First date

1723933375696288s.jpg He’s a well-established, smooth-talking guy with gun collections, but I’m concerned that you can tell he’s been with a lot of women by the way he approaches me, suggesting he has an aggressive history with fights and a low-key mafia vibe. I’m more conservative and have never been on a date before, and wanted to know how to tell if someone just wants to fuck.

In his third text message to me he already talked about kissing and indicated that he wouldn’t want to be with a woman who doesn’t like to cook.

I like his archetype, but I know his type is a little denser, and I don’t have premarital sex. Should I bring this up before the date? I don’t know how to tell him, but I also don’t want him to feel like I’m taking advantage of the dinner. What are some red flags that he wants to pump up and dump, and how do I make sure I don’t get raped?

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