Mexican president describes judiciary as kidnapped power

“The judiciary is a power that has been taken away, kidnapped, at the service of a predatory minority, of a mafia, not only of organized crime, but fundamentally a mafia of potentates,” the president said at the National Palace during his regular morning press conference.

According to the head of state, “before (businessmen and leaders) had their deputies and senators in the legislature and now that is no longer the case, because the majority are representatives of the people and they want to keep their representatives in the judiciary.”

“(…) now that the judiciary has decided to go on strike, the majority of Mexicans will not care,” López Obrador said, referring to the strike announced by the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Judicial Branch, which will begin on Wednesday, as a result of a reform promoted by the executive branch.

According to the government, the reform aims to put an end to the corruption and influence that prevail within the autonomous power and that have made possible the release of criminals. Surveys show that the majority of citizens agree with this complaint.


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