
Welby has taken the position of the radical progressive left that shapes our institution and controls our institutions. Commenting on the riots in The Guardian on Monday, he said: ‘Let me now say clearly to Christians that they should not associate with any far-right group — because those groups are un-Christian.’ This parroting of the establishment narrative shows how far this Christian leader has been co-opted by the powers that be.

Who are these far-right groups? They don’t exist, they are a figment of the establishment’s imagination. The only group ever mentioned is the English Defence League, which has been defunct for ten years. Instead of speaking Biblical truth to gain power, the Archbishop has acted as a mouthpiece for the elites.

Welby has joined in the lazy demonisation of the white working class normally used by the woke left. For the woke left, anything that is not left wing is hard right wing. There is little talk of those who disagree that they are centre right wing, or even right wing, it is always hard right wing, if not fascist.

Welby has spoken for the establishment rather than offering a sober reflection on the Word of God to a hurting people. No attempt has been made to seriously examine the motivations of the rioters and those who did not riot but understood their reasons.

The fear of unlimited immigration, both legal and illegal, the blatant evidence of a two-tiered police and justice system, and a media that reports with blinders on all of these things breed resentment. People instinctively want things to be fair, and resentment boils over when there is injustice.

Condemnation without understanding helps no one and makes matters worse. Harsh punishment and severe punishment may calm things down for the moment, but if no attempt is made to address the issues that caused the riots, then the next time will be even worse. There will be a next time, as Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Riot is the language of the unheard.”

Welby believes that these criminal acts, and they are criminal and should be punished, are “underpinned by hate and violence,” they should not be “dignified” with the “cherished” word, protest. The riots were “exploded by lies and fueled by deliberate misinformation, quickly spread online by bad actors with malicious motives.”

When police and media described the suspect in the Southport murders as a ‘Welshman’ and it emerged that he had once lived in Wales but his family was from Rwanda, confidence in the Muslim media and police plummeted even further.

When the police and the media fail to provide information, it is no surprise that people fill in the blanks themselves, sometimes incorrectly. The establishment is reluctant to use the word ‘Islam’ and sometimes even ‘Islamist’ in the midst of terror-related scandals. If there is anti-Muslim sentiment in the UK, much of it is due to the establishment’s automatic defence and support of Islam. It only makes people suspicious.

Although an archbishop, the only biblical source Welby referred to was his use of the story of the Good Samaritan. The archbishop told the story of: ‘an imam in Liverpool who took food to a small group of far-right rioters.’

This is the kind of imagery that Guardianistas like, but would do little to impress white working-class men and women across Britain who are rightly angry at the hundreds and hundreds of white working-class girls, some of them barely in their teens, who have been systematically raped and humiliated by predominantly Muslim rape gangs. It would take more than a sandwich to calm the anger at the betrayal and sacrifice of their children by police, social workers and politicians who feared being labelled racist or anti-Muslim.

As far as many are concerned, the establishment is supporting the wrong group. It is surely the job of a church leader to defend Christian culture in the face of attack and oppression. Instead, Welby has shown himself to have swallowed the left’s narrative without question.

It is the radical progressive left who espouse anti-Christian principles and put them into practice. Their actions show that they are anti-sexual morality, anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-personal responsibility, anti-freedom of speech. They are also pro-Muslim, which, when we look at Muslim majority countries and their treatment of Christian minorities, is anti-Christian. It is their position that Welby has taken without any attempt to provide a demonstrably biblical critique of the riots.

I may be criticized for publicly opposing a Christian leader. Normally I would never do this, but Welby has made public statements and the response must be public.


By Campbell Campbell-Jack

August 19, 2024

The Right Reverend and Most Honourable Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, is undoubtedly a kind-hearted, kind and well-meaning man. One can even feel sorry for him that he has been left with the almost impossible task of holding together an increasingly divided Anglican Communion.

However, it is in his primary responsibility, which is far beyond denominational concerns, that we see him fail miserably. It is the job of a Christian leader, at whatever level, to help his people understand the Christian path in life, to help them know how a Christian should respond when difficult decisions must be made. This requires a deep understanding of Scripture and how it applies to daily living, and a deep understanding of and compassion for his people.

In his interventions in the recent riots in the UK, particularly in England, the leader of the Church of England gives no indication that he understands why the riots have occurred or has any sympathy for England’s increasingly resentful white working class. His leadership is political, not spiritual, and has only served to deepen the divide between the church and England’s working class and the underclass who inhabit the poorest areas of our cities.

As the eye sees it
Monday, August 19, 2024
Thursday, September 19, 2024

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