Decreasing incidences of criminal activities linked to clans or gangs

– There has been a slight decrease in criminal activities related to clans.

In the Lower Saxony region, a slight decrease can be seen in the number of violations that structured criminal activity. The year before, there were 3,610 such incidents, as opposed to the 3,986 reported in 2022, according to the public statement of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice. In 2021, they recorded 2,841 events of structured criminal activity.

“Intensive cooperation between police and justice system is effective and shows that we are on the right track,” said Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD). “Our position is unequivocal: the justice system will not be jeopardized – neither by members of criminal syndicates nor by anyone else,” continued Justice Minister Kathrin Wahlmann (SPD).

Structured criminal activity accounts for less than 1% of total documented crimes, but poses significant challenges for law enforcement. According to the report, violent crimes and violations of personal liberty account for almost a third of all cases, with 1,110 such incidents. The largest share of these violent crimes, 631 cases, involved bodily harm.

Despite the decline in structured criminal activity, a notable incident of murder was reported in the region last year. The horrific incident served as a stark reminder of the continuing threat of crime, even with the decline in organized criminal activity.

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