings and> experienced >and KNOWS the CIA ops inside the DNC
It no conspiracy that RFK knew Epstein and took his help and flew privately in his plane

In the end RFK JR.s wife supposedly killed herself .. And hung herself liKe EPSTEIN
( She was going to expose RFK and his connections )

Behind the scenes>) ; In 2014_15 RFK JR started getting military intelligence classified info and worked with ex military intelligence advisors who worked in the pharmacy industry and RFK got extended information on CDC CIA connected operations and GLOBALIST powers getting ready to move a pandemic.

So what happened?
>RFK JR. knows all the secrets of the CIA. Including the CIA operations that captured some of his own family Kennedy members into blackmail operations.
Rfk jr. was also inside the blackmail operations that is connected to DC nyc sex rings operations and money laundering operations of certain Kennedy’s?

PART 2 from Telegram

Around 2014 the military alliance ( white hats) gave RFK JR. the option and clear choice to join operations to bring down the deep state and reclaim his name and set things right.

The reason the deep state can’t kill RFK JR is because he has a KILLSWITCH in place that protects him.

What is known is TRUMP has silent back channels to RFK .>> & Rogan
The Fog of war.

The news is fake. The war is real.

Pentagon, pentagram, Washington, DC

TODAY’S UPDATE from Telegram:

Confirmed DROPS

On June 26 i gave CABLES>) : That the U S. Military was training Mexicans and sending them back to Mexico through Maglev trains under ground tunnels systems from Cheyenne mountain with weapons
(U.S citizens in Colorado near Cheyenne mountain have been in Panic over seeing so much Mexicans in the area and word spread that the cartels had taken over Cheyenne mountains

>WHAT’S HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES); With USSF and military contract agency STARLINK ( MUSK is a military contractor placed by Ezra, Patel Trump White HATS)/// > have all been helping operations against the Cartels along the border and the Mexican army> operations that have silently started TRUMPS MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST THE CARTELS ( inside CIA operations/who created the drug and trade and facilitated world wide drug cartel ops.). With the help of the U.S. military training Mexican nationals the past 3 years and now have been sent back ( continuing ) to fight the Mexican corruption ( CIA. Controlled Mexico system) …
NOW MAJOR ARRESTS are happening in Mexico and a long the border. Mos of the arrests aren’t reported, but the arrest of the cartel leaders near Texas border has hit the news cycles as Mexico’s most wanted kingpins Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and Joaquín Guzmán arguably the world’s most powerful drug-trafficking organisation: the Sinaloa cartel were apprehended.
> MILITARY sats. ( USSF) /STARLINK have been tracking most of the Mexican cartels digital foot prints and locations. With the help of insiders and trained Mexican military and police the Sinaloa leaders were tricked into military operations and arrests
( What you are reading in the news is fabrication of the arrest . Mexico didn’t want to claim responsibility for the ops. That would lead to retaliation against the government by the cartels. )

So far the operations have captured Hector Alejandro Apodaca-Alvarez, 53, of Somerton, Arizona; Mark Anthony Roque Bustamante, 33, of Yuma, Arizona; Jorge Moreno, 28, of San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico; Jonathan Nicholas Chavez, 25, of Brawley, California; Luis Tejada Velasquez, 37, of San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico; Austin Toma Grupee, 43, of Providence, Rhode Island; and Jose Chavez Zaragoza, 38, of Yuma, Arizona,

Especially important is the capture and operation that took down Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and Joaquín Guzmán Lopez

El Mayo is expected to be transferred to New York City.
Behind the scenes>); Trumps Military operations have already gone after the cartels ( operation increasing)
. In 2025_26 it’s being PLANned that cartel leaders WILL give full deposition on Mexican cartels controlling parts of the DNC and blackmailing DNC & RINOS in several states as Arizona. New Mexico. Texas. California . NYC. Chicago. Florida and much more.

BEHIND THE SCENES>); A Massive Mexican revolution WILL OCCUR> after the blackouts. _EVENTS_EVENTS MEXICAN EVENTS_ U.S. EVENTS

The soldiers being trained in the U.S. near Cheyenne mnt. Are going to move the Mexican nationality to a massive MASSIVE REVOLUTION…. And the people of Mexico WILL Unite to take down the FULL MEXICAN CARTEL OPERATIONS AND RID THEIR COUNTRY OF CIA CONTROL AND CCP CORRUPTION

Trump will leave no choice for Mexico, but to clean their country of all corruption… And they must do this in order to join the United States new financial system
Military of the only way.

It had to be this way.


For lightening the mood, we have a 2.5 minute video with Gareth Icke I think you’ll like. The message is, they can’t just switch out the CONVID hoax for Monkeypox. It won’t work. In fact, it will backfire. Brilliant.

There is much more I would like to have squeezed in today but it will have to wait. Every day is a challenge to bring you the most important information with the biggest punch. I should just draw topics from a hat.

Thanks everyone for the support, the shares, for the material in the Starship Earth Telegram chat, and for just being the special souls you are.

Back soon.  ~ BP

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