Former Jinja RCC deputy convicts parents for aiding sexual exploitation of children and school dropouts

Henry Kitambula, the former deputy residential town commissioner of Jinja. Photo courtesy of

Former Jinja Deputy City Commissioner Henry Kitambula has expressed concern over the increasing number of girls dropping out of school due to early pregnancy or childbirth, affecting their development and future prospects.

According to Kitambula, this is mainly due to the ignorance and negligence of parents who marry and impregnate their young daughters at a young age instead of paying the school fees themselves so that they can receive an education.

He made these statements on August 21, 2024 during a parents’ evening at Jinja Secondary School. He accused parents who are dealing with pedophiles who give them small amounts of money after raping and sexually harassing their children, of being the reason for the increase in early pregnancy among girls and school dropouts in Jinja district.

”It is so funny and very stupid for parents to accept small amounts of money or other gifts from these pedophiles who rape and degrade their girls. These evil people not only degrade the dignity of these girls but also infect them with HIV/AIDS and STDs. So stop accepting money from these offenders and instead report them to the authorities,” Kitabula said.

He called on all authorities to arrest all parents who receive such small amounts of money from these criminals as they are the reason why the number of girls dropping out of school and getting pregnant has increased, which is affecting the future of girls in Jinja district.

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