UK Pride charity founder arrested on 37 child sex abuse charges

Once again, the founder of a Pride organization has been arrested on suspicion of child abuse, proving once again that it is okay to be suspicious when LGBT activists target children and gender ideology.

Stephen Ireland, the 40-year-old founder and former director of LGBT activist organization Pride in Surrey, has been arrested on a total of 37 charges relating to child sexual abuse. Ireland is a staunch advocate of child indoctrination in gender ideology and was a patron of an organization called Educate And Celebrate. The organization ran Pride workshops for primary and secondary school students, including “How to Break the Binary and Be Gender Inclusive.”

In 2022, trans activist Jordan Gray, another patron of Educate And Celebrate, received almost 1,500 complaints after the performer stripped naked during a live Channel 4 show before appearing to play a piano with his penis. The comedian had previously described going into schools on behalf of the charity to “talk about gender”, adding that “toddlers actually get it straight away”.

In addition to Stephen Ireland, David Sutton, 26, a former volunteer at Pride in Surrey, was also charged. Surrey is a ceremonial county just south of London in the United Kingdom that was once Conservative but has recently become a target of far-left political groups.

The charges against Ireland (pictured below) and Sutton are serious, including six counts of conspiracy to sexually abuse a child, conspiracy to abduct a child, voyeurism and arranging to commit a child sex offence. Ireland also faces a further 22 charges, including rape of a child under 13, sexual assault, making indecent photographs of children and possession of extreme pornographic images. Sutton is also charged with seven additional offences, including making and distributing indecent photographs of children.

Ireland’s arrest is part of a trend over the past year that has seen LGBT activist groups and charities exposed as havens for paedophiles.

Last November, LGBT activist/journalist Slade Sohmer, former editor-in-chief of CNN’s now-defunct BEME video-sharing app and editor-in-chief of the left-wing video-driven news site The Recount, was arrested on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography. His phone messages obtained by police also indicated a possible conspiracy to rape a minor.

Sohmer had long been involved with a nonprofit called Camp Power, a summer camp for underprivileged children that Sohmer co-directed. In a 2019 podcast, Sohmer discussed his 10 years as a co-organizer of Camp Power and his involvement as a camp counselor during his college years, working with children in grades 5 through 11. He states that the event was “the best week of my year every year.”

In British Columbia, Sean Edward Leonard Gravells, president of the North Peace Pride Society, was arrested on suspicion of sexual interference, sexual exploitation, possession of child pornography and importing or distributing child pornography.

In addition to the revelations of recent months, the list of prominent LGBT activists being arrested for child abuse continues to grow, and the worst perpetrators are usually those operating behind the curtain of charities and community organizations. With the political protection afforded by left-wing governments, any investigation or criticism of these groups is labeled as “intolerance” and “hate speech.” With immunity from scrutiny, these predators are able to commit untold abuses before they are finally caught.


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