The nightmare is over – PJ Media

Phil Donahue died this week at the age of 88. He was an early adopter and a strong proponent of the sexual revolution and abortion on demand. Millions of women tuned in every afternoon for decades to hear his hard-left views. They were indoctrinated into liberalism after learning how oppressive their marriages were and how burdensome their children were. My mother watched it after her “stories” were over, and your mother probably did too.

Women would be further radicalized by popular magazines like Cosmopolitan and, for many younger women, Seventeen. Later, Oprah Winfrey took up Donahue’s baton with a more feel-good New Age approach to leftist thought.

Now the Donahue agenda is complete. The most radical feminist candidate ever to run for elected office has secured the Democratic nomination for president.

And the chances of her winning are very slim.

The DNC was a parade of horrors, displaying every form of sin, debauchery, and evil political philosophy invented by mankind all in one room. We have spent the last four days being plagued by shrieking harridans demanding that we reject the values ​​that have made the United States the greatest country in history and replace them with a feminist nightmare.

  • We learned that a Harris-Walz administration would put abortion on demand, for any reason, at the top of their priority list because, according to the Democrats, we’re not killing enough babies in this country. They’re going to squeeze every dead baby they can out of their four years in office if they get to the White House.
  • We have also learned that with their weak foreign policy they will drag us into more wars and conflicts and encourage more terrorist attacks while they deal with all the right wing globalists in Davos.
  • We’re looking at Soviet-style price controls, unbridled socialism and more regulation of businesses.
  • Kamala and co. believe that the economy will just keep going and ignore the sky-high inflation, rising unemployment and the fact that many people can’t buy a house. Therefore, they will only continue to implement the economic policies of Biden and Harris.
  • They will destroy children and families by encouraging mental illnesses like transgenderism and using schools as a vehicle to spread their destructive lies about gender.
  • And speaking of schools, don’t forget that Kamala wants to bring back school busing in the name of equality, while destroying school choice, which essentially results in equality by putting education decisions in the hands of parents. Busing was discussed in a June 2019 Democratic debate when Harris was still in the race. Afterward, her campaign confirmed that she “supports busing as a method of school integration.” And God only knows what they’ll do about homeschooling if they win in November.
  • And of course, the border remains wide open, allowing rapists, child traffickers, fentanyl dealers, and drug cartels to enter the United States with virtually no hindrance.
  • Life supporter and peaceful protesters remain locked up, while violent criminals roam free under the Harris-Walz administration.

I know this is a lot to process. It’s easy to get depressed and give in to despair, feeling like Kamala-Walz is a done deal.

But the battle has only just begun.

It’s time to speak out, get involved, and get involved. First, make sure your voter registration is up to date. Get involved with your county GOP: I guarantee they’re desperate for volunteers to go door to door, drop off mail, and put up yard signs. (As an aside, we also need to win the House and Senate. This isn’t just about the top of the ticket.) If your state allows vote-by-mail, do what you can to promote it. We can’t let the Democrats continue to outdo us on this issue.

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