Mid-year Report 2024 | Regional Refugee Response Plan for the situation in Ukraine – Ukraine



The war in Ukraine is the fastest growing and largest displacement crisis in Europe since World War II, leading to a large-scale regional refugee response. The Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) for the situation in Ukraine for 2024 outlines the multi-sectoral response strategy of inter-agency partners supporting the host governments of Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia in providing assistance and protection to refugees from Ukraine.

The 2024 RRP aims to provide practical and specialised support from partners to host countries through four pillars. These include ensuring that refugees have access to legal status and rights, providing targeted assistance to refugees with specific needs and vulnerabilities, enhancing self-reliance and socio-economic inclusion of refugees, and promoting social cohesion between refugee and host communities.

These four strategic objectives identify a number of overarching priorities, including mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS); age, gender and diversity considerations; inclusion of people with disabilities; accountability to those affected; protection from sexual exploitation and abuse; localisation; public ownership and maintaining emergency capacity.

This biannual report, covering January-June 2024, documents progress and achievements against strategic objectives and identifies gaps and underfunding implications. It also includes advocacy messages targeting government, donors and other key stakeholders. It is accompanied by regional and country reporting on funding levels and output indicators.

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