Keir Starmer cracks down on free speech as Britons fight back

Last updated on August 5, 2024

Keir Starmer, the newly installed Labour Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has vowed to crack down on free speech, including online speech, as Britons take to the streets en masse to protest the Third World invasion of their homeland. The protests, which have spread across the country, follow the murder of three British girls by an African anchorite in a terrorist attack that left ten others injured in the latest such attack on the British people.

Historically, mass protests have gripped the UK, spreading across the country in recent days following the deadly third world terrorist attack on a Taylor Swift dance class for little girls in Southport. In response to British citizens protesting against widespread migrant crime in the third world, the Starmer government has vowed to crack down on free speech it deems “racist” and “Islamophobic,” targeting both physical protesters and those making comments online.

As the protests spread, violence broke out, with Muslim crowds taking to the streets as “counter-protesters,” arming themselves with illegal machetes and other knives.

The Starmer government and their friends in Europe and the West have been quick to condemn pro-British protesters as “far-right” extremists, but refuse to acknowledge their own role in bringing about a clash of civilisations on the streets of their own country – something many believed was their aim all along.

“We will have a standing army of specialist officers, public service officers, so that we have enough officers to deal with this where we need them,” Starmer told reporters after a meeting with government officials on Monday.

“We will intensify the criminal justice system,” he continued. “Hundreds of arrests have already been made. Some appeared in court this morning. I have asked that consideration be given as soon as possible to name and identify those involved in the process, so that they will feel the full force of the law.”

“And thirdly, I have been absolutely clear that criminal law applies online as well as offline. And I am assured that that is the approach that is being taken,” Starmer said.

It is astonishing that Starmer nowhere in his statements promises to prosecute Muslim rape gangs and marauding criminals from the Third World to the full extent of the law. Yet video footage emerges of self-proclaimed Muslim patrols storming British neighbourhoods and pubs, looking for indigenous people to attack.

Listen to Keir Stamer’s full comments below:

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