According to academics, deporting 14,000 migrants is not enough to solve the problem

Pollster and academic Matthew Goodwin has called on the Home Secretary to be “honest with the British people” about the level of immigration.

Cooper gave parliament an update on the latest developments surrounding Labour’s announced tough measures, promising to take “strong and clear steps to improve our border security” with the creation of a new Border Security Command.

Cooper told MPs: “Our new Border Security Command will work with European enforcement agencies to find every possible way to defeat the criminal smuggling gangs who organise dangerous boat crossings that undermine our border security and put lives at risk.

“And by increasing enforcement capacity and revenues, we create a system that is better monitored and managed, instead of the chaos that has plagued the system for far too long.”

Matt Goodwin

Matt Goodwin urged Labour to be ‘honest’ with Britons about the true scale of the UK’s migration problem

GB News

Goodwin responded to the action in GB News, claiming that more riots would break out if politicians were not “honest with the people”.

Speaking to presenter Michelle Dewberry, Goodwin said: “If I could have one conversation with Yvette Cooper, this is what I would say – apart from ‘don’t do interviews with your husband on mainstream television’.

“I would say start being honest with the British people, because we know that 14,000 removals is nowhere near the problem that this country is facing. Start being honest with the British people about the scale of this problem.”

Goodwin went on to criticise Labour, saying: “Suppose you’re about to give amnesty to 50,000 to 60,000 people in the country. Suppose we don’t have a serious deterrent. Suppose 14,000 isn’t even the tip of the iceberg.

Yvette Kuiper

The Home Secretary has promised that a new Border Security Command will establish a ‘better policed ​​system’

Parliament TV

“Just be honest with people, because I’ve been watching this for 20 years. Politician after politician has lied and misled – within the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.”


Goodwin pointed to the recent riots in the UK, which were partly sparked by the issue of migration across the country, and warned that there would be “more riots” if Labour did not address the growing numbers.

Goodwin told GB News: “Someone in this country has got to be honest with the British people about immigration. They’ve got to be honest. And they’ve got to say, look, this is what it’s going to take to solve this problem. Because if they don’t, we’re going to have more protests, we’re going to have more riots.

“What we have in this country now is a policy of mass immigration. An extreme policy of mass immigration because it does not reflect the interests of the British people, which is building us into a low wage, low skills economy that relies on cheap migrant labour to keep big business happy.

“And by the way, to keep liberals in London happy, because they like this sense of moral righteousness that comes with saying, I like immigration. I want more of it.”

Matt Goodwin

Matt Goodwin has claimed that Britain’s ‘working class’ will be hit hardest by mass immigration

GB News

Goodwin also warned that Britain’s ‘working class’ would be hit hardest by mass immigration, not the elite.

He explained: “They will be people from outside London and the university cities, and people in those cities where there have been riots and protests in recent weeks. Not just because they have had to deal with mass immigration and economic erosion, but also because they have had to deal with a child grooming scandal there. And they have been told that they are actually racist if they ask questions about it.

“I think that’s completely out of control, I think people in this country need to be treated with respect by their political leaders. The remarkable thing about Britain, I don’t think anyone knows – it’s not a criminal offence to employ illegal migrants. That’s something we can do right now.

“You can get a fine for it, but it’s not technically a criminal offense at the moment. We’re just a soft touch. I mean, the whole system is absolutely ridiculous.”

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