How Trump and the GOP Should Understand Kamala’s Border Bluff – DNyuz

There are two simple truths here. First, the Biden-Harris administration has allowed more dangerous people, including known terrorists, to cross our border and be released into the country than ever before. Second, Kamala Harris was appointed as Vice President to be the liaison across the border. Now that the President is effectively incapacitated, she is calling the shots.

Donald Trump and Republicans need to connect these two points relentlessly without distractions. Harris recently promised to be tough on the border. Since she is currently in charge, Republicans should call her bluff.

It is now time to resume the session and have Trump deliver a speech on the steps of the Capitol, expressing his support for an effort to end the detection and release of criminal aliens.

Republicans must come together again, just as Democrats are enjoying the glowing coverage of their convention, and ensure that the national conversation focuses on the invasion of terrorists, murderers, rapists, drug traffickers and dangerous gangs like the Tren de Aragua in Venezuela.

In the past few days, the House Judiciary Committee released a report showing that the Biden-Harris administration has released 99 known illegal aliens on the terrorist watch list. Most bad actors crossing the border don’t have a known profile, so it’s nothing short of astonishing to catch and release 99 people on a terrorist watch list. How many voters are even aware of this?

Where are they now?

The actual number of terrorists captured and released is likely much higher. The report shows that among the tens of thousands of Border Patrol encounters with illegal aliens from dangerous countries, there were 2,134 Afghan nationals; 33,347 Chinese nationals; 541 Iranian nationals; 520 Syrian nationals; 3,104 Uzbek nationals; 1,260 illegal aliens from Russia; 752 from Kyrgyzstan; 734 from Pakistan; 704 from Somalia; 433 from Kazakhstan; 123 from Yemen; and 62 from Lebanon.

We don’t have to speculate about the whereabouts of the special interest aliens, because even those caught attacking America have been released on bail.

Hasan Yousef Hamdan, one of two Jordanians arrested on May 3 for trying to crash into the barrier at Marine Corps Base Quantico, was reportedly on the terrorist watch list but was released on just $15,000 bail. Hamdan was apprehended just three weeks earlier near the California-Mexico border and was released under the Biden-Harris policy.

In addition, the House Judiciary Committee report identified four individuals on the terrorist watch list who were granted asylum. Many terrorists from the Middle East, who are involved in sectarian civil wars, are now seeking asylum from rival terrorist groups.

Others, like the thousands from Uzbekistan, are being suppressed by their home governments precisely because they are so radical. The United States has become a dumping ground for terrorists too extreme even for Muslim governments. That’s why three of the eight Tajik nationals with suspected ties to ISIS who arrived via Biden’s amnesty app have been released. Tajikistan is another country where the government is “persecuting” radical Islam.

Asif Merchant, a Pakistani national accused of being an Iranian spy tasked with assassinating Trump, was also on the terror watch list. Shockingly, officials granted him “substantial public parole” when he flew into a Houston airport on April 13. If he was allowed into the country, imagine how many less obvious terrorists have flown in by the thousands. Bizarrely, Trump himself has not focused much on the case.

Republicans will never find an issue that is more important and that they can sell to the public so easily.

In addition to terrorists, the city also welcomes numerous sex offenders. Papa Diop, a Senegalese citizen released by the government last year, is accused of raping a woman on a Bronx park bench. David Davon-Bonilla, a Nicaraguan who lived off taxpayers at a La Quinta Hotel on Third Avenue in Brooklyn, was accused of brutally raping a woman in a relatively busy area of ​​New York City after he was released by the Biden-Harris administration in December 2022.

How many more rapists are being housed in these shelters, at a staggering cost of $5 billion, so they can walk around freely and harm Americans?

Cory Alvarez, the Haitian illegal alien who entered the country through the illegal Biden-Harris parole program, was released on just $500 bail after being accused of raping a disabled 15-year-old girl in Massachusetts. So far in August, ICE’s Boston office has arrested a number of despicable criminal aliens, including a Brazilian man accused of attempted murder in his home country, a Mexican national previously deported for rape, a Guatemalan accused of child abuse in Rhode Island, an Ecuadorian accused of rape and kidnapping, a Dominican fentanyl trafficker, and a Colombian gang leader wanted for murder.

The cartels not only control both sides of our border on the ground, but also in the air.

Air Force Gen. Gregory Guillot, commander of U.S. Northern Command, recently testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that more than 1,000 drones, mostly operated by the Sinaloa Cartel, cross our skies every month and that these incursions pose a “growing” threat to national security. Look no further than Israel’s northern border with Hezbollah to imagine the problem of enemies launching drones with impunity.

Force Kamala’s hand

According to a report from the House Judiciary Committee, as many as 420,000 “unaccompanied minors” have been released during the Biden-Harris administration to “sponsors” who are often in the country illegally. More than 140,000 are missing.

Many of these youth, lacking a sense of belonging and purpose, often join gangs like 18th Street, MS-13 and Tren de Aragua. According to the NYPD, hordes of illegal teens are now involved in “wolfpack” robberies and carjackings throughout New York City.

If we don’t address this problem now, we’re going to be dealing with security risks from this invasion for years to come — not just at the border, but in every community. Republicans will never find a more important issue that’s easier to sell to the public. Now is the time to go back into session and have Trump give a speech on the steps of the Capitol supporting an effort to end the capture and release of criminal aliens.

Kamala Harris claims she wants to secure the border. If Republicans send a bill to the Senate that funds the government without catching and releasing criminals, terrorists, child molesters, gangsters, and fentanyl traffickers, will she use her power as de facto president to oppose it?

Republicans complain that the corporate media focuses on trivial issues. What if Republicans returning to session promised, “No border? No budget!”

Every Republican and conservative has loudly proclaimed this election “the most important election of our lifetimes — for real this time.” Well, if that’s the case, we can’t afford to lose. It’s time to make big moves to make sure we win.

The post How Trump and the GOP Should Call Kamala’s Border Bluff appeared first on TheBlaze.

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