Mass murderer and Peruvian crime boss brought to justice: Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policy flaws – Survive the News

On August 15, 2024, Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, a dangerous Peruvian criminal accused of committing at least 23 murders in his home country, was arrested in New York in a joint operation between the United States and Peruvian security forces. This man, identified as one of the most ruthless criminals of recent times, led the criminal organization «Los Killers de Ventanilla», responsible for a wave of violence that terrorized several regions of Peru.

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Gianfranco Torres-Navarro is a Peruvian criminal associated with the gang «Los Killers de Ventanilla», a criminal organization operating in the Ventanilla region of Callao, Peru. His name has been linked to numerous violent crimes, including murder, drug trafficking and extortion. Torres-Navarro has built a reputation as a ruthless killer and criminal leader who did not hesitate to use violence to maintain territorial control and eliminate his rivals.

«Los Killers de Ventanilla» operated with a well-defined hierarchical structure and strict internal discipline. Gianfranco Torres-Navarro personally supervised many of the most important operations, ensuring that they were carried out accurately and without leaving a trace.

The gang specialized in extorting businessmen and traders, particularly in the construction sector in Callao. Those who did not meet their demands were targeted for contract killings, executed with a brutality that served as a warning to other potential targets.

Torres-Navarro’s most notorious crimes include the assassinations of community leaders and rivals who opposed his criminal activities. He is credited with at least 23 murders in Peru, many of which were carried out with extreme violence as part of a strategy to consolidate his organization’s power in Ventanilla and the surrounding area.

Ironically, the hitman has a large following on the social media platform TikTok, where he has showcased his lavish lifestyle, including designer clothes, resort vacations and targeted shooting at a shooting range.

Mishelle Sol Ivanna Ortiz Ubillús, Torres-Navarro’s 30-year-old girlfriend, played a crucial role in the structure of «Los Killers de Ventanilla.» She was responsible for the organization’s logistics, coordinating not only the collection of illegal money from extortion, but also the planning and execution of attacks against those who dared to challenge the gang. In addition, Ortiz Ubillús had a criminal record for several offenses, including intentional injury, sexual harassment and psychological violence, which underlined her criminal profile within the organization.

Peruvian police and U.S. security services began tracking Gianfranco Torres-Navarro in 2022 after several of his accomplices were captured and provided key information. Torres-Navarro, aware of the mounting pressure, decided to flee to the United States, where he settled in New York under a false identity.

The arrest of Gianfranco Torres-Navarro was the result of a meticulous intelligence operation and international cooperation. For more than two years, authorities followed his movements until they found a specific address in Manhattan where he lived with his girlfriend, Mishelle Sol Ivanna Ortiz Ubillús.

The arrest took place in the early hours of August 15, 2024, when a team of federal agents, working with the FBI and Peruvian police, stormed Torres-Navarro’s luxurious Manhattan apartment. The operation was swift and efficient; Torres-Navarro tried to resist, but was subdued by the agents. Mishelle Sol Ivanna Ortiz Ubillús was also arrested at the scene without resistance.

In the apartment, authorities found forged documents, firearms and a large amount of cash, indicating that Torres-Navarro could have fled at any moment. In addition, electronic devices were seized, which are being analyzed to obtain more information about the activities of the gang and their accomplices.

“He is an extremely dangerous criminal who believed himself untouchable and is responsible for 23 murders, including those of other gang leaders who died along with their families. All this to strengthen his criminal leadership,” Moreno said after his arrest.

The arrest of Gianfranco Torres-Navarro is a major blow to organized crime in both Peru and the United States. He is currently being held in a federal detention center near Buffalo, awaiting an immigration hearing, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Peruvian authorities have already requested his extradition to face charges in his country, where the families of his victims are awaiting justice.

“Gianfranco Torres Navarro poses a grave threat to our communities and we will not allow New York to become a safe haven for dangerous non-citizens,” said Thomas Brophy, director of removal operations for ICE’s Buffalo office.

Despite the capture of its leader, the structure of «Los Killers de Ventanilla» remains active and could try to reorganize under new leadership. The Peruvian authorities are working intensively to completely dismantle this criminal network, although the task will be difficult.

What authorities say about this arrest:
«Gianfranco Torres Navarro poses a great threat to our communities.

This is Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, a gang leader from Peru. He killed 23 people.

He was just found in New York.

Biden-Harris let him in.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 15, 2024

“The arrest of Torres-Navarro is a crucial step in our fight against the criminal gangs that threaten security and stability in Peru. We appreciate the collaboration with the U.S. authorities to bring this dangerous criminal to justice,” General José Rodríguez said at a news conference at Peruvian National Police headquarters in Lima. The news conference was reported by local media and documented in Peruvian news reports on the case.

“This arrest is fundamental in confronting the impunity that criminal organizations have enjoyed in Peru. Torres-Navarro is responsible for a wave of violence and his arrest will bring hope to the victims and their families,” Attorney General Ana María Rodríguez said at a press conference organized by the Office of the Attorney General of Peru. The conference was covered by several media outlets, including Infobae and other Peruvian news portals.

“The Biden-Harris flexible policy allows criminals like this to easily enter the United States, despite their criminal records. This is Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, a gang leader from Peru. He’s killed 23 people. We just found him in New York.”

The story of Gianfranco Torres-Navarro and «Los Killers de Ventanilla» highlights the challenges that authorities face in the fight against organized crime. However, one reasoning that readers should consider is the curious timing: it is often at the end of a presidential term when the arrest of hitmen and drug traffickers is completed. By pointing this out, a mental seed is planted for the reader to investigate these events and draw their own conclusions. Later, the audience attributes these actions to the government in power, which seems more like an electoral strategy.

Peru, a country marked by violence and criminality, finds a glimmer of hope in this arrest. However, much work remains to be done to ensure that organizations such as «Los Killers de Ventanilla» do not continue to operate with impunity. Justice must prevail and the victims deserve every effort to make these criminals pay for their crimes.

Joana Campos

Joana Campos is an old and editor with more than 10 years of experience in the implementation of international projects, attention to the welfare and social impact. The actual management of JC Editorial has coordinated the publication and distribution of international auto-reconocidos and the logistics of national cash flows. People, as general administrator and integrated physician, manage the clinic and generate general projects in various areas. Previously, the company started as a company, mainly in criminal law and business. Joana has a license at Derecho at the Universidad de Guadalajara.

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The post Gianfranco Torres-Navarro Arrest: Peruvian Mass Murderer and Crime Boss Brought to Justice Highlights the Shortcomings of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Immigration Policy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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