sexual exploitation | TaungDailyNews


The Warrenton SAPS Social Crime Prevention conducted an awareness campaign at Kealeboga Primary School in Ganspan to address issues faced by young people such as bullying, peer pressure, sexual exploitation and gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF).

The Secretary of the Community Police Forum (CPF) opened the program with prayer and Captain Mogomotsi Lekwene welcomed the guests and introduced them to the teachers and students. A representative of the Department of Social Development explained the purpose of the day.

Keynote speakers included Francis Baard District Junior Commissioner Support Head, Warrenton Junior Station MIC and Warrenton Junior Detective Commander.

Northern Cape Police spokesperson Sergeant Molefi Shemane said the CPF, Women’s Network, Frances Baard District Social Crime Prevention and the Department of Social Development handed out sanitary towels and school supplies to the learners, while the SAPS provincial band entertained the guests and learners.

“The school principal thanked all government departments that contributed to the relief efforts of the children and reiterated that the gifts will make a significant difference to the well-being of the children,” he said..

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