Michigan Sheriff at DNC: George Floyd Riots Were "Righteous anger," The opposite happened on January 6

PBS: Sheriff Chris Swanson of Genesee County, Michigan, delivered a speech Thursday on the final night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, a night that looked to the future as Kamala Harris formally accepted her party’s nomination for president.

SHERIFF CHRIS SWANSON: My job is to protect the people, all the people. In 2020, righteous anger spilled onto the streets of Flint, Michigan. One bad decision by either side and blood would have been shed, but that didn’t happen. We put down our riot gear and embraced the community, and instead of hate, we chose hope. On January 6th, the opposite happened. That day was paved with division, deceit, and denigration. Police officers were attacked that day. It could have been stopped. We need a community that embodies what is on all three sides of my squad car: protect, serve, and unite. Kamala Harris is that leader. As District Attorney, Kamala Harris protected us by putting violent criminals and sex offenders behind bars. If I were standing in a courtroom, she would be exactly the tough District Attorney I would want. As Vice President, she served America by keeping us safer, and I can testify firsthand where I come from, crime is down and police funding is up. As President, Kamala Harris will unite our country. She will bring us together because our country needs a leader who will stand up to the cartels and the bullies. Someone who has already taken the oath of office and raised her right hand to stand up for the people. I can tell you that in 2020, we turned a protest into a peaceful movement by walking together. One city, one community, and one country. America, let’s walk. Let’s walk. Let’s walk together and let’s elect Kamala Harris and turn hate into hope once again. Thank you.

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