The Malawi University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with Michigan State University and other Malawian universities, are implementing a project called Transforming Higher Education Systems (THES) to ensure gender equality and social inclusion. Therefore, MUST offers various forms of support to students with different forms of disabilities, such as mobility. Our commitment to advancing the human rights of people with disabilities is enshrined in the Gender and Anti-Sexual Harassment (GASH) policy.

Our students are placed on the Medical Aid Society of Malawi (MASM) medical program. The program covers students for all medical conditions.

Our facilities are accessible to disabled people. This includes the hostels, lecture halls, offices and the library. These have lifts or ramps to allow wheelchair users to move around.

MUST is a pioneer in the design and manufacturing of prosthetics and orthoses. Currently, the first phase of curriculum development of the Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O) program has been completed. In addition, we have other aids for people with temporary or permanent disabilities. Students can also access a number of aids through the medical program.

MUST students have the opportunity to apply for a public loan from the Higher Education Students’ Loans and Grants Board (HESLGB). HESLGB lends Carter for both tuition fees and grants. In addition, MUST has an Endowment Fund for other needy students. In addition, MUST, through the THES project, sets up systems to ensure that minority groups such as students with disabilities, students from extremely poor backgrounds and other vulnerable groups receive financial and other support to complete their studies with ease.

MUST, working with UNICEF, has so far formulated and is implementing a policy based on the UN requirements for prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. The policy includes strategies for reporting, investigating and punishing perpetrators of sexual exploitation and abuse and has also established mechanisms for physical, psychological, financial and medical support for survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation. Training and awareness of stakeholders on sexual exploitation and abuse has also been emphasized in the policy.

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